
Clermont, NY Real Estate News

By Jennifer Fivelsdal, Mid Hudson Valley real estate connection
( JFIVE Home Realty LLC | 845-758-6842|162 Deer Run Rd Red Hook NY 12571)
I am sure as a kid you were told not to look directly at the sun and with good reason, it could damage your eyes.  This advice is also true for adults. On the day I took this shot I saw the shining sun and was also captivated by the clouds, this scene was right over one of my favorite spot the Hudson River. Okay I listened to the advice, I took an aim put look the other way. Jennifer Fivelsdal - JFIVE HOMES REALTY LLC - 845-758-6842-  or   Flickr | Facebook | Linked-in |Twitter |subscribe to Blog    Copyright © by Jennifer Fivelsdal, all rights reserved-Speechless Sunday-Don't look directly at the sun!!!
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By Jennifer Fivelsdal, Mid Hudson Valley real estate connection
( JFIVE Home Realty LLC | 845-758-6842|162 Deer Run Rd Red Hook NY 12571)
  I recently chatted with Lisa Platti, co-owner with her husband Brad Renner of Cue-2-Go.  I found out that their business has been around for quite some time, and, actually there are 3 businesses. Brad and Lisa met at a catering service they both worked for and after a bit of match-making attempts by the owner they got married. Since Brad was a graduate of the Culinary Institute of America it was natural for he and Lisa to aspire to own their own food business; this all came to fruition in 1986.  Lisa made a point of telling me they started Renner's Creative Celebrations, Inc. the catering portion of their business in January and what was significant about that was that this time of year is in the dead of winter, so for the first several months very little happened.  Since then they ha...
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By Jennifer Fivelsdal, Mid Hudson Valley real estate connection
( JFIVE Home Realty LLC | 845-758-6842|162 Deer Run Rd Red Hook NY 12571)
 Croquet anyone? A Croquet tournamentwill be held at Clermont State Park on September 18th and 19th.  What is Croquet anyway? Croquet is a lawn game in which the players drive wooden balls through a series of wickets using mallets.  Some have the game dating back to the 1300's, a game played by aristocrats.  So, it is no surprise that the wealthy residents of the Hudson Valley participated in this sport. The tournament at Clermont State Park  will be the 28th  Annual Honoria Livingston McVitty Memorial Croquet Tournament.  Honoria was a descendant of Robert Livingston, a wealthy land owner who was involved with the introduction of the steam ship.  Croquetwas a favorite pastime of the Livingstons and Honoria was a member of the first Croquet Champion Team in Clermont. This 2 day competit...
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By Jennifer Fivelsdal, Mid Hudson Valley real estate connection
( JFIVE Home Realty LLC | 845-758-6842|162 Deer Run Rd Red Hook NY 12571)
If I only knew how to paint this is just the sort of scene I would like to capture on canvas.  Everyday I can truly say there is something that can put a smile on any face. I recently posted about the plant sale, and the Red Hook Library Big Read event at Clermont State Park. Well, ths is a scene from Clermont.  The shot was taken the day of the plant sale, however, when I got home  I could not find the photos on the SD card which made me upset. A couple of days later they were there; therefore it is a real pleasure to share this. Jennifer Fivelsdal - JFIVE HOMES REALTY LLC - 845-758-6842-  or   Flickr | Facebook | Linked-in |Twitter |subscribe to Blog    Copyright © by Jennifer Fivelsdal, all rights reserved-Speechl...
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By Jennifer Fivelsdal, Mid Hudson Valley real estate connection
( JFIVE Home Realty LLC | 845-758-6842|162 Deer Run Rd Red Hook NY 12571)
The Red Hook Library over the last several weeks has been engaged in the Big Read.  The book of choice "The Great Gatsby. On June 13th the last major event before the final reception on June 19th will be the 1920 family day at Clermont State Park. This is expected to be an exciting event and here are some of the activities planned Performance by the Will Smith Jazz Band of period music.  The Red Hook High School Band will also perform. Old fashion games Dance Yo Yo demonstration Tour of the gardens at Clermont Face painting Period Cars Quizzes about the period Photographs And much more. When: June 13th Time: 12:00-4:00 PM Cost: $5 per car DIRECTIONS What a wonderful way to to spend some time with the family this weekend.   Jennifer Fivelsdal - JFIVE HOMES REALTY LLC - 845-758-6842- jenn...
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By Jennifer Fivelsdal, Mid Hudson Valley real estate connection
( JFIVE Home Realty LLC | 845-758-6842|162 Deer Run Rd Red Hook NY 12571)
Plant lovers the annual Hudson Bush Plant Sale snd Exchange is this Saturday June 5th at the Clermont State Park in  Clemont NY, This is an event I have attended, in the past and was rather pleased with the plants I purchased.  I am reminded of this yearly when berries appear on the blueberry bush, one of my first purchase. At the event there will many vendors selling a variety of products although the main focus will be on plants. Some of the offerings at the Hudson Bush Plant Sale and Exchange will be from the Clermont State Park historic garden, and at the wonderful gift shops you will also find special gardening books. Date: June 5th 2010 Time: 10:00 AM-2:00PM Contact: Jane Lehmuller at 518-537-4240 or Joshua Hauck-Whealton at 518-537-6622 or email us at  Early Buyer ...
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By Jennifer Fivelsdal, Mid Hudson Valley real estate connection
( JFIVE Home Realty LLC | 845-758-6842|162 Deer Run Rd Red Hook NY 12571)
Chancellor's Sheep And Wool Showcase At Clermont  State Park NY The Chancellor's Sheep and Wool Showcase is this Saturday April 24th at the Clermont State Park in  Clermont New York. This a a very popular event, and I had a couple emails inquiring about it because of the blogs I have written in the past.  At the  Chancellor's Sheep and Wool Showcase you will find a variety of vendors, food, music and re-enactments.  It is interesting to watch how fascinated the children are with the sheep and shearing. This is a great family event, I have seen three generations spending the day having fun;  so block out 11:00 AM-3:00 PM for a great day this Saturday. Maps and Directions to Clermont State ParK   JFIVE HOMES REALTY LLC - 845-758-6842-  and     Fl...
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By Jennifer Fivelsdal, Mid Hudson Valley real estate connection
( JFIVE Home Realty LLC | 845-758-6842|162 Deer Run Rd Red Hook NY 12571)
Clermont is, by far, my favorite historic site in the Hudson Valley.  It sits right along the Hudson River so when I visit I have a wonderful view of the river and the Catskill Mountains. This was the home of Robert Livingston who with Robert Fulton was instrumental in the development of the commercial steamboat industry.  It is therefore appropriate that, this being the Quadricentennial celebration of Henry Hudson's trip up the Hudson River, there would be special events held at Clermont State Historic Site to mark the occasion. With that in mind, The Friends of Clermont will host a free lecture series and symposium: October 3, 2009 at 3PM              Feet, Hooves and Rails; Transportation in 19th Century America              Presenter -  J.  Ward Regan October 10, 2009 12:00 Noon - 4...
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By Jennifer Fivelsdal, Mid Hudson Valley real estate connection
( JFIVE Home Realty LLC | 845-758-6842|162 Deer Run Rd Red Hook NY 12571)
   If you live in the Hudson Valley and have never visited Clermont State Park you are missing much.  Did you know it is truly one of the few historic sites in the Hudson Valley that is actually located right on the banks of the the Hudson River?  Yes this was the home of Robert Livingston who was instrumental in the introduction of the Steamboat. This Saturday is the annual Hudson Bush Plant Sale And Exchange sponsored by The Friends of Clermont and is attended each year by hundreds of people.   There will be over 30 vendors with a variety of products besides plants.  Last year I purchased a blueberry brush and will probably get another one this year. To get a feel for Clermont take a look at the very informative Friends of Clermont newsletter. Toward the end of the newsletter there i...
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By Jennifer Fivelsdal, Mid Hudson Valley real estate connection
( JFIVE Home Realty LLC | 845-758-6842|162 Deer Run Rd Red Hook NY 12571)
The first major spring event at Clermont State Park hosted by the Friends of Clermont is The Chancellor's Sheep & Wool Showcase. Last year I was in attendance and it was a delight to see so many having a wonderful time.  Even the weather cooperated, and it seem like that will be the case this year. It is often said that a picture is worth a thousand words and with that in mind here are some shots from last year event. WHEN :  Saturday April 25, 2009 TIME:     11:00AM-4:00PM COST:    $8.00 per car DIRECTIONS:  Jennifer Fivelsdal- Associate Broker- Keller Williams Realty Team - 845-758-6842-  and     SEARCH FOR A HOME IN THE MID HUDSON VALLEY  **** Informational only; deemed reliable but is not guaranteed.  
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By Jennifer Fivelsdal, Mid Hudson Valley real estate connection
( JFIVE Home Realty LLC | 845-758-6842|162 Deer Run Rd Red Hook NY 12571)
 It is a pleasure sharing scenes from the Hudson Valley New York Region.  An area you should visit this coming summer there is so much to see and do.   Jennifer Fivelsdal - JFIVE HOMES REALTY LLC - 845-758-6842- or |subscribe to Blog  Copyright © by Jennifer Fivelsdal, all rights reserved  
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By Jennifer Fivelsdal, Mid Hudson Valley real estate connection
( JFIVE Home Realty LLC | 845-758-6842|162 Deer Run Rd Red Hook NY 12571)
  Clermont Real Estate There is so much history in the town of Clermont, this is a picture of the first public school in NY constructed on land donated by the Livingston family.  Parts of Clermont is in the Red Hook School district today. Located in  Southern Columbia County Clermont is just over the Dutchess County Line and is a neighbor of the town of Red Hook. Here is the real estate report for the area from January - September 13th 2008 ACTIVE LISTINGS 18 SOLD 6 AVERAGE LISTING PRICE       $429,558.00 AVERAGE SELLING PRICE       $332,500.00 MEDIAN LISTING PRICE         $379,450.00 MEDIAN SELLING PRICE         $375,000.00 MOST EXPENSIVE LISTING    $975,000.00 MOST EXPENSIVE SALE          $485,000.00 **Data  compiled from information gathered from Columbia County and Northern Dutches...
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By Jennifer Fivelsdal, Mid Hudson Valley real estate connection
( JFIVE Home Realty LLC | 845-758-6842|162 Deer Run Rd Red Hook NY 12571)
    On July 19th for all you bird lovers there will be a guided bird walk at Clermont State Park.  The fee to participate will be $3.00 and it starts promptly at 9:00 AM.  Then at 6:30 PM there will be a live concert featuring a local rock band The Digits. The fee for this event will be a minimal $10.00 per car. Location:                                                                                              Get Directions Here Clermont State Historic Site        One Clermont Avenue       Germantown, NY 12526      Phone - (518) 537-4240        Fax - (518) 537-6240      email -   I have written about the wonderful Hudson Valley Historic Estates.  Just recently I wrote about Montgomery Place which was built by Margaret Livingston Montgomery.  I also wrote about Rhine...
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By Jennifer Fivelsdal, Mid Hudson Valley real estate connection
( JFIVE Home Realty LLC | 845-758-6842|162 Deer Run Rd Red Hook NY 12571)
   If you love gardening this is a must attend event. The Hudson Bush Plant Sale And Exchange is sponsored by The Friends of Clermont and is attended each year by hundreds of garden enthusiasts.  Besides plants there will be garden materials, books and gifts for sale.  Where- Clermont State Park When     June 7th 2008 Time       10:00AM - 2:00PM Sponsor   Friends of Clermont Directions     Jennifer Fivelsdal - JFIVE HOMES REALTY LLC - 845-758-6842- or |subscribe to Blog Copyright © by Jennifer Fivelsdal, all rights reserved-Red  Hook Real Estate Market Report For May 2008            
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By Jennifer Fivelsdal, Mid Hudson Valley real estate connection
( JFIVE Home Realty LLC | 845-758-6842|162 Deer Run Rd Red Hook NY 12571)
Saturday was such a beautiful day, the weather was oh so perfect and many turned out to the sheep and wool showcase.  It was delightful to watch everyone having such a great time.  Instead of telling you about the event I will just go ahead and show you. A  depiction of a trial involving a sheep matter     The sheep were  a big hit with both young and old Spining wheel, weaving machine etc. The sheep and wool showcase on the lawn at Clermont The majestic Hudson River and Catskills Mountains as seen from Clermont The musical entertainment was well received.   So  make Clermont State Park a summer destination this year. Jennifer Fivelsdal - JFIVE HOMES REALTY LLC - 845-758-6842- or |subscribe to Blog Copyright © by Jenn...
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By Jennifer Fivelsdal, Mid Hudson Valley real estate connection
( JFIVE Home Realty LLC | 845-758-6842|162 Deer Run Rd Red Hook NY 12571)
Mark your calendar.  The Chancellor's Sheep and Wool Showcase will be held this year on April 26th, 2008 from 11:00-5:00 PM at the Clermont State Park.This will be a day of fun, music, food, sheep shearing, knitting demonstrations, spinning, dyeing, exhibition of different breeds and much, much moreMost of all you will find yourself in one of the most picturesque settings in the Hudson Valley.  Clermont State Park is on the banks of the Hudson River with a magnificent view of the Catskill Mountains. Here is a peek at the view you will have at Clermont.   Jennifer Fivelsdal - JFIVE HOMES REALTY LLC - 845-758-6842- or |subscribe to Blog Copyright © by Jennifer Fivelsdal, all rights reserved- View Larger Map
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By Jennifer Fivelsdal, Mid Hudson Valley real estate connection
( JFIVE Home Realty LLC | 845-758-6842|162 Deer Run Rd Red Hook NY 12571)
CLERMONT STATE PARK Did you know that this wonderful historic home sits on 500 acres on the banks of the Hudson River? The house is open for tours A romantic place for a wedding You can picnic, hike, or engage in bird watching Friends of Clermont sponsor many events during the year Make this one of your summer destination this year     CLERMONT 2007 REAL ESTATE MARKET REPORT   Clermont is a small community. In 2007 from January to December there were 22 listing and 9 sold.                                                   Listing                             Selling          Square Feet Average                                 $371,068                        $323,211        2281 Medium                                   $362,450                        $355,900        2031 Maximum          ...
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By Jennifer Fivelsdal, Mid Hudson Valley real estate connection
( JFIVE Home Realty LLC | 845-758-6842|162 Deer Run Rd Red Hook NY 12571)
VEIW OF CLERMONT                                                           HUDSON RIVER AND CATSKILLS MOUNTAIN                                                    VIEW OF THE FRONT OF HOUSE   Clermont is the oldest Hudson River Estate in the Mid Hudson Valley.  This was the home of the Livingston family from 1728-1962. The First owner was Robert Livingston, a land aristocrat and statesman.  He was also instrumental in the steam boat venture in the area, partnered with Robert Fulton, and had a successful stream boat run from New York to Albany with "The Steam Boat" The grounds feature beautiful gardens.  One known as the Lilac Walk was planted in 1820 by Edward P. Livingston, who was an officer in the horticultural society of the Hudson valley. Because the Livingston family supported ind...
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