Speechless Sunday-Don't look directly at the sun!!!
By Jennifer Fivelsdal, Mid Hudson Valley real estate connection
( JFIVE Home Realty LLC | 845-758-6842|162 Deer Run Rd Red Hook NY 12571)
I am sure as a kid you were told not to look directly at the sun and with good reason, it could damage your eyes. This advice is also true for adults. On the day I took this shot I saw the shining sun and was also captivated by the clouds, this scene was right over one of my favorite spot the Hudson River. Okay I listened to the advice, I took an aim put look the other way. Jennifer Fivelsdal - JFIVE HOMES REALTY LLC - 845-758-6842- jennifer@jfivehomes.com www.jfivehomes.com or www.midhudsonhomevalue.com Flickr | Facebook | Linked-in |Twitter |subscribe to Blog Copyright © by Jennifer Fivelsdal, all rights reserved-Speechless Sunday-Don't look directly at the sun!!!