Feng Shui the Wealth corner of your Backyard by Laura Cerrano Nassau NY Feng Shui consultant
By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Feng Shui the Wealth corner of your Backyard by Laura Cerrano Nassau NY Feng Shui consultant Looking to the Ba-gua, you will see each section relates to an area in your life. The Ba-gua can be used to layout the interior and exterior of home and yard. For today's session, Laura Cerrano will focus on the Wealth corner of your backyard. The wealth section is located in the furthest back left hand corner of your backyard. Simple ways to enhance the wealth area of your backyard is by adding touches of purple (to accent wealth), items that create movement, sound, and or growth. Feng Shui Ba-gua Items to avoid in that location, heavy rocks (weights down your wealth), dead wood and leaves (no growth), piles of junk, and old cars (wealth rotting away). Yard before cleaning and changes A Fen...