Feng Shui Advice: Give your Front door Personality by Laura Cerrano
By Laura Cerrano, Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher
(Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island)
Feng Shui Advice: Give your Front door Personality by Laura Cerrano While leaving a Queens NY Feng Shui consultation I came across this interesting site. Do you see it? On the door? The person who lives in apartment gave their front door great personalty by adding a mustache. Feng shui 101 says to add either a "welcome" sign or something that is welcoming so the energy is graced into your home and life. So I ask you, what creative ways have you addressed your front door to welcome in the energy? Please share with us all and post in the comment box :) Feng Shui LI *Carole Provenzale was a Certified Feng Shui Consultant who graduated from the Country's very first School for Feng Shui Studies that was licensed and accredited in 1997. She established Feng Shui Long Island along with her D...