
Athens, NY Real Estate News

By Jennifer Fivelsdal, Mid Hudson Valley real estate connection
( JFIVE Home Realty LLC | 845-758-6842|162 Deer Run Rd Red Hook NY 12571)
This is a view  of the Hudson River and the Lighthouse fom Athens NY.  While dining on the shore I saw boats going up and down the river.  I also watched a barge going by.   Behind the lighthouse the Amtrak train went by.  You see on the otherside of that hill is Hudson NY.  There is an Amtrak station there so that train made  a stop minutes after I saw it. Okay this is not happening now, I was just dreaming of summer.
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By Jennifer Fivelsdal, Mid Hudson Valley real estate connection
( JFIVE Home Realty LLC | 845-758-6842|162 Deer Run Rd Red Hook NY 12571)
This is the Albertus Van Loon house located in Greene County in the Town of Athens.  Albertus Van Loon's family was the earliest Dutch Settlers in the area and was instrumental in the growth of the area. This stonehouse is located on NYS Route 385.  As you can see it is very close to the road which is true for most of the stonehouses from the 1700's.  The mode of transportation was horses and the roads came later. The Van Loon House is listed among one of New York State oldest homes.
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By Jennifer Fivelsdal, Mid Hudson Valley real estate connection
( JFIVE Home Realty LLC | 845-758-6842|162 Deer Run Rd Red Hook NY 12571)
I was walking around the streets of Athens NY, a town with many old and interesting buildings.  As I passed by this window this was the display  I saw and I thought here was a great photo opportunity. Please feel free to come up with a title for it.  I said reflection because my brain is taking a rest. Have a great week.    *****Thanks to Geri Sorkin for giving me this title.     Loading...
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By Jennifer Fivelsdal, Mid Hudson Valley real estate connection
( JFIVE Home Realty LLC | 845-758-6842|162 Deer Run Rd Red Hook NY 12571)
If you are familiar with Steven Spielberg's production "The War Of The Worlds" you are already acquainted with scenes from Athens.  This small village is localed along the banks of the Hudson River across from the city of Hudson. If you are looking for a vintage Victorian home with access to the waterfront, this may be the town for you. So sit back and enjoy the show.   The Husdon River and Hudson Athens Lighthouse A GREAT PLACE TO PICNIC, FISH OR JUST WATCH THE BOATS GO BY. ALL SUMMER YOU CAN ENJOY CONCERTS RIGHT HERE. WHAT A VIEW! THE STEWART HOUSE - HOME TO A FINE RESTAURANT, ROOMS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE. THE RIVER GARDEN ENJOY ENJOY A SNACK AND DRINK AT THE BAR ONE OF MANY VICTORIAN ERA HOMES EARLY DUTCH FARMHOUSE - VAN LOON HOUSE OTHER HUDSON VALLEY POSTS  Historic Roundout, Kingston N...
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