
Elko County, NV Real Estate News

By Lottie Kendall, Helping make your real estate dreams a reality
As it is with many people, fall is my favorite season of the year. There's nothing quite like clear blue skies, a nip in the air, and leaves crunching under foot on a nearby trail.This week in San Francisco feels more like summer, which is nice for Fleet Week and the air show, but I do think back to my recent vacation trip to the Pacific Northwest, especially my last days in Elko Nevada, where it definitely felt like autumn. One of my brothers has called Elko home for many years. He and his wife live in a house they built (and I really mean they built) about 10 miles outside of Elko, accessed by several miles of dirt road where no other building is seen from the house. That's the first photo--beautiful, isn't it? Quite a difference from my living in the midst of San Francisco! Two compl...
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Come see 2010 Academy of Western Artists Male Poet of the Year, Ken Cook perform, Diet and Exercise: 28th Annual National Cowboy Poetry Gathering February 1-4, 2012 - Elko NevadaI recently got the privilege of seeing my favorite Cowboy Poet, 2010 Academy of Western Artists Male Poet of the Year, Ken Cook perform one of his newer poems, Diet and Exercise at the Arizona Cowboy Poets Gathering in Prescott, AZ.  He may be performing this one and I’m sure he will share many more of his amazing creations with everyone at the 28th Annual National Cowboy Poetry Gathering, February 1-4, 2012 - Elko Nevada.I thought since the Holidays are quickly approaching and an incredible number of people will be thinking about starting the new year with some Diet and Exercise goals of their own; that I would...
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By Jason LaVanture
Just letting you know that I have been enjoying all of the Virtual Tour Webinars that you are guys are putting out. The Life Lock Webinar was such good information for protecting yourself and your business. Thanks so much for giving your dealers the opportunity to be secure. It seems that identity theft is a way of life. It's good to know that Life Lock has figured out how to help those who have had this problem and how to get a person set up safe and secure so that it doesn’t happen. Thanks again.  The IMAGE virtual tour Webinars are so interesting and informative. Since the Night Shots Image Photo Webinar I have been taking a lot of pictures of my house at night to see what differences are changing the setting without the filters as discussed. I have some interesting photos as you can...
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By Lisa Wetzel, CDPE, SFR
(RE/MAX Realty Affiliates)
I Love Activerain!  I'm Really Hooked ... It's become a Passion!  I'm Also Up to My Ears in Douglas Pop Warner! I miss my AR Friends and miss the AR Interaction!  Worse ... I feel that I'm letting you down by not contributing! Truth is ... I'm flat tired! Youth football in Douglas County, Nevada is a year round job for us, one that my husband, Jim Valentine, and I have enjoyed for over 20 years.  We Love Douglas Pop Warner and We Love These Kids! We started when our twins ... now 29 years old ... were Mitey Mites!  Now we have grandsons and grand-nephews playing! We start our day early selling real estate in Carson Valley, Nevada  and end it usually around 9:00 PM after we close the fields!  We are fundraising, administrating, and overseeing hundreds of kids and adults every day as thes...
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