
Chesterfield Township, NJ Real Estate News

By For Sale By Owner Flat Fee MLS Listing For $395, Save 3-6% Commission
Home for Sale By Owner in Chesterfield, NJ 08515 - Flat Fee MLS Listing $395 521 Chesterfield Arneytown Rd Chesterfield, NJ 08515 - Realtors welcome, buyer agent commission paid at MLS#6148267 7 Beds 5 Baths Custom Designed Built Top of the Line Home 15 acre FARM LAND PRESERVED. Solid Wood Doors. Trim all Oak. Foyer & PowderRm flooring Marble/Granite. Granite Kitchen counters. Jen Air on Center island. Maple Kit Cabinets. Exquisite Large DiningRm W/double entry of French Doors. French Door entrance to Parlor W/Beautiful Field Stone Fireplace & Hearth W/Black Walnut Mantle. Spiral stairs to private Balcony & 2dn Floor Balcony overlooking Parlor. French Door entrance to FamilyRm Full Brick Fireplace Hearth Built in Book Cases. Full Bath on Main Floor Across from 5th BedRm Currently an off...
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By For Sale By Owner Flat Fee MLS Listing For $395, Save 3-6% Commission
Home for Sale By Owner in Chesterfield, NJ 08515 - Flat Fee MLS Listing $395 18 Prescott Rd Chesterfield, NJ 08515 - Realtors welcome, buyer agent commission paid at MLS#6044509 The best of country living on 11.7 ac. in beautiful rural Chesterfield in updated farmhouse with 5 outbuildings originating from 1850s. Possibility of leasing farm land to local farmer for some extra income or farming the property yourself. Property is Q-farm tax assessed. Local farmer cuts grass/hay for owners, for his own use. 1st floor has open plan of LR/GR with fireplace, modern kitchen wt. SS appliances & dining area, plus study, breakfast rm., BR, Bath & heated sun rm; 2nd fl. has large Master bedroom & bath & 2 BR; 3rd floor walk-up attic & storage. Lots of room for hobbies with barn/shop area, finished/...
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By For Sale By Owner Flat Fee MLS Listing For $395, Save 3-6% Commission
Home for Sale By Owner in Chesterfield, NJ 08515 - Flat Fee MLS Listing $395 46 Harker Rd Chesterfield, NJ 08515 - Realtors welcome, buyer agent commission paid at MLS#6044509 The best of country living on 11.7 ac. in beautiful rural Chesterfield in updated farmhouse with 5 outbuildings originating from 1850s. Possibility of leasing farm land to local farmer for some extra income or farming the property yourself. Property is Q-farm tax assessed. Local farmer cuts grass/hay for owners, for his own use. 1st floor has open plan of LR/GR with fireplace, modern kitchen wt. SS appliances & dining area, plus study, breakfast rm., BR, Bath & heated sun rm; 2nd fl. has large Master bedroom & bath & 2 BR; 3rd floor walk-up attic & storage. Lots of room for hobbies with barn/shop area, finished/he...
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By Albert Sodaro
(RE/MAX Tri County)
Monthly Statistics for the Date Range Selected Date Units Listed Listed Average Pended Units Sold Sold Volume Sold Average Average DOM Sep 2008 8 711,062 4 4 1,711,900 427,975 118 Aug 2008 6 434,099 8 3 1,310,975 436,991 22 July 2008 10 498,930 3 5 2,374,537 474,907 55 June 2008 14 419,057 4 4 2,043,020 510,755 88 May 2008 11 486,818 2 5 2,656,238 531,247 89 Apr 2008 11 528,278 8 3 1,262,030 420,676 46 Mar 2008 19 481,560 4 4 1,638,500 409,625 22 Feb 2008 21 535,638 5 6 2,772,843 462,140 21 Jan 2008 11 491,516 3 3 1,060,000 353,333 103                 Totals: 111 505,585 41 37 16,830,043 454,866 61                   Inventory Accumulation for the Last 12 Full Months           Current Inventory * Inventory Volume Current Average Average Monthly Sales** Inventory Accumulation *** 52 29,0...
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By Valerie Archer Belardo, Broker Owner
(REMAX at Home)
  Here is a 1 year Market Statistics  Report for Chesterfield TownshipCall if you would like an updated market analysis of your home.  Market Statistics  Courtesy Of : Valerie Belardo 609-298-4283( Home  Phone) RE/MAX Tri County 609-587-9300 x 420  Monthly Statistics for the Date Range SelectedDateUnits ListedListed VolumeListed AveragePendedUnits SoldSold VolumeSold AverageAverage DOMApr 20080N/AN/A00N/AN/AN/AMar 200873,843,167549,02341372,990372,99012Feb 20082111,429,763544,274652,407,075481,41515Jan 2008115,535,780503,252431,060,000353,333103Dec 200774,504,210643,45842642,000321,00030Nov 200752,093,700418,740341,851,482462,87046Oct 2007189,622,477534,582194,635,292515,03257Sep 200742,233,900558,47562938,070469,03525Aug 2007178,864,880521,4635115,238,099476,19059July 200773,655,026522...
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(Weichert Realtors*)
 Why not build on to the existing school?  We built a new School in Bordedown and my taxes have gone up 15% this year!   Why can't they build additions, like you  would to a home?This article below is from the Bordentown Register news-June 7, 2007  Edition Board shows plans for $35M school By: Stephanie Prokop, Staff Writer 06/07/2007     " CHESTERFIELD-The school board unveiled plans May 30 for a $35 million school that would be located on Steeplechase Way, a street that would be in a new development in Old York Village.   The tract being eyed for the school is known as the Wilkinson Farm.   The school would be constructed if a third referendum passes on Dec. 11. The school would open its doors in September 2010.   This will be the school board's third attempt to gain voter approval to...
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(Weichert Realtors*)
 Why not build on to the existing school?  We built a new School in Bordedown and my taxes have gone up 15% this year!   Why can't they build additions, like you  would to a home?This article below is from the Bordentown Register news-June 7, 2007  Edition Board shows plans for $35M school By: Stephanie Prokop, Staff Writer 06/07/2007      CHESTERFIELD-The school board unveiled plans May 30 for a $35 million school that would be located on Steeplechase Way, a street that would be in a new development in Old York Village.   The tract being eyed for the school is known as the Wilkinson Farm.   The school would be constructed if a third referendum passes on Dec. 11. The school would open its doors in September 2010.   This will be the school board's third attempt to gain voter approval to ...
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By Jay Sichel, Burlington County NJ Real Estate
(Re/Max Tri County)
Lets Continue to make Miracles Happen!     RE/MAX Tri County is preparing to host the 14th Annual Children's Miracle Network Golf Outing on Monday, June 18th, at the Olde York Country Club to benefit Children's Hospital in Philadelphia and New Brunswick.As an office, we had another very successful year.  With your help, not only did we close 1,510 homes in 2006, but we raised over $85,000.00 for the Children's Miracle Network.  Again, we are proud to say our success is not limited to business.  Our Commitment to Children's Miracle Network( CMN ) is an ongoing endeavor that relies on your continued support.   We have for 14 years running been the top fund raising office in the State of New Jersey and several years in the top spot through out the entire Re/Max Industry internationally.Our...
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By Jay Sichel, Burlington County NJ Real Estate
(Re/Max Tri County)
  Monthly Statistics for the Date Range SelectedDateUnits ListedListed VolumeListed AveragePendedUnits SoldSold VolumeSold AverageAverage DOMApr 2007137,757,800596,75311699,900699,90080Mar 2007104,517,000451,700131,422,900474,30090Feb 2007137,507,535577,50202959,489479,744171Jan 200778,839,7001,262,814643,276,875819,21889         Totals:4328,622,035665,6288106,359,164635,916105                   Inventory Accumulation for the Last 12 Full Months          Current Inventory *Inventory VolumeCurrent AverageAverage Monthly Sales**Inventory Accumulation ***6942,693,635618,748323*Current Inventory is based on the actual available properties on the date this report was created.**Average Monthly Sales is the average sales for the last 12 full months***Inventory accumulation (in months) = Curren...
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By Jay Sichel, Burlington County NJ Real Estate
(Re/Max Tri County)
The Township Committee reported on April 12 that an additional $14,478 in state aid will be applied to this year's budget, lowering the municipal tax rate from 4.6 cents to 4.1 cents per every $100 of assessed property value. The Township Committee unanimously passed the budget on April 12. When the municipal budget was first introduced in February, the $3.43 million spending plan for 2007 cut the tax rate almost in half due to the township's revaluation last year which doubled the average assessed value of homes in the township from $212,000 to $462,568.   Under the original budget, $293,350 needed to be raised through taxation, and the local tax rate had been set to drop from 9.9 cents in 2006 to about 4.6 cents per $100 of assessed property value to account for higher home values. Th...
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By Susan A. Steber
(RE/MAX Tri County)
Chesterfield now sends first and second graders to North Hanover Township elementary school due to lack of space in the Chesterfield school.
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By Valerie Archer Belardo, Broker Owner
(REMAX at Home)
  Price: $783,9008 Landview LaneMansfield, NJ  08022Directions: RT 206 to White Pine Rd to N Island to LandviewFor recorded information 24 hours a day call toll free 1-800-552-0427 Ext.44031st Floor                                     2nd FloorKitchen:             14x16                 Master Bedroom:            22x16Dining Room:     15x20                 Second Bedroom:           16x13Living Room:     17x18                 Third Bedroom:               14x12Family Room:    15x24                 Fourth Bedroom:            14x15Breakfast Room: 12x14               Sitting Room:                  11x10Sunroom:             17x10               Balcony OverlookingMorning Room:  11x9 Finished Basement   Valerie Archer Belardo Broker AssociateRE/MAX Tri CountyGolden Crest Corporate Center2275 Sta...
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By Lawrence Yerkes, Broker Associate, Southern New Jersey Real Estate Services
(RE/MAX Preferred)
Here's a few ideas to consider this year to enhance your financial life in 2007 is provided by a local CPA and financial advisor, Frank Coppola:(1) Review your financial goals or objectives; amend those if your situation has changed. If you don't have a plan; start one NOW.(2) Review your current investments; and determine if they still meet your objectives and risk tolerence. How is the performance? Are you getting the service from your broker that you need? Rebalancing and/or change of broker may be warranted.(3) Maximine your retirement savings through your employer provided plans and other opportunities such as IRA's. (4) Start a College Savings Plan, such as a 529 plan for your children, grandchildren, or other loved ones.(5) Check the adequacy of you insurance coverage for life, h...
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Chesterfield Township, NJ Real Estate Professionals