FHA Loans - USDA Loans - VA Loans - Conventional Loans - Which mortgage is best for you?
By Jeff Belonger, The FHA Expert - FHA Loans - FHA mortgages - USDA loans - VA Loans
( Social Media - Infinity Home Mortgage Company, Inc)
What is the best mortgage program for me? When shopping for a mortgage, it can be confusing at times, depending on where you get your information. You should not always base your information on such terms as Expert, Mortgage Expert, FHA Expert, etc, etc. Just because someone says they are an Expert doesn't always mean that they are an expert. There are so many variables to what mortgages are good for a borrower. How does a borrower determine what is good for them? What things should be important? Make sure .... -- you understand your finances first, that you are not forcing yourself into the mortgage payment. Have a comfortable mortgage payment in mind. -- you have some cash reserves after you would go to settlement on your new home. In my opinion, you should always have s...