AUBURN NH Real Estate Market REPORT Aug. 8, 2022
By Scott Godzyk, One of the Manchester NH's area Leading Agents
(Godzyk Real Estate Services)
AUBURN NH remains one of the most desired towns for Buyers. The Real Estate market continues to change this summer with a slow down in sales over all, but Auburn remains strong. Interest rates fell slightly with the sharp drop in new mortgage applications. The amount of new listings coming on the market remained the same as last week. Prices have leveled off in most areas. We are not seeing a reduction in actual market values though, BUT are seeing a great reduction of prices on those homes that were listed over to way over what their value actually was. Over pricing a home is one of the leading causes of a home not selling. Auburn prices remain strong. You as a consumer have a choice. Not all agents are created the same. Experience matters more than ever as the market changes. Knowi...