
Southport, NC Real Estate News

By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
  Well, Today is Friday and it has been a wonderful week.  I have learned much in the way of Blogging and Facebooking.  There has been a lot of positive response from friends and associates from all over.Thanks for all of your help and I truly wish you to have a marvelous weekend...enjoying familyand friends. With warmest regards, Ginger
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
 One of my agents just told me that she was blogging with a friend and one of her friends...friends....saw her site and asked if she was in real estate.  Of course, my agent told her that she was.  They got together and my agent sold them a house.  Wow!  Don't we all wish that it was that easy!  One never knows who is reading what we write.  Suppose we must make our information ans informative as possible.Hope you have a great day and keep on blogging.Ginger of Southport
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
 I asked Lisa to please keep us posted. I have a data base with 4700 names in Top Producer.  I am always afraid to delete people.  I send an email out to all each month about the Stats of the Market.  Then those that do not have an email...about 1000...I send letters to.  In the long run...I am cleaning out bad leads...and tweeking the remaining ones..  It is a monumental task for me.. 
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
Today we are having a bit of rain..again..Yes, the garden is growing well....but so are the weeds.Maybe the veggies can get a head start if we try to iliminate the weeds.The seeds are planted, peas, tomatoes, eggplant,  squash, cucumber  and peppers.  I can not wait to have a fresh tomato Sanswich with fresh white bread slathered with Helmans Mayo.Great eatings a bit late in the summer.Hope your garedn is doing well also.
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
  Today we are having a bit of rain..again..Yes, the garden is growing well....but so are the weeds.Maybe the veggies can get a head start if we try to eliminate the weeds.The seeds are planted, peas, tomatoes, eggplant,  squash, cucumber  and peppers.Great dinners on our table in the near future..  Hope your garden is doing well also.  
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
I just had to share this with you.. I saw it a few years ago and every time I run across it, I makes my heart stop. It is very effective in encouraging you to WEAR YOUR SEAT BELT! A low-budget jewel. Way cool   This is the new "wear your seatbelt" ad the UK is doing - started by some dude not hired to do it, but because the cause is important to him, he came up with this idea, and now it's being hailed across the world as a 'beautiful' commercial. And now the video has gone "viral" - which  means, has become so popular with the general public that people are forwarding it to friends/family on their own so quickly that it has spread all over  the world in a very short time.GO TO:   Share it with others.  I may help in saving lives.. 
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
 Southport is my favorite place to be.  WE have been aorund the world and know..Southport is home and that is where we always want to get back to.Here we are sitting on the Dock in the back yard.  This is Beaver Dam Creek and we catch Crab and a variety of fish off this dock.My favorite fish is Puppy Drum.  Nothing better than to catch a drum, clean it and fry it up for Dinner.  Then fix hushpuppies and Coleslaw, french fries.  Top is off with Lemon Pie and Sweet Tea.
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
 Today has been a glorious day here in the Southport ~ Oak Island area of North Carolina. It is sunny and very breezy with the rain held at bay for the time.  Winds are hicking up to about 31 MPH.  Think we will sit on the dock anyway and watch the sunset.  The sunsets have  been glorious. Vibrant colors of orange, red and  blue.   So amazing that there are never two alike. We enjoyed our family dinner after church with, Baked Chicken, Rice and Gravy, Corn, Peas, Butter bean and rolls along with sweet tea and blueberry cobbler.. Yummy Sunny Day.. 
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
  A great day today. I had a listing appointment yesterday morning and another one yesteday afternoon.  Took one for sure and think that I will get the next one in a day or so..  And guess what!  Got another one this afternoon and another one on Thursday. I am helping to train one of our new agents and we had an appointment to list two houses.  WE will list both of them and when one sells, we will take the other on off the market. Seems like our sellers are wanted to do the right thing and price their property as it should be priced.It's a GREAT DAY at COLDWELL BANKER SEA COAST ADVANTAGE in SOUTHPORT, North Carolina. 
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
  Oh what a glorious day..raining...and cool...and damp.But I am not going to let that dampen my spirits. I know that in May the flowers are going to be beautiful.  I must have a thousand Azaleas and Camellias that will bloom in my yard.It will be pretty in Southport over the next week or so more and many more flowers will  peak in May.  Our Downtown area is getting ready to be in full bloom.  It is worth the drive to come and visit Southport. We are such a lovely village right at the Ocean and the Cape Fear River..
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
 Monday...Had a great weekend..!  Today is another great day. Started out with a clear, sunshiny morning drinking coffee with hubby then off to work.Yesterday, a potential seller called me to come back  to list her property.  So I put a listing into the computer and emailed it out to all of the agents in the area so that would have the first hand information of the property. I think it is important to get the newest listings into the hands of the top producers early in the morning. Never know when that buyer will come through the door..and what you sent to them is exactly what they need.   This may be the one..Hope that you have had a successful selling day too..
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
 Here is a wonderful Fall picture of the Wooden Boat Show that is held in Southport North Carolina once a year.  This is a show where many craftsmen build a wooden boat that is tried and proven in the waters around the area in the Cape Fear River, The Intra-Coastal Waterway or the Atlantic Ocean. Many of the carpenters, have a dream and envision the building of their dream boat.  They have a passion for doing something special that will be one of the most memorable thing that they would ever do.There are so many  wonderful things that happen in this unique fishing village of Southport...We have many movies that have been filmed here and I suspect that many more will be also.To name a few:Crimes of the HeartThe WeddingMatlockI know what you Did Last SummerSummer PitchDawson's CreekSafe H...
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
A great day today. I had a listing appointment yesterday morning and another one yesteday afternoon.  Took one for sure and think that I will get the next one in a day or so..  And guess what!  Got another one this afternoon and another one on Thursday.Seems like our sellers are wanted to do the right thing and price their property as it should be priced.It's a GREAT DAY at COLDWELL BANKER SEA COAST REALTY in SOUTHPORT, North Carolina. 
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
I have been fortunate enough to work face to face with sellers today.  I had listed one of their lots and they were going to take it off the market.  I did some research for them and suggested that they leave that lot on the market...because it can't sell if no one knows it is for sale..They then asked to see if I would list one of their other lots.  They are excited to sell and we priced it at the lowest price in the community.There is stuff happening...
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
 Today we had rain again.  Luckily we planted our seeds this past weekend and then the rain came. We had laid the garden out for the butter beans, sweet potatoes, squash, tomatoes, and cucumbers.   Then as an added bonus, Jimmy put in giant sunflowers to brighten the garden. For an additional suprised for me..He also planted two fig trees.  WE love Fig Preserves.. We will  enjoy fresh cucumbers and tomatoes for the 4th of July.  Wish you were here. 
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
You may be from Southport North Carolina....if you can go down to Fishy Fishy and have a Crab Cake while sitting on the outside porch so that you can feed the Pelicans.  The Fishy Fishy Cafe is across the water from theses docks and besie the taller teal blue structure. You may be from Southport North Carolina.......if you can go to the Wooden Boat Show that is on the waterfront...beside the Fishy Fish Cafe and The Provision Company.   (Both have excellent Seafood meals.)  You may be from Southport if you can go to the dock and catch fresh fish for dinner. I love where we live and invite you all to come and see for yourselves.. 
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
   Hi All!I am still  wondering how to get Linking points in the Active Rain  system. This comes hard for me since i am not a wizz on the computer.    I have worked on this for an hour or so with no success in the understanding of Linking.  I do not understand what a tag is either.  Tags are not key words, right.  What is the point of tags.  Do they attach themselves to other words?  I know that some of you are laughing at this old dog learning new tricks.  But at least I amwilling to learn.  
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
  Hello to All!We are experiencing beautiful, warm, sunny days right now.  The beaches beaconsus to come and enjoy the warmth and to fish, shell hunt and sun bathe.  I am so ready.There is much going on tomorrow.  We will have a Chili Cook off at Franklin Square gallery and many vendors will be selling their wares.  What great fun!   Then later in the day we will have Live Green Music and Arts festival.If you are not doing anything...pop on down.Have a great day.
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
 We had such a beautiful day for Easter Sunday.  All of the family was around and doing so well.  After the Dinner of Baked Ham, Potato salad, Peas, Butter beans, Corn, Rolls, biscuits, deviled eggs, tea and Friendship cake, we had our annual Easter Egg hunt in the back yard.  We had children ranging in age from 5 to 22 years old.  What a treat, seeing and being with each other and enjoying the sunshine.Flowers are in full bloom and I love bringing them into the house and having them on the Dinner table.Hope you have a glorious Easter Vacation time.Ginger of Southport
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
 Happy Easter,Lots of folks are flocking to our local beaches to enjoy the warm, spring, sun and to enjoy the beautiful flowers that are surrounding us everywhere.  If this is an indicator of the season, we have plenty of folks here.  Now we will need to see if any of them are interested in real estate next week.  We are prepared with numerous homes and lots for the picking.Hope that you have a Glorious Easter Season. 
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