
Southport, NC Real Estate News

By Vicki Burton, A local Buyer's Agent - Southport NC Real Estate
(Southport Realty-Southport, North Carolina)
Down here in Southport, it's just starting to feel a little different. Even though we've had our share of warm spells and 70 degree days this Winter, last weekend conjured up that unmistakable feeling of anticipation that has less to do with temperature and more to do with the primordial wake-up call that's being played all around us. You wouldn't know it by looking at my yard....all is still asleep including the bud-swelling, free-wheeling wisteria which has a conceded stranglehold around my front porch. We have attempted to guide and foster this determined plant which has muscled its way around around pickets and rail. It's a lot like the kids we've reared up right along side admire it, you take pictures of it, you think you've got control over it, you nip it regularly, you...
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By Renee Yost
Brunswick County continues to be one of the fastest growing counties in North Carolina - and why wouldn't it be? We have beautiful beaches, golf courses and what seems like endless sunny days!I look forward to showing you our area - whether you plan on making this area your permanent residence or just looking for a relaxing weekend retreat.   I am personally committed to helping Buyers and Sellers and will be proud to develop long-lasting business relationships through not only professional representation but also with personal and genuinely caring service. We have a great inventory with prices being better than they have been in years and recent cuts in rates - 2008 will be a great year to come down for a visit  - I welcome the opportunity to assist you.
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By Vicki Burton, A local Buyer's Agent - Southport NC Real Estate
(Southport Realty-Southport, North Carolina)
This is a case where the picture and not the event nudged me out of my recent writing slump. I admit I get pretty caught up in the Fall trying to capture the perfect sunset. There are just so darn many of them. I usually start sizing up the clouds for potential around 4ish when I'm headed home. Sometimes the perfect sky comes out of nowhere but normally the late afternoon sky offers a "heads up" you can count on. The tranquil scene above doesn't fall into the spectacular category but to me it speaks of that perfect stillness of fading light. As I stood there last night, listening to rare quiet, smelling the richness of the marsh, it reminded me of why this is my favorite time of year in Southport.   Christmas in Southport is full of traditions, some old and some relatively new. This pa...
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By Vicki Burton, A local Buyer's Agent - Southport NC Real Estate
(Southport Realty-Southport, North Carolina)
Not too much, really, but here goes: Southport's 2007 election came and went and the "writing on the wall" turned in to an accurate prediction. Southport residents were indeed ready for a change and voted decisively in that direction. All of the incumbents up for re-election were handed their hats. Now we'll see if Southport's new Mayor and Board of Aldermen can buckle up and put some teeth in the UDO and work towards further protecting the historical integrity of Southport and the little bit of working and public waterfront we're clinging to.   I've gotten a little side-tracked lately, as I've been writing about the various goings-on around Southport NC. I guess I've never really written anything for public consumption and certainly have never considered writing a pleasure, at least un...
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By Vicki Burton, A local Buyer's Agent - Southport NC Real Estate
(Southport Realty-Southport, North Carolina)
What has been my biggest obstacle in the picture-taking mode I've been in lately? Well here in Southport NC, and I'm sure in many other towns across America, we have been overtaken by an outside invader, that clashes badly with picturesque persona we have become famous for. OK, I'll just come right out with it; "THE PROLIFERATION OF ELECTION SIGNS HAS GOTTEN OUT OF HAND!" Do I here an AMEN? Now you're probably thinking, "How can a Southport Realtor possibly have the nerve to write a blog complaining about local election signs?" This really opens up a can of worms and I'm not sure where I want to go with this. First I guess I would like to back up a minute and say that we have, I believe, an extremely important election coming up in both Southport and in Brunswick County. In Southport w...
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By Vicki Burton, A local Buyer's Agent - Southport NC Real Estate
(Southport Realty-Southport, North Carolina)
It just doesn't seem possible that Halloween is right around the corner. Here in Southport, Fall has been a tease.... at best, for it seems to have disappeared.  It's October 19th and it's 85 degrees, hot and sticky, and once again I'm in denial wearing a long-sleeve shirt. Signs of Halloween are beginning to appear, and I had a good time last evening riding around and taking a few pictures. I don't have trick or treaters living at my house  anymore. I sure  do miss those days. I remember one year, when lacking a proper costume, we wrapped my daughter Kate up in a sheet, pinned a bunch of seashells on it, and sent her out dressed like a "beach!" She was too young to protest and's all about the CANDY. Some folks here still go all-out with their decorations. I'll have to up...
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By Vicki Burton, A local Buyer's Agent - Southport NC Real Estate
(Southport Realty-Southport, North Carolina)
This weekend gets kicked off with a bang in Southport, NC, as the 29th Annual US Open King Mackerel Tournament starts Friday, October 5th.   Always the first weekend in October, this Grand Slam event offers one of the biggest purses in sports fishing, with the winning fish fetching $25,000. Over $100,000 in cash and prizes will be awarded. With over 500 boats competing, the tournament brings an estimated 2 million dollar impact with it to Southport and the Brunswick County area. This is a pretty big deal for a little town with a population of less than 3000 people.  But Southport is no stranger to big-time events, as it hosts the largest and longest running 4th of July Festival in North Carolina, welcoming 50,000+ visitors every year. The event is sponsored by the Southport-Oak Island ...
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By Vicki Burton, A local Buyer's Agent - Southport NC Real Estate
(Southport Realty-Southport, North Carolina)
Southport, NC 09/24/07 The issue I’m offering up for discussion deals with the real estate transfer tax. I know, I know, all real estate agents, builders, and developers are collectively opposed to them. Pardon me for being the contrarian here but I’m not sure what my vote is going to be come November. At 4:00 today the Brunswick County Commissioners will hold a public meeting to discuss the proposal of a .4% real estate transfer tax. Brunswick is one of 16 North Carolina counties to get approval from the State legislature to add this tax referendum to the November ballot. So far the NC Realtors Association has spent well over $600,000 to fight this tax proposal in the General Assembly. I admit to having been on the sidelines on this issue up until now. It seems that Realtors are nearly...
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By Vicki Burton, A local Buyer's Agent - Southport NC Real Estate
(Southport Realty-Southport, North Carolina)
A short drive reaps big rewards......NC Getaways      Two small towns, "both alike in dignity,"  In fair Carolina, "where we lay our scene..."                                                                          Highway 211 begins where the Piedmont meets the "Sandhills" as it intersects Highway 220 in Candor. It ends quite abruptly in Southport, NC at the mouth of the Cape Fear River as it greets the Atlantic. As two small North Carolina towns experiencing huge growth and growing pains, both are top retirement destinations for "snow birds." Their size and demographics are remarkably similar. If you take Highway 211 from here in Southport, 130 miles up the road, a quick jaunt on Highway 5 will bring you into the Village of Pinehurst, to a land of golf and its fabled Pinehurst #2, to...
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By Vicki Burton, A local Buyer's Agent - Southport NC Real Estate
(Southport Realty-Southport, North Carolina)
 Say you’re in the middle of a property search in the area of Southport, NC. You’re out riding around on a Sunday afternoon and you run across my sign here next to a parcel of land in the area you are looking. Should you call me at the number given? Is this a trick question? Yes it is, for my answer is, “No.” I’m serious. The reason is simple. Why would you call the Listing Agent if you are a Buyer? The Listing agent represents the Seller. By you, the Buyer, calling the Listing Agent, you involve yourself and the Agent in what is called “Dual Agency.”  The Listing Agent can no longer represent the interests of the Seller exclusively.  He must offer you “skill, care, and diligence,” but his primary loyalty must be to the Seller, and he must try his or her best to work impartially for bot...
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By Vicki Burton, A local Buyer's Agent - Southport NC Real Estate
(Southport Realty-Southport, North Carolina)
I am getting ready to renew my license plate. I've never had a specialty plate or a personalized plate. I don't have my name or the firm I work for on my car. The car is an '01 Subaru Forester. All this probably says a lot about me. First, I'm not comfortable driving a billboard on wheels. I like to fly under the radar. Second, I'm a penny-pincher. I can't justify changing vehicles. We're in a slow market and "if it ain't broke......" I know that it's not the greatest for showing clients around, but so far I haven't lost anyone because of it. At least I don't know about it if I have. So back to the license plates. Here's my quandary. I've been wanting to get the Blue Ridge Parkway plate ever since it came out a few years back. I've traveled the distance of it, a part of it runs through ...
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By Vicki Burton, A local Buyer's Agent - Southport NC Real Estate
(Southport Realty-Southport, North Carolina)
 A cage-rattling line of thunderstorms came through town during the night last night, the likes of which we haven't seen in quite some time. I was driving home on Goodman Road fairly late last night after seeing BLT's hilarious performance of Nunsense. Debris was flying through the air and there was a constant rumble of the storm a comin'. It held off thankfully but when it finally hit, it hung around ALL night! I expected to wake up this morning to some cooler, fresher air-but nooo-August and its dependable dog days of summer will be with us just a little while longer.I've read a lot of blogs this week, most of them real estate related, and I'm extremely impressed with the thoughtful insights offered up to the masses with a genuine dose of generosity. I'm not sure if I'll be capable of...
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By Vicki Burton, A local Buyer's Agent - Southport NC Real Estate
(Southport Realty-Southport, North Carolina)
Sunday, August 5, 2007 My first post and the big news is that I got my brand-new website up and going yesterday. It's a work-in progress but I was pretty fed up fooling with it so I just hit the "Publish" button and off she flew. The message said it would probably take 24 to 48 hrs before I could log on but after about 5 minutes, I couldn't resist. I typed in my web browser and BAM!.... there it was........amazing. My feelings of satisfaction didn't last long, as I was on to "traffic" setups....keywords, metatags, robots, spiders, and the like.I don't have any well thought out aspirations for this blog. It may end up as nothing but a personal log, cause who has time to read this stuff, and frankly, who cares? If I can strike up a few conversations with fellow Sout...
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