
Southport, NC Real Estate News

By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
 Since I have been in this glorious business for nearly 36 years, I have decided that I would like to become a mentor for the new agents that are coming into the office. I have been to all of the classes and I have taken the refresher courses over and over again...(Sweathogs, Smart, DeLuca, Buffini etc..) and I love the learning of the ideas and processes that the Professionals think we should all know in order to be successful. There are great points with all of these programs, but common sense is vital also along with some basic knowledge. I am looking forward to sparking a bit of knowledge to those that want to learn, that have the capacity, and the desire to learn.  Outside the Box!
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
This is what we do ...  Right?I had a great morning showing 3rd floor units to a delightful couple with 2 small  precious children.   It is great fun  to get out and meet with folks to see what their needs are. I think that our most important job is to match people with properties.  That will deteremine the success of us all. Hope you are having a great day, Much success in writing an Offer to Purchase.. 
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
  I just listed a house that is now a part of an estate.  There was food left in the cabinets that is unopened and bought recently.   Canned veggies and fruits, oil, sugar, spices, spaghetti noodles, jars of Spaghetti Sauce(unopened).. The executrix of the estate wants me to clean it out.   Do you think it is alright to give it to a food pantry, or church or salvation army to distribute to other that may be hungry.    I hate to just throw it away.    What would you do?   Ginger of Southport        
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
 I am still curious and wondering how to get Linking points in the system.  I have worked on this for anhour or so with no success.  I do not understand what a tag is either. ' Tags are not key words.  I know that some of you are laughing at this old dog learning new tricks.  But at least I amwilling to learn. With warm regards, Ginger Willis Harper 
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
OUR home town is in the running for Best Town for Celebrating the 4th of July..We are the sleepy little fishing village along the North Carolina Coast and have a populationof about 3500 people and we need your help in boosting our economy.  Please click on the picture below and VOTE for SOUTHPORT NC. The Voting ends tonight at midnight.. Help if you feel so inclined.      What's the Best Town for Celebrating July Fourth? Which of these All-American towns should be #1 this summer? Voting closes Thursday, June 29, at 11:59 p.m. Eastern!  
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
 Wonderful, Life Giving Rain.. It is rainy today and I know that is good for our area.  WE are in much need of rain.There are some folks out looking around.  This is a wonderful place and I like calling Southport my home.This month is moving right along. Much to do still   With warm regards,   Ginger of Southport
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
                                                                              Dosher Hospital Volunteers Luncheon  This past Monday, Dosher Hospital celebrated the Volunteers with a delicious Luncheon, held at the St. James Community Building in St. James. It was a very rainy day on the outside but all was cheery and warm with lots of good things happening on the inside of the building. They rewarded us with pins and certificates stating our hours worked and special things that we have done for the Hospital.  Our Volunteers work in the ER, Reception, Records, Rehab, Gift Shoppe and the FleeMarket.WE have raised over $1,000,000 over the years, to buy needed items for the hospital such as beds, wheel chairs, mamogram machines, wound center equipment, golf cart for transporting patients an...
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
  Christ Arose! Ready Set Go!  This is what Easter was Like after Church Today.Lots of fun with the GrandChildren.   Coloring Eggs...Hiding Eggs...Finding Eggs and of courseEating Eggs.  It was an Eggcellent Day..For lunch, we had our traditional dinner of Ham, Potato Salad, Deviled eggs, Baked beans, Corn,Rice, Gravy, Butter beans, Candied Sweet potatoes, Sweet Tea, Coconut Cake, Peach Cobbler and Cheese Cake.Then topped it all off with Cadberry Eggs, Chocolate Covered Bunnies, jelly beans, malted eggs, and a variety of Russell Stover chocolate things.   Oh........My.............
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
A dear Friend shared this with me.My heart bleeds for these heros and their families. Vietnam Wall First click on a state.  When it opens, scroll down to the city and the names will appear. Then click on their names.  It should show you a picture of the person, or at least their bio and medals. This really is an amazing web site.  Someone spent a lot of time and effort to create it.  I hope that everyone who receives this appreciates what those who served in Vietnam sacrificed for our country. The link below is a virtual wall of all those lost during the Vietnam war with the names, bio's and other information on our lost heroes.  Those who remember that time frame, or perhaps lost friends or family can look them up on this site. Pass the link on to others, as many knew wonderful people ...
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
    Our Company, Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~are holding an " Open House Extravaganza" this weekend and many of us are paticipating.    I held 5 Open Houses with the help of my sellers.  They are excited to do anything that they can do in order to get the exposure for their houses too.  Open Houses are a little more successful than they have been in previous years.  Maybe the weather has something to do with that. Historically, Open Houses have not been that successful but I am seeing more folks coming now that they days are warmer and longer.   Hope your are doing well and that your market had picked up. Ginger of Southport
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
 Good afternoon my ActiveRain family, I think that this is such a great website for Realtors and just invited about 300 of my friends to join ActiveRain. YOu have taught me so much and I enjoy reading the ideas of others. Hopefully some of these good folks that I have invited to join will share good and positive thoughts also.   With warm regards,Ginger Harper SeaCoast AdvantageSouthport NC
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
 I have been fortunate enough to work face to face with sellers today.  I had listed one of their lots and they were going to take it off the market.  I did some research for them and suggested that they leave that lot on the market...because it can't sell if no one knows it is for sale..They then asked to see if I would list one of their other lots.  They are excited to sell and we priced it at the lowest price in the community.There is stuff happening... Thanks,  Ginger
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
 Forget this Winter Stuff...I'm ready for the 4th I am so tired of cold, dreary days.  I need to sunshine to fill me with warmth.Sunny days, I feel bright.  Cloudy days, I feel dull.  I think these is a word for these feeling.Can't think of it right now but I know it will come to me.Yea....the sun is out and it is bright today.  Will feel good today.Ginger of Southport
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
I have a very Dear Friend that had a stroke last week. She is still in the hospital and has nofeeling in her right side.  We are continuing to pray for a full recovery for her. You may save a life is you can understand what a stoke victim is like.     STROKE: Remember  the 1st Three Letters.... S. T. R.    STROKE  IDENTIFICATION:  During a BBQ, a woman stumbled and took a little fall - she assured  everyone that she was fine (they offered to call  paramedics). She said she had just tripped over  a brick because of her new shoes. They  got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of  food. While she appeared a bit shaken up, Jane went about enjoying herself the rest of the  evening Jane's husband called later  telling everyone that his wife had been taken to  the hospital - (at 6:00  pm  J...
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
(Sure wish I could turn this picture up right...Just can't seem to do it...) Good afternoon,Guess as we grow older, we have more time  to  spend with our grandchildren.   We are finding that to be true in our lives now.  When we were raising our family, we were both working and tied up with the events of our day.Now that we are retirement  age, some  of us have the time to spend that extra special time with the grandchildren. We are Blessed to have these precious time with them... Ginger of Southport
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
Happiness Jar2017  Happiness Jar was given to me this past week by our Broker in Charge. She gave us the instructions to write down ONE thing each week that makes you HAPPY.It can relate to business, family, personal reasons or any other thing that Makes YOU Happy. I thought this was such a great idea and I wanted to share it with you. In the Pint jar, there is a note pad with 52 pages on it.  Every week for the next 52 weeks, write down something that makes you happy.  At the end of the year, on New Years Day.....Open your jarand read the notes that you wrote that make your "Happy Thoughts"... Remember them and let them bring back to mind, the many good things that happened to you in 2017.
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
Thank YOU to all of my Dear Friends that gave us solace in a time of pain with the disappearance ofMacayla and River. They were found safely in Cincinatti, Ohio at  the home of River's Grandmother and she alerted the Police and the Family. They are on their way back home.  One just does not understand what was going through the minds of these young folks.  I am sure that there is going to be a lot of soul searching, in order to get to the root of the apparent problem.  Keep Macayla and River in your prayers..  With warm regards, Ginger Harper of Southport NC
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
Just want the folks in Ft. Lauderdale know that they are in our thoughts and prayers. Tragic things seem to be happening this New Year and I pray for PEACE on EARTH and GOOD WILL Toward all MEN and WOMEN...
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
  Macayla may have dyed her hair RED Help us Find Macayla and Rivers. These two children left school this past Tuesday and it is reported that they are heading to the St. Augustine Florida area. She is only 14.  I am dear friends with her Grandmother and Grandfather.  We go to Trinity United Methodist Church in Southport NC.  Tonight we held a prayer vigil and pray for their safe return home. If you should see them on I-95 or other roads heading toward St. Augustine, please alert the police and let's get these children back home safe and sound. Please share with others in the St. Augustine area.  WE are praying that they are safe and will come home soon.. I apologize using this format to seek their return but we re desperate.  God Bless Ginger HarperColdwell Banker Sea Coast AdvantageSo...
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By Ginger Harper, Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!
(Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team)
Happy New Year 2017! Wishing each and everyone of you a Happy and Prosperous New Year! With warm regards,  Ginger Harper of Southport
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