
Archers Lodge, NC Real Estate News

By David O'Doherty, Clayton NC Homes, Raleigh, NC
Family Loses Everything In Fire!But, the father feels lucky that everyone got out alive and no one was injured. Really makes you think, I was struck by how this family who lost all their worldly possessions in a fire but can appreciate the huge blessing that the parents and their five children all managed to escape the early morning blaze.The house is two minutes from where I live and the youngest goes to the same school with my son Rory. It is a scary sight to see a house I have passed a thousand times reduced to rubble and all the more difficult when you see the Christmas decorations amongst the charred ruins.The response to this family's plight is also an indication of how other people respond when they see someone in need. Since the fire the family has received a new home from a loc...
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By David O'Doherty, Clayton NC Homes, Raleigh, NC
Wyndfall Subdivision Market Update For 2012.Wyndfall Subdivision is a neighborhood in Archer Lodge but has a mailing address.Currently there are four active listings in Wyndfall as of today Monday Sept 17, 2012.They are 112 Allison Way....       Listed for $111,000369 Wyndfall Lane ....  Listed for $124,900149 Carrie Drive ….     Listed for  $124,900234 Wyndfall Lane...    Listed for $144,900 There have been five homes sold in Wyndfall since January 1, 2012.101 Jacobs Court..........Sold for $106,50012910 Buffalo Road.......Sold for $113,000102 Campen Court........Sold for $114,000213 Wyndfall Lane........ Sold for $112,000306 Wyndfall Lane........ Sold for $134,000The average price per square foot was $93, and the average days on market was 194.
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By David O'Doherty, Clayton NC Homes, Raleigh, NC
Archer Lodge 4TH Of July 2012 Family Fun Day is Saturday June 30TH.I know it sounds weird  doesn’t it June 30TH? Don’t worry Archer Lodge has been doing this 4TH of July family Fun Day for years and it is always a fantastic time. It makes so much sense to do it on the Saturday when everyone can enjoy and still do your stuff on the 4TH.There are all kinds of fun things to do, in the morning they have the Archer Lodge 5K Road Race/Walk. Then at 11am the world famous Archer Lodge 4TH Of July Parade begins and there are plenty of good spots to camp along the route, small town America is alive and well at this parade.The whole day is then filled with activities like pony rides, inflatables,concessions,bingo, the big splash down courtesy of the Archer Lodge Fire Dept. they might need extra th...
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By David O'Doherty, Clayton NC Homes, Raleigh, NC
  Archer Lodge Fourth Of July Celebration Is almost Here. Archer Lodge, North Carolina’s newest town has the best 4Th of July weekend and it’s not just their fireworks, although you can’t beat them.The town has been putting on a parade and BBQ Cookoff, family fun day for years....but it’s only been a town for a year, the community and fire department have been organizing this weekend for as long as we’ve lived here. That says something!The festivities begin on Friday July 2ND evening with the Little Miss Archer Lodge Pagent, and the pig cooking begins.Saturday the day begins at 8am with a 5k race/walk.The Archer Lodge Parade starts at 11am, small town America....this is it!11.30 am the park opens with inflatables, the homemade bbq, food, horseshoe tournament.There is the Cake Walk, trai...
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By David O'Doherty, Clayton NC Homes, Raleigh, NC
Conor's Last Day at River Dell Elementary! Our wonderful son Conor had his last day at River Dell Elementary last week and there was a big old party for all the fifth grade students. It was amazing to see how much all these kids have grown since he started in River Dell going to kindergarten six years ago. They had the awards in the morning and hearing familiar names from his different classes was cool, some had changed so much I wouldn't recognise them others had not changed a bit. When Conor started in kindergarten he was in class with a Victoria whom he called Bacteria....Kelly and I still call her that!! We are very happy with the teachers at River Dell Elementary and the Principal Ms Spalding who announced the unofficial news that River Dell is now a School of Excellence. There is ...
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Archer Lodge 4th of July Parade...First Official One As North Carolina's Newest Town. Yep Archer Lodge had it's annual 4th of July Parade today and it was a little different from all previous parades in that Archer Lodge is now a Town. In fact it is North Carolina's newest town having only recently becoming incorporated. The threat of being taken over by Clayton or (god forbid) Wendell was too much for many.   Check out a certain congress man who appeared recently on the network I used to blog this!! This is one of the best family days I have seen. Archer Lodge puts on a great day, starting with a 5K run. Parade, BBQ cookoff, raffle, bounce houses for the kids. A wet down by the Archer Lodge Fire Department. I am such a cheap skate I always buy last years t-shirts, this year I bought th...
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Clayton NC Homes For Sale, Wyndfall Subdivision Market Report for April 2010     Currently there are four homes active in Wyndfall in Clayton, there is one home pending. Wyndfall has some great homes and most are on larger, wooded lots. Most homes are ranch styles. County water was added to some parts of the subdivision recently. The schools servicing Wyndfall are River Dell Elementary, Archer Lodge Middle and the new High School Corinth Holder which will only take certain grades this year.     Prices range from $139,900 for 261 Wyndfall Lane a three bed, two bath home on 1.8 acres, to $149,900, 114 Kirkland Court a three bed, two bath home on an acre with fenced back yard,hardwood floors, concrete driveway. The pending home was listed for $152,500 Recent sales were 483 Wyndfall Lane wh...
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By David O'Doherty, Clayton NC Homes, Raleigh, NC
Spring Training at Archer Lodge Gets Under Way. Our Youngest son Roryhas signed up for another season of Machine Pitch Baseball at  the Archer Lodge Ball Field. Training started last week. A sure sign that summer is on the way, evenings spent in the bleachers praying they will get a hit or make a catch.     The folks at Archer Lodge do a great job and have a great facility for the people to use. There are basketball courts, a walking track, baseball, and soccer. There are lots of teams of all ages. Rory is eight. We have gone there for Soccer with Conor, Baseball with Rory, and of course the 4th of July celebrations.   There has been quiet an increase in the number of families attending and game days the parking lot is filled to overflowing. A sign of the growing number of residents in ...
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By David O'Doherty, Clayton NC Homes, Raleigh, NC
Scenes From North Carolina's Newest Town Archer Lodge, in Johnston County.             Archer Lodge is primarily a farming community that is seeing more and more of the land being used for homes. It became a town after people were afraid that the larger towns of Clayton and Wendell would eventually incorporate the area. Their ETJ's were knocking on the door and folks were afraid that if they did not incorporate, that the name would disappear. As with every thing new there are learning curves and the town is finding it's way. They did not waste any time in getting our new tax bills out though.      So now it's up to the  Planning Board to decide what will be allowed and what vision they have for the town. There are some nice homes available in Archer Lodge, and the prices are generally l...
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Wild Birds spotted at 114 Kirkland Court, Wyndfall Subdivision,Clayton NC.Here is a list of wildbirds spotted over the years by the owner of 114 Kirkland Court in ClaytonNC.      1.     Blue Bird  2.     Blue Bunting   3.     Chickadee  4.     Robin  5.     Dove  6.     Blue Jay  7.     Purple Finch  8.     Gold Finch  9.     Nuthatch  10.     Mockingbird  11.     Red Tail Hawk  12.     Crow  13.     Ducks  14.     Geese  15.     Ruby-throated Hummingbird  16.     Cardinals  17.     House Wren 18.    Titmouse 19.     Starling  20.     Sparrow  21.     Oriole  22.     Chimney Swift  23.     Great Horned Owl  24.     Downy Woodpecker  25.     Pileated Woodpecker  26.     Red-headed Woodpecker  27.    Wild TurkeyI live in this neighborhood and I wouldn't know the difference between a Wild ...
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By David O'Doherty, Clayton NC Homes, Raleigh, NC
Archer Lodge is North Carolina's Newest Town. The community known as Archer Lodge is set to become a town after a vote on Tuesday November 3rd 2009. The vote was 418 to 307 from about 2,630 registered voters. The town will govern approx 3000 people in an area that has seen growth approach it from two sides, the town Of Clayton and the town of Wendell as they expanded there boundaries came closer and closer. This got a group of residents worried that the community might be swallowed up and lost forever.     The Town of Archer Lodge will be in a position to control the growth that will undoubtedly start up again as the economy improves, it has three new schools, lots of undeveloped land and is centrally located with easy access to Clayton, Raleigh and Smithfield.                 The Arche...
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By April Stephens, Broker/Realtor - Johnston & Wake County
(RE/MAX One Realty)
Archer Lodge Incorporation Clears Senate and House A bill to incorporate Archer Lodge sponsored by Senator David Rouzer and Representative Leo Daughtry has been approved by the NC Senate. The legislation won unanimous approval in the House Monday night.  The bill will become law later this week once signed by the Lieutenant Governor and the Speaker of the House.  "I know many in the Archer Lodge community have worked long and hard to see this day arrive," said Senator David Rouzer.  "I commend them for the exceptional job they have done to build the broad-based support necessary to make this a reality."  The bill stipulates that the incorporation of Archer Lodge shall be subject to approval of the voters in the affected area by a referendum that will be held in conjunction with municipa...
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