New Kansas City North High School Goes Green - Staley High School To Open For 08-09 School Year
By Fran White, Kansas City North Real Estate, 816-682-3897
(North Kansas City Real Estate, Reece and Nichols Residential)
Yes... GREEN is one of Staley High Schools colors along with black and silver. But that's not what I was talking about when I said Staley High School was going GREEN... I meant Staley High School is the only school in the four-state region to adopt the green concept, and was one of the first in the country to register the school as a LEED-registered project. The high school is the fourth high school in the North Kansas City School District located in the northern portion of the district. All the classrooms have an occupancy sensor system. Which means the lights come on when someone enters and go off when everyone is gone. (What my mother wouldn't have given to have something like that when I was a kid.) A good percentage of the from of the school is glass. But not any kind of glass,...