
Jefferson City, MO Real Estate News

By Darren Copeland, Darren Copeland
(Summit Lending)
  Thanks for watching one of many videos above and learning about the FHA Home Loan Jefferson City.  As the capital of the state of Missouri, Jefferson City is a great place to live, especially if you're wanting to break into that state political scene (or if you just love being near to it!) Just because you never thought you could own your own house doesn't mean it's not true, using the amazing FHA Home Loan Jefferson City program described above KC Loan Tips can help you get into that dream home. All you'll have to do is to complete this simple pre-approval application and we'll get started on making those dreams come true!  If you're looking for the best way to purchase a home in Jeff City MO, then you've come across the right team!  We look forward to working with you and getting y...
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By Julie Shiery
(RE/MAX Jefferson City-Jefferson City, MO)
Last night I held a free workshop for first time home buyers.  The goals were for the buyers to identify their price range, understand closing costs, develop a buying plan, and review the purchase agreement.    I had no buyers show up, but I did have a very good loan officer.  We used the time productively and made videos.  We talked about the interest rates, credit scores, credit fixes and credit restorations.  When we finished the videos, I posted them to YouTube.  This morning we finished posting to Twitter, Facebook, RE/MAX Website, and LinkedIn.  Here is the link to the Youtube videos:   What a great evening!
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Fireplace & Chimney Inspections in Jefferson City/Columbia/Mid-Missouri  Weather you live in Jefferson City/Columbia/Mid-Missouri or elsewhere in the world, using the home’s fireplace, stove, or even gas fired furnace for the first time is not without some risk.  The Mid-Missouri (Jefferson City and Columbia) local news reports are beginning to “heat up” with reports of home fires that are related to fireplace chimney issues. UPDATE: Fire Damages Columbia Home | | Columbia, MO |  is one example of how “out of sight, out of mind” becomes “late breaking news”! Proper cleaning and inspection of fireplace, stove, or furnace systems are highly recommended prior to the first use of the season.  Birds, squirrels, insects, and even lightning can cause un-noticed damage or obstruction t...
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By Rob Smith
(Rob Smith Property Investigations)
Well...I have moved my Home Inspection business to the Jefferson City, Columbia, Fulton, and Holts Summit area in the heart of Missouri.  Today will be my first day as a RainMaker, and this is my first public blog post! As it turns out, to my delight and amazement, I will be representing ASHI (American Society of Home Inspectors) in the Greater Jefferson City, Missouri market.  I am excited to carry the ASHI flag, and do my part to represent my clients by providing "Consumer Protection in every Home Inspection". I am also looking forward to bringing information and interviews from around the Jefferson City area to the ActiveRain Community! Please comment with any specific questions or blog topic ideas...I'll stay in touch!!  Rob Smith Property Investigations / / 573.291.6065
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By Mirela Monte, Myrtle Beach Real Estate
(Buyers' Choice Realty)
There is a special magic between a mother and her newborn child, a wondrous thing unlike any other.  This bond is so strong that a newborn’s every gesture, its every need, its every cry and indeed its every nuance is perceived by the mother.  It’s instinctive; a mother just senses it.  Like special sonar detecting the minutest sound, so a mother can decipher her baby’s needs. "After carrying this seed inside you for nine months, this new person you give birth to becomes more you than yourself.  You protect it with your Life.   Overnight, this new being become more important than yourself."  Such is the bond between a Mother and her Newborn Child.  This extraordinary Love and Devotion is nothing new, nor is it unique.  This is a normal, everyday occurrence, engrained in us to ensure the...
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By Erelopro Out of Business, Relocation Professionals are out of business
Jefferson City, Missouri Realtor Leads - (800) 900-2807 Even through this Real Estate downward spin, we are still seeing an increased number of families relocating to cities such as: San Diego, Austin, Jefferson City, etc… Still the #1 drive is jobs, and that cannot be disputed. Although another big reason for relocation that started in 2008, was due to great foreclosure prices. Cities such as Scottsdale, and Jefferson City have both seem dramatic drops in real estate prices, which is driving the people to purchase real etate in those cities. If you are not working with families whom want to purchase foreclosed homes, you are leaving a huge chunk of money on the table. One of the top discussions right now on RealTown and ActiveRain is in regards to boosting your business with foreclosu...
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By Jim Bushart, Missouri Licensed Public Adjuster
(Licensed Public Insurance Adjuster)
One of the biggest problems facing rural Missouri in its areas where there are presently no building codes is the poor ISO ratings of the local fire departments. On a scale of 1 to 10, one being the “best” and 10 being “no fire department at all”, many rural fire departments are rated between 6 and 8 on the ISO scale. This low rating is measured by evaluating the department’s record in arrival times at the scene from the time the fire is called in, the quality of training and equipment, and the availability of a consistent and lengthy flow of water. Now…when you look at how poorly the rural fire departments are rated in their abilities to fight fires….consider that there are presently no standards or codes by which a person is expected to apply to electrically wire a building. Anyone c...
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By Daniel Lowery, e-PRO, Broker - Owner
(1st Choice Real Estate)
I am just testing the outside blogs
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By Julie Shiery
(RE/MAX Jefferson City-Jefferson City, MO)
Would you like something to do and not have to pay for it?  Take a walk on the Greenway; tour the State Capitol; visit the Runge Center; check out books, videos, DVDs, CDs at the Public Library; & get to know our City Parks.  Do you have any suggestions?
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By Jen Walker, Jefferson City, MO Real Estate
(Realty Executives of Mid Missouri)
If you're a consumer in Jefferson City you may be asking if now is a good time to buy a home.  The answer is YES!  Let me tell you why:1. Interest rates are lower than they have been in years2.  There are a lot of homes for you to choose from3.  It is taking sellers longer than normal to sell their home--this means they may be more willing to negotiate than they were last year4.  Save on taxes--the interest you pay on your mortgage is tax deductible, and you may be eligible for additional tax savings.You may be sitting at home thinking, "I'm going to wait until the market bottoms out, then I'll get a great deal!"  Well, that's a great theory.  Unfortunately, the national media doesn't know anything about the Jefferson City real estate market.  We don't tend to experience the high highs ...
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By HomesByOwner of Jefferson City
You have all been there, the phone rings and it's a buyer on the other end calling about your house. You tell the buyer everything there is to know about your house just to find out that the price it too much for them or the house only has two bedrooms and the buyer needs three. Wouldn't be nice if buyers were able to call a property hotline to find out about your house. Now they can with our 24-Hour Property Hotline. We now offer property hotlines with most of the ads we sell. This system is totally automated - when you enter new or updated information about your ad, such as changing the price, the recording is immediately updated with our advertising text to speech conversion engine. It's truly amazing.Visit Our Jefferson City For Sale By Owner site today. HomeByOwner of Jefferson Cit...
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By Daniel Lowery, e-PRO, Broker - Owner
(1st Choice Real Estate)
Protecting your family and your belongings should be on the top of your list. If you have bought a house the first thing you should consider is changing all the locks in your new home once you close. You just never know who might have a key to your home especially if the home you bought was used as a rental property anytime in the past. Just a thought.Daniel Lowery, Certified Negotiation Specialist (CNS), e-PROREALTOR® Broker/Sales Coldwell Banker Gordon Co. Realtors Direct: (573) 291-1819 Office: (573) 761-3312Email: daniel@daniellowery.comWebsite: DanielLowery.comWhen Service Matters Call Dan!
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By HomesByOwner of Jefferson City
If you are selling your own home and you thought that you could not get your home listed in the MLS Real Estate Agents use, THINK AGAIN. We now offer Flat Fee MLS listings to For Sale By Owner sellers. Our packages include all of the features of our website plus the power of the Local MLS. We offer 3, 6 or 12 Month listings. Features you will get on our website.Listing in the Realtor MLS and on! Name your commission! 1%, 2%, 2.5% or 3% List on our website, The Realtors MLS, and Show and describe up to 20 views of your home! Featured Home on! Detailed Traffic (Hit) Reporting Free Photo-Flyers... Instantly!!!24 Hour Property Hotline Direct Web Address: Place this in your Newspaper Ads FREE Listing on Yahoo! Real Estate Cl...
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By HomesByOwner of Jefferson City
If you are thinking about selling on your own please take the time to visit the Helpful Info section on our For Sale By Owner website. We offer FREE information to help you sell your own home. In addition we have ad packages that will maximize your exposure online. Visit our For Sale By Owner site today and see how we can help sell on your own. Advertise Your Home With HomesByOwner of Jefferson CityHomesByOwner of Jefferson City
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By Daniel Lowery, e-PRO, Broker - Owner
(1st Choice Real Estate)
I understand your desire to sell on your own and I am willing to do what it takes to help you accomplish your goal to sell your own home. This includes a FREE Home Evaluation to help determine the value of your home, supply you with a FREE Home Enhancement Guide to "Dress your house for success", answer any questions you might have, tour your home and tell you what I think should be done to get your home ready to sell, discuss the different ways Real Estate Agents represent their clients and how it affects you.I am a self-motivated individual who believes in professionalism, Great customer service, honesty; I have strong personal as well as business ethics. So go ahead and sell your own home knowing I will assist you any way I can, all I ask for in return is that when it is time for you...
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By Daniel Lowery, e-PRO, Broker - Owner
(1st Choice Real Estate)
The table below shows the number of closed transactions for September 2006.Homes Sold Report - Real Estate Trend IndicatorBoard: Start Date:   09/01/2006Type:    RESIDENTIALJEFFERSON CITYEnd Date:  09/30/2006Area:    All AreasFirm ID:     Office ID:     Agent ID:     Selling Price RangeClosed Single-Family Units Number of Bedrooms FromThrough-234+TotalAvg DOM019999 1127520000299992  233000039999     4000049999 112805000059999131511560000699994318123700007999913 47680000899991618359000099999 10 104410000011999911111354120000139999 17320801400001599991114169516000017999921475118000019999913 4110200000249999 7 795250000299999 23582300000399999  224400000499999  1184500000999999999      Total=14792311675This representation is based in whole or part on data supplied by the Multiple Listing S...
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By Daniel Lowery, e-PRO, Broker - Owner
(1st Choice Real Estate)
The table below shows the number of closed transactions for September 2007.Homes Sold Report - Real Estate Trend IndicatorBoard: Start Date:   09/01/2007Type:    RESIDENTIALJEFFERSON CITYEnd Date:  09/30/2007Area:    All AreasFirm ID:     Office ID:         Selling Price RangeClosed Single-Family Units Number of Bedrooms FromThrough-234+TotalAvg DOM01999915 62272000029999     30000399991  11144000049999  11165000059999 2249960000699994  466700007999926 861800008999912 3139000099999121456100000119999 3367312000013999921532064140000159999 951499160000179999 63977180000199999 415112200000249999 24658250000299999 24635300000399999  1114400000499999 1 1333500000999999999      Total=1259289982This representation is based in whole or part on data supplied by the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) ...
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By HomesByOwner of Jefferson City
Are you considering selling on your own rather than listing with a Real Estate Agent? Like many other decisions in life deciding to sell For Sale By Owner should be well thought out. Obviously there will be Pros and Cons to both selling on your own or listing with a Real Estate Agent. You should do your homework so you can make an informed decision. To get you started visit the helpful info section of my site, then go from there. The Internet is loaded with valuable information so use it to your advantage. If you truly decide to go For Sale By Owner then please visit my website to see what we have to offer. You won't be disappointed. If you are stuck in the middle and you want the professional help of a Real Estate Agent but still want the right to sell on your own then you should conta...
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By Daniel Lowery, e-PRO, Broker - Owner
(1st Choice Real Estate)
Jefferson City Missouri is a great place to buy a home and raise a family. We are currently in a buyers market so that's good news if you are looking to buy a home in the Jefferson City Missouri area. With low mortgage rates and over 800 Active Residential listings now is the best time to act. Home prices are reasonable and sellers are willing to entertain serious offers from buyers who already have their financing in place. Get Pre-Approved for a home loan now.Search all Jefferson City Missouri Homes.Sell your home fast and for top dollar. Daniel Lowery, Certified Negotiation Specialist (CNS), e-PROREALTOR® Broker/Sales Coldwell Banker Gordon Co. Realtors Direct: (573) 291-1819 Office: (573) 761-3312Email: daniel@daniellowery.comWebsite: DanielLowery.comWhen Service Matters Call Dan!
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By Daniel Lowery, e-PRO, Broker - Owner
(1st Choice Real Estate)
Visit my website to search all the homes for sale in the Jefferson City, Holts Summit Missouri area. Once you have found a few homes you would like to look at call me for No Hassle Service.Call today to learn more about my buyer services guarantee. Daniel Lowery, Certified Negotiation Specialist (CNS), e-PROREALTOR® Broker/Sales Coldwell Banker Gordon Co. Realtors Direct: (573) 291-1819 Office: (573) 761-3312Email: daniel@daniellowery.comWebsite: DanielLowery.comWhen Service Matters Call Dan!
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