
Romeo, MI Real Estate News

By Maryann Kepreos, The Key to All Your Real Estate Needs
(Realty Executives Home Towne)
Washington Township, MI Weekend Bridge Closed (edit/delete) To all my neighbors in Washington Township, the bridge at 26 Mile Rd. and M-53 will be closed this weekend.  As previously reported, construction will start at 11:00 P.M. on Friday and end at 5 A.M. on Monday for the bridge being closed.  This is just the beginning friends, the project will take till approx. September.  If we are lucky.  Start re-thinking your travels plans to and from work.  My family has talked about it for the last week.  I am sure that my husband, son and myself will end up stuck in traffic forgetting all the warnings.  Plan ahead for delays. 
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