Realtors are not members of local Chambers of Commerce
By Keith Stonehouse, Franklin Title Agency
(Franklin Title Agency, LLC)
Are you involved in your local chamber of commerce or even a neighboring communities chamber of commerce? I am (and I'm a Title Insurance company) and I've noticed more and more that Real Estate professionals have no interest in being active in chambers of commerce - atleast that ones I've visited and joined. Why is that? This truly puzzles me... Realtors are supposed to be members of the community or atleast want to be ...if anything, for business. Is there something I am missing from this equation? I do my best to be as active as I can within the communities I live and work in not only for business but for community and I can only image the great outcome a Realtor would get from joining and being active in events, committees, outings, decision making, etc etc... Again - Is there somet...