The Mayor & Why Your Appraisal is Bad
By Keith Stonehouse, Franklin Title Agency
(Franklin Title Agency, LLC)
Hello, Good morning & Welcome to the closing (my favorite word) of April 2014, Not only is this week the closing of April & the Beginning of May but, tomorrow is Title Order Tuesday with Franklin Title Agency & this Thursday is the State of the City Luncheon with Mayor Jeffrey Cuthbertson for the Michigan Realtor Masterminds at the Rochester Mills Brewery at 11:30am - 1pm. This will be an Annual Event the Masterminds will be having across Metro Detroit in different cities for the membership - You do not want to miss this as Rochester has some BIG things coming in 2014 and 15 you will hear First! After the State of the City Luncheon, the rest of May the Masterminds will be learning the Good & the Bad of Today's Appraisals with Expert, Charles Gress in Utica, Northville, Birmingham,...