
Milford, MI Real Estate News

By Norm Werner, Helping the first time and every time
(Real Estate One)
Oak Grove Cemetery Tour   Enjoy a guided tour of Oak Grove Cemetery on Thursday, Aug 22nd and Saturday, Aug 24th Learn about the exceptional women of Milford, their stories and accomplishments spanning 175 years.  Thursday tour begins at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday's tour will begin at 1 p.m.   Tours are Free.    Haven Hill Festival 2013   The Friends of Haven Hill will be hosting their festival on Saturday, Aug 24th.  the hours are 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.   Food, Music and Fun for all ages Novi Brass Band Live 1860's Era Base Ball Exhibition Game - games begins at 1 p.m. Model A Ford Automobiles Haven Hill History & Artifact Display Kids Activities, Run the bases at the Ball Game   Milford Historical Society 2013 Schedule of Events September 12th - General Membership Meting at Milford United Meth...
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By Norm Werner, Helping the first time and every time
(Real Estate One)
Wow, the summer is going fast. Milford Memories is history and school is about to start. We’ll have one last summer fling over the Labor Day weekend and then it’s back to a more normal pace.     There are lots of smaller events coming up in the area, but the next big thing is the Milford Home Tour weekend. Home Tour is on September 21 & 22 this year. I’ve included the home tour poster below. You can click on the graphic to see the full size view. Home Tour weekend is big because there is so much going on in the Village that weekend.  The Home Tour itself is on both days from 11 Am until 5 pm. As always, there will be 5 of Milford’s wonderful old home to go through. In addition the Museum will be open both days, as will be the Log Cabin next to the firehouse and the Pettibone Creek Power...
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By Norm Werner, Helping the first time and every time
(Real Estate One)
It's a big weekend in Milford, Michigan this weekend with three big sales events going on at once. Of course the biggest is the Summer Palooza, which closes all of Main Street downtown to allow for sidewalk sales, kiddie rides and a beer tent with entertainment. That's all going on from 11 until  midnight on  Friday and Saturday and from 11 am until 4 pm on Sunday. Come in downtown for great sidewalk sale deals and just to have fun. Then right off Main Street on Commerce Rd. there's the big Granny's Attic Sale being put on by the Milford Historical Society. There're lots of unique items from various estates, along with vintage furniture and antique items. Finally the Village Fine Arts Association is having a big rummage Sale out on GM Rd across from the grade school. Amongst the rummage...
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By Norm Werner, Helping the first time and every time
(Real Estate One)
The much anticipated annual Granny’s Attic Sale is coming up July 12 & 13, which just happens to coincide with the Summer Palooza Sale in Downtown Milford. The Milford Historical Society’s annual sale on the lawn and front porch of the Milord Historical Museum is open both days from 9 am until 4 pm. There will be furniture from estate sales and lots of unique items, some antiques, for sale both days. The annual sale is supplied with items from various estate sales during the year that Duane Frietag conducts, as well as items donated my Historical Society members and others. If you have items that you’ve been meaning to donate somewhere, bring them to the Museum and leave them on the porch before the sale dates. If you’ve been looking for that rare piece of glassware or china; that funky...
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By Norm Werner, Helping the first time and every time
(Real Estate One)
The warmer months in Michigan gets people outdoors and many of them are out soliciting funds for their favorite causes. Some literally stand in the street with buckets collecting for this cause or that. Many host fund raising events, with golf outings being a big favorite at this time of the year. I’m signed up to play golf in the Huron Valley Chamber of Commerce Golf Outing this month. At the end of last month my wife and I attended the prelude event for the AMP project, which is being sponsored by the Milford Rotary Club, the Huron Valley Chamber of Commerce and the Milford DDA, to build an amphitheater in Milford’s Central Park.   My wife and I also regularly give food and clothing items to the Community Sharing group in the Huron Valley, as well as to Purple Heart and the Salvation ...
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By Russ Ravary ~ Metro Detroit Realtor call (248) 310-6239, Michigan homes for sale ~
(Real Estate One)
Milford Michigan is a classic example of a small town in America. The village serves as a commercial center for its population and exudes vitality and charm. Shops, restaurants and recreational facilities regularly bring visitors from surrounding communities. The banks of the Mill Pond in the town center along with the pavilion in Central Park offer residents a pleasant place to stroll and relax. Milford Michigan is a great place to live and I wanted to give you some information on the homes for sale there. Milford Michigan homes for sale as of today total 58 homes, with about 25% of them being new construction. The average price of a Milford home is $435,193 and these 58 homes have been on the market for an average of 125 days. Below is a sampling of Milford Michigan homes for sale. Th...
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By Norm Werner, Helping the first time and every time
(Real Estate One)
  The annual Memorial Day parade in Milford Michigan happens today, starting at around 11 AM. The first ½ hour of the parade is devoted to things like bands and military vehicles and boy scout troops and other crowd pleasing stuff, and then we get to walk by – the active duty troops and veterans of various wars. We are usually lined up 2-abreast and with 700-800 marchers, it takes a while for everyone to pass by. The crowds lining the streets stand and applaud the whole time, many shouting out “Thank You”. Along the route there are children handing out flowers that are supplied by the local florist.     Whether you are a marcher in the parade or a spectator it can be quite an emotional moment and is certainly a lot different than when I returned from my tour in Viet Nam. We had to sneak...
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By Norm Werner, Helping the first time and every time
(Real Estate One)
  If you haven’t been to the Historical Museum lately (or maybe ever), you’re in luck.  Our museum opened for the season on May 1st and will be open on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.    In honor of our opening, the Historical Society will be hosting an Open House on Saturday, May 18th from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.   This family friendly event will allow guests to visit our museum and see displays depicting Milford over the years.  Demonstrations will be on going thru out the day.  On our front lawn, you will be able to see candle dipping, woodworking, yarn spinner, and basket weaving demonstrations throughout the day.  Kids of all ages will be able to participate in games from long ago.   We will also have a special guest in the Parlor.  Wife of the 16th President, Mary Todd Li...
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By Norm Werner, Helping the first time and every time
(Real Estate One)
“Anything’s within walking distance, if you have enough time.” (Steven Wright) But what if you don’t have all the time in the world to get to something? That’s where the “walkability” of your neighborhood comes in. I met the lady who wrote the book on “walkability”, which is a measurement of how convenient it is to walk to things from where you live. Out of her work a Web site was born that has the URL The book focused upon what makes a neighborhood walkable – the places that you can reasonably walk to and the things you can do once you get there. Included in important places that you might be able to walk to are stores, libraries, parks, restaurants and more. There are urban areas like Chicago and Boston and New York where you would see a very high walkscore,...
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By Russ Ravary ~ Metro Detroit Realtor call (248) 310-6239, Michigan homes for sale ~
(Real Estate One)
Milford’s a great place to raise a family. Among the many reason are a new, state of the art YMCA; Dance and music lessons on Main Street; an excellent school system, hometown parades; Central Park, with a Play scape, canoeing, biking, ice skating and picnicking; A brand new library; plenty of day-care facilities; and various arts and cultural organizations.  A growing inter-linking bike path connection to other communities and surrounding parks. Quaint shopping for the discerning eye, from children’s clothes to home furnishings, Milford has over 250 places to shop for that unique item found only here.  Those are just a few of the reason so many families choose Milford want to call this town home! Milford homes for sale in the $200,000 to $300,000 range are listed below for your informa...
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By Norm Werner, Helping the first time and every time
(Real Estate One)
The Village Fine Arts Association (VFAA) has put out the call for artists and musicians to participate in the 12th annual Poety Art Night (PAN) on Saturday, April 13, 6:30 p.m. in the Milford Public Library Community Room, 330 Family Drive . Milford. Tickets will be available at the door -Adults $10, Children 17 and under $5.   The VFAA has been greater Milford’s premier independent art organization for over two decades, holding art shows, monthly meetings with informational speakers, workshops open to all skill levels and numerous events and projects within the community.   PAN is a visual arts and poetry competition and sale. Artists are invited to enter their 2 or 3 dimensional artwork, accompanied by a poem. The poem should be either the inspiration for the art piece, or inspired b...
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By Norm Werner, Helping the first time and every time
(Real Estate One)
On February 27th  the Strong Kids Campaign Kickoff Breakfast is taking place at 7:30 am at the Carls Family YMCA.  The guest speaker at this year’s kickoff breakfast is former Detroit Lions quarterback Eric Hipple. This annual breakfast kicks of the fund-raising campaign for the program that the Y runs to make sure that no children or teens are denied the benefits of the programs that the Y runs for them because of a lack of funds. The funds collected are used to provide scholarships to those programs for kids who could not otherwise afford to attend them.   With your donation to the Strong Kids Campaign, you make it possible for children and teens to take part in programs that teach them positive behaviors, allow them to explore their talents and help them grow and realize their poten...
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By Norm Werner, Helping the first time and every time
(Real Estate One)
  It’s winter and in Michigan that means it’s cold; but, that doesn’t mean that there’s nothing to do, especially in Milford and the Huron Valley area. There are several upcoming events for charitable causes that will be fun and help raise much needed money for worthwhile causes.   The first is this week, Thursday, Feb 7. The annual Taste of the Valley is the primary fund raising event for he Huron Valley Youth Assistance Program. The HVYA program, which is run in Milford and Highland Townships, has as its goal assisting “at risk” youth of the area. The risk is that they will pursue a path of juvenile delinquency that will inevitably lead to worse behavior later on in life. The HVYA Program provides counseling and other activities to encourage and support the youth to take a different p...
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By Norm Werner, Helping the first time and every time
(Real Estate One)
From the Jack’s Winning Words Blog as we celebrate Martin Luther King Day - “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs.  Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that.”  (Howard Thurman)  It is not widely known that MLK, Jr. was influenced in his thinking by his father’s friend, Howard Thurman.  Thurman, in turn, was influenced by a personal meeting with Gandhi who spoke of the power of non-violence.   Who or what makes you come alive? There are certainly lots of very worthy causes vying for our attention these days. Which ones get yours? When you look at the people who are toiling away for causes – raising funds or doing volunteer work or just trying to improve awareness – you often find people who have in some way been personally touched by the cause for which they now devo...
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By Norm Werner, Helping the first time and every time
(Real Estate One)
At the end of the year many people rush to make that last-minute charitable contribution, so that they have an extra tax deduction to count. If you are among them I have just the charity need for you.   The Milford Historical Society is fund-raising to replace the storm windows on the Milford Historical Museum. Now, these are n't your ordinary, run down to Loews and picks up some windows kind of storm windows. The museum building is well over a hundred years old and part of the mission of the Milford Historical Society is to keep it looking like it did when built. That means no aluminium storm windows for us. No, sir!   Our storm windows are custom made to fit each window. They are made out of wood and each must be custom measured and made, because settling over the years has left most ...
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By Norm Werner, Helping the first time and every time
(Real Estate One)
Yesterday I posted information on my web site about some of the upcoming events in the Milford area in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Day, which is January21, 2013. The Huron Valley Martin Luther King Jr. Day Committee has already kicked off the events by opening registration for entries in the art, writing and performance categories. Each of these categories will judged, with awards for the best entries to be announced during the celebration on the 21st. The deadline for registering for those things is January 7. There will also be a parade down Main St in Milford on the 21st, with the line-up scheduled for 1 PM at the Prospect Hill Shopping Mall. The march will proceed up Commerce to Main St and down main street to Central park. Dr. King’s famous ‘I have a ...
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By Norm Werner, Helping the first time and every time
(Real Estate One)
The Milford Historical Society (MHS) tends to focus on its mission of collecting, preserving and sharing the history of Milford, Michigan through educational programs at the Milford Historical Museum and out in the community. Every now and then the Society makes a little history itself by doing new and innovative things in pursuit of that mission.   If you haven’t been to the Milford Historical Society Web site – lately. You really should visit. MHS has announced that it is in the information and photograph collection process for a new book on the history of Milford. The MHS originally produced the book “Ten Minutes Ahead of the Rest of The World” in the mid-1970’s. That book, which primarily documented the founding of Milford and events through the end of the Nin...
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By Christina Ehli, RE/MAX Platinum Brighton MI Real Estate Agent
(RE/MAX Platinum - Brighton, Michigan)
Home Prices in Milford, MI  48381 for November 2012 Local Milford, MI  48381 Real Estate Market Data provided by:Christina Ehli of  RE/MAX Platinum,  6870 Grand River Ave, Brighton Michigan 48114Milford, MI  48381 Home Prices The median list price in November 2012 for single family homes in Milford is $250,000. The list prices decreased by -3.56% from the previous month which is not significant. The price per square foot for listings in this area is $115 per sq. ft. We have seen the median sold price in the Milford, MI  48381 real estate market go up dramatically since August 2012 as evidenced by the graph below. The median number of days active properties have been listed is 55. This is significantly shorter than the national average.You can search my website for local real estate mark...
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By Norm Werner, Helping the first time and every time
(Real Estate One)
There are so many very good causes begging for our attention and contributions these days. Almost all are legitimate, although some charity appeals come from fund-raising companies that keep as much as they pass on to the actual underlying charity. The really big causes – cancer, heart disease, muscular dystrophy and such – have huge fund-raising machines going all of the time. They are worth causes and giving to them will make you feel better; however, it’s a short-lived feeling because you just ship your donation off to somewhere and don’t really see how it’s used or any results from your small contribution to the cause. Still, we all need to support those big efforts because they will benefit us all.   There are also lots of local charities and organizations doing good works right in...
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By Norm Werner, Helping the first time and every time
(Real Estate One)
The Milford Historical Society, which I belong to, has as its mission to collect, preserve and share the history of Milford, Michigan. Recently the Society announced plans to create a New Book about the history of Milford. The Society has already published one book – “Ten Minutes Ahead of the Rest of the World” – which was completed in 1978 and focused mainly on the founding and growth of Milford, Michigan in the 19th Century, from the first settlers in the 1830’s up to the early years of the 1900’s. The new book, which is being researched and written under the working title “Milford in the 20th Century”, will focus upon the history of the Milford area (Village and Township) from 1901 until 2000. The Milford Historical Society is calling for local area residents to share pictures, stori...
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