
Commerce, MI Real Estate News

By Russ Ravary ~ Metro Detroit Realtor call (248) 310-6239, Michigan homes for sale ~
(Real Estate One)
 Here is a list of Commerce real estate and Commerce homes that are currently for sale under  $200,000 as of 1/6/2013.. There are 13 Commerce homes for sale that have been on the market an average of 81 days. The children that live in Commerce Township would go to the nationally recognized Walled Lake Consolidated Schools. The school system has been designated as a National Exemplary School system by the U.S. Department of Education. Walled Lake Central was recently ranked in the top five percent of high schools in the nation. The northern part of Commerce Township students would go to Huron Valley Schools.  So when looking at Commerce Township homes check with the school system to see where your childred would be going to school,  Our listing ticket will tell you whether it would be Hu...
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By Russ Ravary ~ Metro Detroit Realtor call (248) 310-6239, Michigan homes for sale ~
(Real Estate One)
  Home Inspection Problems - Commerce home selling tips   So the home buyer had a home inspection done on your Commerce home and there is a problem.  How do you do to save the deal?  It is a complicated answer because it depends on what went wrong in the home inspection, and whether you really want to sell your Commerce home.  My Commerce home selling tip on home inspections is pretty straight forward.   First scenario: The home buyer’s home inspection has revealed two major issues.  Black mold in the attic and a ceiling joist is broke (structurally unsafe).  Your first response may be denial, or anger at the home inspector.  You may realize you are not going to have as much money to move to your  next house.  Now you are unsure whether you can afford to move or even want to sell or sel...
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By Russ Ravary ~ Metro Detroit Realtor call (248) 310-6239, Michigan homes for sale ~
(Real Estate One)
Commerce Commerce Lakes - Reed Lake & Clark Lake Homes   Commerce, MI     These 2 video's are a look at Reed Lake and Clark Lake Homes in Commerce Michigan.  If your looking for a  small lake just for small motors, pontoon and paddle boats then these are your lakes.  If you are thinking of buying on Reed Lake or Clark Lake give me a call on my cell (313) 310-9855.     Reed Lake is only 32 acres in size and 48 feet deep.   Clark Lake Homes are the 1950 to the late 1970 style homes.  They are smaller brick ranches and colonials.  Most of them are under 2000 square feet. The Lake is a private all sports lake est. 10-15 acres.          
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By Russ Ravary ~ Metro Detroit Realtor call (248) 310-6239, Michigan homes for sale ~
(Real Estate One)
Do I want a 50% chance of getting paid or should I concentrate on the buyers that I will get 100%?  A potential Commerce Twp buyer called me up a second time to see houses.  At that time they told me they were working with another Realtor too.  I politely told them that I would not show them houses if they were not committed to me.  The buyer got a little hostile and said I was crazy not to show them houses as I had a chance of selling them a house.  I explained it this way to him.   Let’s say you and another worker were employed by XYZ company.  You both go to work each day and work hard for XYZ.  Sometimes you even work nights and weekends.  Out of the blue at the end of 2 months XYZ boss calls you both in and says they have completed the job.  But unfortunately only the other worker ...
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By Russ Ravary ~ Metro Detroit Realtor call (248) 310-6239, Michigan homes for sale ~
(Real Estate One)
Lower Straits LakeCommerce MIAll sports Lake235 acresPrivate Lake21st largest lake in Oakland County Here is a quick amatuer video of what Lower Straits Lake looks like. If you are thinking of buying on Lower Straits Lake in Commerce give me a call on my cell (313) 310-9855.     If you have questions about the lake and what is for sale on the lake give me call on my cell (313) 310-9855.    
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By Russ Ravary ~ Metro Detroit Realtor call (248) 310-6239, Michigan homes for sale ~
(Real Estate One)
Lower Straits Lake in Commerce, Michigan is a private all sports lake. It is a great place for relaxing and some quiet time. The size is 236 acres, maximum depth 22 feet with No Public or Beach Access. Lower Straits Lake in Commerce, Michigan has 600-7100 square foot lake homes around the lake.  The homes consist of ranches, cape cods, colonials, tudors and split levels. The majority of the homes on the lake are ranches and colonials.  Many of the older homes have no basements, but some of the newer ones have a walkout basement. The homes range from 1 bedroom to 6 bedroom homes, and 1 bath to 3+ Bathrooms. Some of Lower Straits in Commerce, Michigan waterfront properties have no garages and some do. Do you love to Fish? Lower Straits Fishing you will find Blue Gill, Crappie, Northern P...
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By Russ Ravary ~ Metro Detroit Realtor call (248) 310-6239, Michigan homes for sale ~
(Real Estate One)
Do you know how to buy Commerce Township rental properties or which rental home will be a good rental property?  Do you know which Commerce Township rental property will bring the best return on investment or will appreciate the best?  In the last installment I said location is very important in picking rental properties.  I talked about buying in good cities and good neighborhoods.  In this installment of buying Commerce Township rental properties I will get more in-depth about location.  Let's first talk about school systems. Buy in the best school system possible. Last I heard the City of Detroit school system had a graduation rate of 25%.  Where do you think a renter with children would want to live.  In Detroit with a 25% graduation rate or in Livonia with a graduation rate over 80...
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By Russ Ravary ~ Metro Detroit Realtor call (248) 310-6239, Michigan homes for sale ~
(Real Estate One)
This is the second installment of How to Buy Commerce Township rental properties.  These articles apply to any cities rental homes.  I the first one we talked about the physical features.  What were the best options to choose.  You want basically a three plus bedroom home with a garage and basement if possible.  In this one I will expand on the features you do not want.  I will tell you how to pick a Commerce Township rental property that will cost you less in the long run. You do not want a home with wood that you have to paint.  That will eat into your profits each time you have to paint the rental home.  You want a Commerce Twp rental home that has an exterior of vinyl, brick, or aluminum. Basement walls - Now what about your choices of a poured basement wall or block basement.  I pr...
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By Russ Ravary ~ Metro Detroit Realtor call (248) 310-6239, Michigan homes for sale ~
(Real Estate One)
Lower Straits Lakefront homes for sale in the last year range in price from $64,000 all the way up to 3.2 million dollars.  The lake has a mixed bag of lakefront properties.  There are 600-7100 square foot lake homes around the lake.  Lower Straits Lake homes are: ranches cape cods colonials, split levels Tudors The majority of the homes on the lake are ranches and colonials.  Upper Straits waterfront properties range in age from the 1930's to 2002.  Years ago Oakland County Lakes were a resort destination for Detroiters.  So the homes were small.  Then over the years the lake homes have been added on to, or torn down to build a bigger and better new home will all the new amenities. Many of the older homes have no basements, but some of the newer ones have a walkout basement.  The homes...
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By Debbie Johnson, Novi, MI Real Estate Professional
(REMERICA United Realty)
The real estate market in Commerce, MI for June 2010 has remained pretty active. The average days on the market is relative to the condition and correct pricing of the seller's home. Homes for sale in Commerce, MI (June 2010)* · There were 197 homes remaining available for purchase in Commerce Homes sold in Commerce, MI (June 2010)* · 23 homeowners accepted offers on their homes (pending sales) · 42 homes sold · The average sales price of a home in Commerce, MI was $205,466 (Highest: $810,000/Lowest: $26,500)· It took an average of 151 days for a home to sell in Commerce, MI   If you are interested in selling your home in Commerce, MI or in southeast Oakland County, Deborah Johnson offers a free no-obligation home market consultation. For more information: ...
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By Russ Ravary ~ Metro Detroit Realtor call (248) 310-6239, Michigan homes for sale ~
(Real Estate One)
 We got the clear to close today and now what do we have to do when buying Metro Detroit real estate  Now that we are clear to close and have the date and time set up this is what happens next.   Your lender sends the closing documents to the title company.  The title company prepares the final HUD statement which is the final numbers document.  The title company figures out the tax pro rations and put all the closing fees on one document.  Then they send it back to the lender for final approval.  Then your lender will call you with the final number you need to bring to closing.  You lender may not call you until the day of closing with those numbers.  Though most of the time they get it to you the day before.  If you have an early morning closing they will get it to you the day before....
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By Russ Ravary ~ Metro Detroit Realtor call (248) 310-6239, Michigan homes for sale ~
(Real Estate One)
In the real estate business we see families up close and personal making a big decision.  Remember this is the biggest purchase they are making so needless to say we see some good disagreements.  It's rough sometimes because different members of the families have different priorities. Last week I saw one of those days.  My clients were Metro Detroit first time home buyers.  They had made the decision on which city and which school system was important to them but they were far from being on the same page.                                        The wife would have bought two houses but the husband wasn't happy with either one.  He was ready to up his mortgage limit over $30,000 in order to get a house he wants.  I'm sure they both can find a house they like in that range.  Would have bee...
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Medicare Friendly Income Products   What is an annuity?   Annuity ... from the medieval Latin "Annuitas," meaning "yearly payment." An annuity is an agreement between an individual and an insurance company. An individual pays some amount of money (referred to as a "premium") to an insurance company, which the company later pays back under an agreed-to payment schedule. One method of receiving income might be a lump sum payment; another might be a guaranteed income to last at least as long as the annuitant lives. Most annuities have a deferral period (the period prior to the time income payments begin). During this deferral period the interest earned on the annuity is free from income tax until withdrawn.   How does an annuity help provide financial security in retirement? Just a heartbe...
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 It's that special time of the year. The kids are back to school, days are getting shorter and our bodies crave the sweetness of apples, and apple baked goods. Luckily, there are several local Cider Mills and U-Pick apple orchards in Oakland County and surrounding areas.I'm trying to shopping locally whenever possible. So, I'll be picking apples next week at Longs Family Orchard and Farm located at 1342 E. Commerce Rd in Commerce Twp. (see interactive map below)Apples and cider are usually available through Christmas. For the latest information call (248) 360-3774. Fresh tomatoes are still being sold along the road near the red barn. I purchased some today, they were delicious. According to the hotline, picking season is as follows:September 15th, season starts Cortland and Macintosh ap...
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By Gary Smith
(Agent Marketing Today)
 America On Line featured an article today written by Eric Peters entitled Six Rules for Savvy Car Shopping The basic ideas in Eric's article on successfully purchasing a car can also be used when looking for and buying your next home. Here are the six rules; every home buyer should follow when purchasing their next home.Shop when you don't have to: Desperation rarely leads to a good deal. Be a smart home buyer and. start looking online before you need to move. Allow at least 6 months to decide which school district and community you want to live. Real Estate professionals are prevented by Federal and State laws from showing you a specific area. Buyers must use information readily available online to narrow their search area. Search Public Muliple Listing Services: There are so many pla...
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Sweet Corn is now available at the Long Family Farm in Commerce Township, Michigan. This Oakland County landmark has some of the best corn in the area. Picked fresh daily, you drive through to pick up a dozen or half-dozen ears. One extra ear is included (13 and 7 total) in case one is bad.Before purchasing any corn: tassels (hairs) should be brown on the end and when gently opening the tip, corn kernels shoudl be full and yellow. The darker yellow the kernels the older the corn will be. I've never received a bad ear of corn from Long's but in the begining of the season, lighter colored kernels are not fully developed.According to the signs, a half dozen (7 ears) are $3.00. A whole dozen (13 ears) is $4.50. Prices are slightly increased due to lack of rain this year.Hours of operation 2...
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By Gary Smith
(Agent Marketing Today)
Added June 21, 2008.  Long Family Orchard and Farm Website now available with updated information about their crops, services, weather station, and employment. Go to Long Family Orchard and Farm   I called the Long Family Farm in Commerce Township, Michigan produce Hotline (248) 360-3774 today to check on strawberries. The first strawberries are now in. Currently they are only selling picked strawberries. U-pick strawberries will be on sale starting around June 13th (weather depending).  I went to Long's today, price for picked strawberries was $13.00 for 4 quarts, sold in 4 quart containers. They were excellent!  U-Pick price will be around $7.00 per 4 quart container. (don't forget your pre-cooled ice chest) Updated June 19, 2008.  Lots of berries are available. Picked strawberries we...
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By Gary Smith
(Agent Marketing Today)
 As an Internet Professional Realtor® (e-PRO), I know that the Internet has leveled the playing field and improved the ability for the consumer to find an affordable home in an area they want to live. Why? Because I never get to meet the majority of my customers until they are ready to commit to seeing or selling a home. By that time, we've generally communicated several times. Most Internet consumers are only willing to give initials, or the occasional "Donald or Daffy" Duck. I've got a "Satisfied Homeowner", a "W Westbay", "Jdfljisdlfj Dljfklasd" and countless more fictitious names. This makes it easy to provide equal professional treatment to my customers.April is National Fair Housing Month. According to HUD this; "Federal law makes it unlawful to discriminate in housing based on ra...
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