
Bloomfield Township, MI Real Estate News

By Virginia Tatseos
Yesterday while waiting for the rain storms to dispate I played on AR, AGAIN Julia game me some ideas that I would share. My yard has rocks, stones, pebbles and gravel.   LOTS I thought that I would play with Eco friendly candle holders.   I think this is going to be a great project with my grand daughter.  X-mas gifts for teachers?
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I'm really serious about this.  We, stagers, know that staged home sell faster and for more money.  We can't guarantee a sale.  We can make the home look it's best for potential buyers. Isn't it possible that Realtors should suggest to their clients that they should talk to a stager? Stagers know how to talk to the sellers about preparing their home for sale.   Isn't it better that they prepare their home for sale than take many price reductions?  Everyday I see fliers that come to me saying a house has had a big price reduction and the photos show that the house is really nice.  It needs to be professionally prepared. A consultation with us could save them thousands of dollars. Would you go out to a great restaurant in your jeans and T-Shirt when you know the dress is formal? No, you p...
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By Virginia Tatseos
I'm a little behind in my reading. A very intersting article (this is linked) came out last month on what's our staging is worth. The stats are a little old and still interesting reading. There was a link in the article about posting it to a blog !!  I couldn't figure it out :-) Should you hire a pro -- and how much should you spend? Now that you know some of the work and thought that goes into staging, perhaps you're considering hiring a professional stager instead. Professionals can offer a variety of levels of service, from consultations to full-service stagings in which contractors are arranged to make home repairs and rental furniture is brought in. There's no industrywide accreditation process. However, several organizations -- including the International Association of Home Stagi...
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Clean Sweep weekend continues this weekend to co-inside with Earth Day. The snow hides so many things and when it thaws the cities can look pretty bad. Over 500 residents sign up to clean up after the winter. The township gives the volunteers bags for the trash and yard wastes. Subdivisions clean up their front entries and get them ready for the spring flowers that are trying to poke thru the ground.  The day is perfect for it.  The sun was shining with little hints that we might be getting a little rain in the afternoon. These photos were taken at the entrance of the Hickory Gove Sub. in Bloomfield Township. The township worker was delivering yard waste bags to the drop off points for those who needed more.
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Helping to protect our environment, Bloomfield Township has offered residents an additional service. Today April 19,2008 with proof of residency, the township hosted a site for droping off Electronics, paper shredding and Medication Disposal. The event coincides with Earth Day and Clean Sweep activities. At last count over 450 cars drove thru the line dropping off their items Cars were lined up from early morning to drop off their items The system is great.  Pull up and items are taken from the vehicles Shredding vehicle Volunteers help take items out of the vehicles and sort them   Old medicines that many of us would throw in the trash or back into the water system. There was also a container for diabetic items. The volunteeer pharmacist said one of the bottles was about 50 years old. ...
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The first thing a seller or agent asks is how much is this going to cost.  This is before seeing the property.  Well good golly I haven't seen the house.  Don't know how much work needs to be done or how much furniture is in the house. Let me look into my crystal ball. I'm not a "discount" Stager   I offer services that are pick and choose -   It's called Ala Carte Stage Show Sell services, many times, pay for themselves.  When I work with attorneys, estates or homeowners with too much stuff, I help them get rid of the 'stuff' and the proceeds pay for my services. With Homeowners the services pay for themselves by getting the property sold faster and for more money. Stage Show Sell menu of services incl. Consultation, walk through with the client Cleaning out and organizing Estate Sale ...
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By Virginia Tatseos
I'm new to the photography group It appears that many of you are professionals with your camera.  I'm a point and click person.  Tricking up the flash is the most adventurous that I get. This is one of my favorite photos.  It was taken in the summer in my back yard.  The intent was to get the center of the flower that was heavy with pollen. This is what I got The pollen is visable on the body.  Feel and hear the wings move. This way taken in my back yard in Bloomfield Hills, Michiga
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By Cathy Tishhouse, Royal Oak Real Estate
(RE/MAX Showcase Homes)
 Bloomfield Township holds unique open house to showcase real estate in Bloomfield Hills and Bloomfield Township.A Bloomfield community open house "event" will be held May 20, 2007 from 12pm - 5pm and has been organized to highlight the great homes, schools, parks, services and more that are available to prospective residents. The Township, Bloomfield Hills Schools, area REALTORS® and local businesses will welcome prospective homeowners to the community during Bloomfield Living: A Brilliant Move, a first-of-its-kind event designed to showcase the area as never before.The Welcome Center will be at Conant Elementary School at 4100 Quarton Rd. and Telegraph where visitors will be able to attend free homeowner and community seminars, learn about the Township's quality of life services and a...
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Bloomfield Township, MI Real Estate Professionals