Measuring market change (part 2)
By Rachel Massey, SRA, AI-RRS, Proudly appraising Washtenaw County since 1989
So many ways to measure (part 2) Yesterday I wrote about two different parts of the analysis of market conditions and today I will finish my story. There are a number of different ways to measure the market, but what I am doing now (and I do change things up as I learn of new techniques) is taking one years’ worth of data at a time, run on a monthly basis and compare and measure how markets change. The data is run as one year periods because it neutralizes the seasonality that you see happening in this area. It is almost clock-work to see our local market start to slow after Labor Day, and to start to pick up in February or March, depending on the weather. In addition to measuring year to year, I have also eliminated from the data below distress sales and “to-be-built” properties becaus...