
Livermore, ME Real Estate News

At the northern reaches of the Sebago Lakes Region are three delightful ponds set in the hilly terrain of Livermore, Maine. Purchase lakefront property on any of the three: Long, Round and Bartlett's Ponds and you'll discover a variety of cultural and recreational activities await. Home of the Washburn-Norlands Living History Center, Maine's Paper and Heritage Museum and the Livermore Birthday Party, history and tradition are part of the landscape. A few weeks ago I mentioned Brettun's Pond in Livermore. These other three ponds also grace the area with their shimmering water and provide perfect places to get away from it all. Long Pond is a long, narrow body of water, which its name implies and covers 208 acres. This is a shallow pond with a maximum depth of 18 feet. The water quality i...
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April 8, 8:15 p.m. "Made in China," film tells of migrants from rural China who comprise the backbone of the Chinese economic miracle, part of "Sustaining Spirits" Third Annual Justice Cinema Film Festival, free, open to public, Thomas Auditorium, Preble Hall, University of Maine, High Street, Farmington. FMI: 207.778.7433, April 9, 2 and 7 p.m. "Barbados, Island in the Sun," film narrated by producer Steve Gonser, free, Araxine Wilkins Sawyer Memorial, 371 Sawyer Road, Greene. FMI: 207.946.5311, April 9, 6 p.m. Comedy After Hours and Angel Auction, featuring Maine humorist Tim Sample, cocktails, hors d'oeuvres, music by Bates College Jazz Band, and a silent and live "Angel" Auction, proceeds benefit St. Mary's Regional Medical Center's Oper...
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By Jon Whitney
(Anne Plummer and Associates)
Brettun's Pond, "The Greatest Little Pond in Maine," is located between Routes 4 and 108 in the Belgrade Lakes Region.  This four-season pond is situated in Livermore, a quaint, rural community with beautiful surroundings, many water resources and relatively low taxes. Located only 20 miles from the twin cities, Lewiston and Auburn, Brettun's Pond encompasses 165 acres and has a maximum depth of 42 feet with an average depth of 15 feet. It's fed by several springs and two streams. Brettun's Pond is the headwater pond to Martin Stream, a major tributary to the Nezinscot River. In 1975, the Brettun's Pond Association (BPA) formed. The BPA's mission is "to protect the quality of the pond, enhance the opportunities for a wide range of recreational activities, and establish a group of citize...
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