
Leeds, ME Real Estate News

Located 20 minutes from the capital city of Augusta, 50 minutes north of Portland and an easy drive from Boston, is the 4,000-acre Androscoggin Lake.The classic New England villages of Wayne and Leeds border the lake's shoreline. Search for lakefront properties on Androscoggin Lake Androscoggin Lake is has been known to produce unusually large pickerel and bass, both small mouth and large mouth. Numerous fishing tournaments are held throughout the year. A state boat launch is located on Route 133 in Wayne.Several islands dot the lake including Lothrop, Blodgett, Norris and Androscoggin. Lothrop Island in Leeds is also known as Black Sand Island. According to the Seven Wonders of Wayne Web site produced by local elementary school students, "The sand on Black Sand Island is black because ...
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March 25, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Maine Masters Film Series, films on Maine artists Clark Fitz-Gerald, Lois Dodd, and Stephen Pace introduced by curator Suzette McAvoy and filmmaker Richard Kane, free, Lecture Hall, Bangor Public Library, 145 Harlow Street, Bangor. FMI: 207.947.8336, March 25, 7:30 p.m. Kinga Augustyn, solo violinist, performance begins with the classic Bach Partita No. 2 and ends with Paganini's famous Caprices No. 24, $10/adults, $5/students, free/12 and under, Jewett Hall, University of Maine, University Drive, Augusta. FMI: 207.621.3551, March 26-27, 7:30 p.m., March 28, 2 p.m. "I Remember Mama," Rodgers and Hammerstein play based on the book "Mama's Bank Account," by Kathryn Forbes, performed by Monmouth Community Players, Cumsto...
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By No Longer Active
(Real Estate)
For 10 years we've been spending time on Androscoggin Lake in Leeds enjoying the relaxing days of summertime, water skiing, fishing or just lounging in the sun.  This year I decided to haul the boat home early and spend some time on Long Island Sound so when we were in Maine for Labor Day weekend I stumbled into a day of historical activities.The day started early with my cousin showing up at 7:00 am for a five miler.  He was a runner years ago before medical issues caused him to stop but was trying out one of those hand peddled cycles for the weekend so I ran as he worked his arms.  After the run/ride we decided to take a short hike up Monument Hill.  When we returned there was a historian sitting at the start of the trail with a display of information. The Monument was one of the attr...
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By No Longer Active
(Real Estate)
One advantage to the real estate business is the ability to shift gears during the slow periods and enjoy a little free time.  Last week we took the journey north to Maine.  After arriving at midnight on Tuesday I was off to the Races for an 8:00am start.  The 5k road race drew over 400 runners this year.After the long drive and 5k run I was back at the cabin and ready to launch the boat by ten. We anchored a few hundred yards off shore to relax and catch a few rays before lunch.Later in the day we cruised out to Lothrop Island to see if the birds were around. It is the only time we have seen the two eagles together on one branch.  The Island consists of black sand beaches and is home to many rare plants. Today I discovered there is an Eagle Cam focused on the nest. so bird watchers can...
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