Sit On The Other Side Of Your Desk...At Least Once A Week For Perspective...
By Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573, Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker
Go ahead..Get up from that desk with three stacks of papers and wander around to one of the comfy chairs you use to greet and quiz buyers and sellers in. Feel uncomfortable? It shouldn't . It's part of your office. Sit like it was the first time you had been in the office, look around at this guy's awards, family and hobby pictures, community involvement evidence..and look thru new eyes. Don't use your own eyes...make them the next buyer from New Jersey or the elderly lady who is going to trust you with the listing on her home of 40 years and five kids. See some need for changes from this perspective? Was the place remodeled eights years ago and ready for an update plus removal of boxes, piles or just desk clutter. While you update, think what the folks that sit in these cha...