Make A Splash, Not A Laugh When Your Home Hits The Market
By Doug Rogers, Your Real Estate Resource!
(RE/MAX Coastal Properties)
Make A Splash, Not A Laugh When Your Home Hits The Market Getting ready to put your Alexandria, Louisiana home on the market? One of the most important decisions you will have is asking price. And just like dating, you only get one chance to make a first impression. Let's examine some common pricing strategies... The "This Is What I Need" approach-- Using this strategy, our home owners gather ALL of their bills. The mortgage, credit cards, car notes, heck even start-up costs in their next property, all in one giant mound. That's a lot to ask of a small three bedroom home! What's wrong with this approach? You are not giving the new owner all the junk. In a sense, you asking the new owner to pay for your home AND your lifestyle over the past few years. Even in a hot market this is a tall...