Active: There are currently 334 active homes for sale on the Westfield Indiana real estate market with an average asking price of $240,135. These homes are listed for $106 per square foot and have been on the market for 100 days. Sold: December 2007 saw 29 Westfield Indiana homes sell with an average price of $194,665. These homes took 84 days to get a contract and sold for $84 per square foot. The same time last year, 38 homes sold for an average selling price of $226,955. During the past year, 570 homes have sold on the Westfield real estate market with an average selling price of $220,976. This means there is currently a 7.03 months supply of homes on the market and indicates that Westfield is still in a buyer’s market. With so few homes closing, a few low sales can really s...