Carmel to take over Keystone Avenue and get $90 million from stateNoblesville Daily TimesBy William Fouts, Noblesville Daily Timeswfouts@noblesvilledailytimes.comUnder terms of an agreement between the city of Carmel and the state, Carmel will assume ownership of Keystone Avenue from 96th Street to U.S. 31. Gov. Mitch Daniels and Carmel Mayor Jim Brainard announced the plan Thursday. The Indiana Department of Transportation will pay the city $90 million in installments to reconstruct the road. The city's construction plan calls for lowering Keystone Avenue at seven major intersections and building roundabouts. When completed, traffic will flow unhindered by traffic lights. "When we pull the jurisdiction from the state over to a local entity, we drop a lot of the restrictions and feder...