Misconceptions: Adjusting Buyer Agreement Compensation Is Okay
By Kona Home Team (LUVA LLC) Lance Owens (RB-24133), 2024 Real Estate Expert - Hawaii Island
(Kona Home Team (luva llc))
The real estate industry has seen plenty of discussion surrounding recent changes in National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) policies. Misinterpretations of these changes, particularly about written buyer agreements and compensation adjustments, have caused confusion. Let’s set the record straight: you can adjust the compensation terms in a buyer agreement, provided it’s done transparently and within the guidelines set by the NAR settlement and state law.What the Settlement Really SaysAt its core, the NAR settlement emphasizes clarity, transparency, and mutual agreement in all written buyer agreements. Here's what you need to know: Amendments Are AllowedWritten buyer agreements are like any other contract. If both the REALTOR® and the client agree to modify the terms, the agreement can ...