How I Spent My Summer Vacation - Lake Burton GA
By Margaret Goss, Chicago's North Shore & Winnetka Real Estate
How I Spent My Summer Vacation Real estate agents don’t like to leave town - something always happens when they do. In fact, my husband likes to say that I should leave more often since I always seem to get new business when I’m gone. But there is one get-away I never want to miss - visiting with good friends at their lake house in Lake Burton, Georgia. Yes, I never heard of it either until I went there. Lake Burton is the largest of several lakes that were originally the Tallulah River. The original town of Burton is now buried underwater. Our friends lived in Atlanta for many years and Lake Burton (nearest town is Clayton) is a popular vacation spot for the well-to-do in Atlanta. Homes on Lake Burton are not that different from homes in Winnetka or the North Shore - magnificent and pr...