Do the Manatees still need protection?
By Barbara Martino-Sliva, Top Producer, Vero Beach Real Estate Vero Beach Homes for Sale
(Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.)
Every-time I see a Manatee in our Indian River Lagoon I am impressed! To see this large body float up to the surface, in the wild, is an awesome experience. Governor Charlie Crist delayed a vote this month on the decision whether manatees will lose their protections as an endangered species. More studies are needed, Crist asked to hold off on the voting until the state develops a better counting system. Two years ago the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, changed the definition of endangered. That's why the manatee status is up for a vote! Under the new criteria, a species would have to undergo, or be at risk of undergoing, an 80% decline in its population, to be listed as endangered.Jimmy Buffett said...