Well, well. Now, according to CnnMoney, Vero Beach comes in 2nd (from the bottom!) for most undervalued places in the country. Only 3 years back CnnMoney placed Vero Beach 2nd (from the top!!) and was forecasting 64% appreciation for this area over the following 5 years. Please see related links on this page. What an amazing 80 point spread! Instead of 40 up in value this area is 40 down. That must take 1st place for CNNs biggest misforcast. Guess none of those "real estate" analysts saw the bubble bursting either. January 2010: CNNMoney.com, America's most overvalued cities, January 27th, 2010 And, from November 2006!: http://money.cnn.com/popups/2006/biz2/newrules_bestinvest/2.html