Buying a Duplex Within Sulphur Springs
By Gloria Johnpierre, Real Estate Broker- Selling Tampa Bay Homes
(Siven Premier Real Estate, Inc)
The City of Tampa is requiring duplexes located within Sulphur Springs and have been vacant for more than six months to be converted into Single Family Homes. I discovered this information as one of my investors were hoping to add a few duplexes to his rental portfolio. Unfortunately, the duplexes he was hoping to purchase would need to be converted to single family homes. This would defeat the purpose of purchasing these properties and cut into his potential ROI. If you are looking to purchase a duplex within the City of Tampa, I would advise that you check with the Tampa’s Code enforcement department to ensure that the property could be used as a duplex. So far, Sulphur Springs has the six month vacancy stipulation and I have not come across any other areas that enforces this stipul...