Saxon Approves Short Sale in Driftwood Estates, Santa Rosa Beach Florida
By Wendy Rulnick, "It's Wendy... It's Sold!"
(Rulnick Realty, Inc.)
This home at 801 Loblolly Bay Drive was just approved by Saxon Mortgage as a short sale. Original Saxon Mortgage balance: $300,000 apprSales Price and Current Market value: $194,000 apprTime for Approval: 35 daysThis Driftwood Estates short sale was also approved a couple of months ago by Saxon for a different purchaser. The previous buyer defaulted on the contract and lost his earnest money deposit. Even though the second buyer submitted an identical offer, Saxon had to go through its approval process all over again.How is this Saxon short sale reported to credit bureaus? If you need to sell your Driftwood Estates home as a short sale to avoid foreclosure, consider hiring an experienced Santa Rosa Beach short sale agent. It's Wendy! Wendy Rulnick, Broker, Rulnick Realty, Inc. Ca...