Neighborhood Watch...or no Neighborhood Watch?
By Dennis Burgess, Orlando Property Manager and Realtor
(AmeriTeam Property Management)
Neighborhood Watch...or no Neighborhood Watch?Neighborhood Watch or No Neighborhood Watch?- that is the question. Or at least one of them.So where do you stand? Are you in favor of Neighborhood Watches, or against them? Do you feel the serve a purpose in the community you live and work in- or are they simply a bunch of nosy, busybody Gladys Kravitzes with nothing else to do with their lives but check for "foreign" vehicles along their beat?The simmering Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman case is surely causing many to give Neighborhood Watches more consideration than ever- and I'm not yet sure whether that's a good thing.Would you want to get "Zimmerman'd"? I wouldn't, and I dare say few others would welcome such a thing. The merits of the Zimmerman case (or lack thereof) notwithstanding, ...