
Saint Pete Beach, FL Real Estate News

By Anne Hensel Deutsche Immobilien Makler in Florida, Deutschsprachige Immobilien Maklerin in Florida
(South Beaches Real Estate Professionals)
     St Pete Beach liegt suedlich von Treasure Island. St Pete Beach hat ca. 10,000 permanente Einwohner und tausende Touristen, und “Snow Birds” ueber das Jahr verteilt. St Pete Beach wurde 1957 gegruendet unter dem Namen St Peterburg Beach und in 1994 wurde der Name zu St Pete Beach geaendert. St Pete Beach hat 4,5 Meilen von traumhaften weissen Sandstraenden, 26 Meilen Wasserwege und 38 Acres in oeffentlichen Parks. Es gibt immer was zu tun, und was zu sehen. Waren Sie schon im “BonAire” zum Sonnenuntergang? Oder haben Sie schon mal beim “Frog Pond” fruehstueck gegessen? Es gibt aber natuerlich nicht nur Restaurants und Hotels in St Pete Beach. Lesen Sie einen von unseren vorherigen Blogs, um herauszufinden, was man in St Pete Beach unternehmen kann. Wissenswertes um St Pete Beach, F...
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By Anne Hensel, Realtor - Broker - St. Pete Beach, Treasure Island
(South Beaches Real Estate Professionals)
Nina’s café, in St. Pete Beach, Treasure Island Nina’s café in St Pete Beach is located on 9524 Blind Pass road right at the bridge to Treasure Island.   It is a great place to have breakfast and lunch. The food is really good and the service is wonderful.   Nina and everybody on her staff is extremely friendly and the moment you walk in you feel at home.   I love this little place, Manny and I had breakfast at Nina’s cafe last week and the portions were so big we both could not eat it all.   Prices are really on the low end with $3.99 for a nice pancake plate with meat and a bowl of soup is $4.99 Nina’s café is open every day but Tuesday, check out their website for more info on Nina’s cafe great breakfast lunch place Nina’s café, in St. Pete Beach, Tre...
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By Anne Hensel, Realtor - Broker - St. Pete Beach, Treasure Island
(South Beaches Real Estate Professionals)
St. Pete Beach Seeking Players for 45+ Basketball League   St. Pete Beach, FL:  The St. Pete Beach Community Center is seeking teams for the new Men’s’ 45+ Basketball League that will launch this Fall.  Games will be played on Wednesday nights in the indoor gymnasium at the Community Center & Aquatic Complex, 7701 Boca Ciega Drive.  Game times are 6:45, 7:45 or 8:45 depending on weekly schedule.  If you have a team of men ages 45 and up who would like to register for this fun, lightly-competitive league, call the Recreation Division at 363-9245 for more information.  The season will begin when a minimum of four teams are registered.
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By Anne Hensel Deutsche Immobilien Makler in Florida, Deutschsprachige Immobilien Maklerin in Florida
(South Beaches Real Estate Professionals)
        Bella Marguerite, Eigentumswohnungen an der Intracoastal in St. Pete Beach, Florida   Bella Marguerite ist eine Eigentumwohnanlage in St Pete Beach, die in 2007 gebaut wurde.   Di   Anlage verfuegt ueber 20 Eigentumwohnungen. Wohnungen haben eine fantastische Aussicht auf die Intracoastal Wasserwege, um es genauer zu sagen, einem Auslaeufer der Boca Ciega Bay und liegt direkt gegenueber von den weissen Sandstraenden in St Pete Beach. Alle diese Eigentumswohnungen haben 3 Schlafzimmer, mit. 2,000 oder 2,200 Quadratfuss grosser Wohnflaeche. Die Wohnungen haben einen eigenen geraeumigen, privaten Balkon, auf dem man die Aussicht geniessen kann. Haustiere sind in Bella Marguerite erlaubt bis zu 35 Pfund. Bella Marguerite eignet sich besonders fuer Zweitwohnungen oder als Investition...
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By Anne Hensel, Realtor - Broker - St. Pete Beach, Treasure Island
(South Beaches Real Estate Professionals)
CHILDREN’S EGG “HAUNT” IS A HALLOWEEN FAVORITE!   ST. PETE BEACH, FL:   The City of St. Pete Beach is offering kids of all ages a ghoulish good time with its second annual Halloween Egg “Haunt” on Saturday, October 15th.  This awesome event to get you in the Halloween spirit begins at 11:00am at the St. Pete Beach Pool, 7701 Boca Ciega Drive.  Children will swim and dive hunting for black and orange eggs in the pool, and then trick or treat around the pool deck.  Participants can stay and play in the pool and on the water slides until 3:00pm.  Admission is just $3.00 per person.  For more information contact the St. Pete Beach Aquatic Center at 363-9264. St. Pete Beach Halloween event 2011               
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By Anne Hensel Deutsche Immobilien Makler in Florida, Deutschsprachige Immobilien Maklerin in Florida
(South Beaches Real Estate Professionals)
Florida, St Pete Beach “Willys”, putzige Bar direkt auf der Corey Avenue     Hat einen neuen Besitzer. In unseren Blogs moechten wir nicht nur ueber Immobilien, sondern auch ueber unsere Gegend berichten.  Wenn Sie noch nicht bei Willys waren, sollten Sie unbedingt mal vorbeischauen. Klein aber fein, erschwingliche Preise, lockere Atmosphere. Nicht sehr grosse Speisekarte, aber genug Auswahl fuer einen Snack zwischendurch. Burger und Chicken Wings sind dabei, was typisch fuer diese kleinen Bars ist. Viel Spass bei Ihrem naechsten Besuch!  Florida, St Pete Beach “Willys”, putzige Bar direkt auf der Corey Avenue  
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By Anne Hensel Deutsche Immobilien Makler in Florida, Deutschsprachige Immobilien Maklerin in Florida
(South Beaches Real Estate Professionals)
St Pete Beach in Florida 33706 ist eine wunderschoene Stadt hier in Tampabay Florida St Pete Beach Immobilien sind sehr begehrt, besonders momentan durch ihr sehr gutes Preis- Leistungsverhaeltnis. In den meisten Faellen sind Haeuser, Eigentumswohnungen und Reihenhaeuser in St Pete Beach guenstig ausgepreist und der Marktlage angepasst. St Pete Beach bietet viele Annehmlichkeiten wie z.B. meinlenlange, weisse Sandstraende, Boot Verleih, Boot Charter, Adventure Cruises, Kunstausstellungen und Gallerien, Corey Ave Kino, das bekannte Hotel Don Cesar, Shell Key Shuttle, Windsurfing, Parasailing gute Restaurants, Spas und Einkaufsmoeglichkeiten und vieles mehr.   Wir sind  St Pete Beach Immobilien Spezialisten und unsere deutschen immobilien Makler hier in Florida haben einen sehr guten Wiss...
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By Anne Hensel Deutsche Immobilien Makler in Florida, Deutschsprachige Immobilien Maklerin in Florida
(South Beaches Real Estate Professionals)
Boca Sands in St Pete Beach Vor einigen Tagen haben wir ueber Boca Sands in St Pete Beach berichtet und Ihnen die Wohnanlage hier in Florida vorgestellt. Wir haben Neuigkeiten, die wir Ihnen gerne mitteilen moechten.                  Es wurde vor wenigen Tagen eine Wohnung auf den Markt gebracht, die direkt von der Bank verkauft wird.               Die Wohnung hat 3 Schlazimmer, 3 Baeder, ist 2460 Quadratfuss gross, liegt in der 4. Etage, hat einen traumhaften Aussblick auf’s Wasser, ist gegenueber vom Strand und kommt mit einer Garage fuer 2 Fahrzeuge. Der Preis ist unglaublich! $624,900!!! Boca Sands in St Pete Beach, Ferienwohnung am Wasser in Florida zu verkaufen Rufen Sie and, wenn Sie Fragen haben, oder wenn Sie sich die Wohnung anschauen moechten. Wir freuen uns von Ihnen zu hoeren.
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By Anne Hensel, Realtor - Broker - St. Pete Beach, Treasure Island
(South Beaches Real Estate Professionals)
BRIDES TO BE—SAVE THE DATE Looking for a venue or to connect with tons of awesome vendors all in the same place?  Save the date for a Bridal Showcase in the beautiful, waterfront Boca Ciega Ballroom, one of Tampa Bay’s most hidden gems.  The Bridal Showcase will be held from 1pm to 4 pm on Sunday, October 9th at the St. Pete Beach Community Center, 7701 Boca Ciega Drive.  The Bridal show is free and open to the public and will feature ceremony and reception décor, food and beverage samples, door prizes, live music, day-of discounts and specials, and much more!  Join us for an afternoon and meet with Tampa Bay’s best vendors!  For more information call 363-9245
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By Anne Hensel, Realtor - Broker - St. Pete Beach, Treasure Island
(South Beaches Real Estate Professionals)
“CONCERT IN THE PARK” SERIES, Every Friday in October at Horan Park. The bands will start playing at 7 pm we will feature a local band and food from local restaurantswill be available!  Bring your blankets or lounge chairs and join us in the park for thisfantastic community event! The schedule for the bands is: October 7th – Greenflash, October14th – Horny Toads, October 21st – Vodkanauts, October 28th – Act III. St Pete Beach concerts in the park.
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By Anne Hensel, Realtor - Broker - St. Pete Beach, Treasure Island
(South Beaches Real Estate Professionals)
And another yard sale at the city of St. Pete Beach. St. Pete Beach Community Center, 7701 Boca Ciega Drive, on Saturday, September 24th from 8:00am to Noon. Indoor spaces in the gym and outdoor covered spaces are available on a first‐come basis for just $15.00 for SPB Residents and $17.50 for Non‐Residents. There is no entrance fee for shoppers. Don’t waste your time and energy having a sale at your house or driving around from neighborhood to neighborhood‐ sales at the Community Center have up to 50 sellers all in one place and are usually frequented by nearly 500 shoppers. Registration is going on now and continues until all spaces are filled. Come by the Recreation office or call 363‐9245 with questions or to reserve your spot.
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By Anne Hensel, Realtor - Broker - St. Pete Beach, Treasure Island
(South Beaches Real Estate Professionals)
St. Pete Beach, Community Center Hosts Huge Yard-Sale St. Pete Beach, FL:  The City of St. Pete Beach is hosting its always-popular yard sale at the St. Pete Beach Community Center, 7701 Boca Ciega Drive, on Saturday, September 24th from 8:00am to Noon.  Indoor spaces in the gym and outdoor covered spaces are available on a first-come basis for just $15.00 for SPB Residents and $17.50 for Non-Residents.  There is no entrance fee for shoppers.  Don’t waste your time and energy having a sale at your house or driving around from neighborhood to neighborhood- sales at the Community Center have up to 50 sellers all in one place and are usually frequented by nearly 500 shoppers.  Registration is going on now and continues until all spaces are filled.  Come by the Recreation office or call 363...
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By Anne Hensel, Realtor - Broker - St. Pete Beach, Treasure Island
(South Beaches Real Estate Professionals)
  I love the location and I love the outside sitting area, the nice breeze you always get and I love to watch the boat come in and out of Blind Pass, in short I like everything about Woody’s but the way they serve their food.    Everything is on plastic and paper plates and plastic knifes and folks.  If I got there for Lunch and have Fish spread ( really really good) I do not mind. But tonight I was there having dinner, Surf and Turf and it is on a paper plate and I am supposed to cut the steak with a cheap plastic knife……………. So, Woddy's in St. Pete Beach is a great place for lunch and sunset drinks.
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By Anne Hensel Deutsche Immobilien Makler in Florida, Deutschsprachige Immobilien Maklerin in Florida
(South Beaches Real Estate Professionals)
Florida, Boca Sands in St Pete Beach Eigentumswohnungen am Strand Boca Sands in St Pete Beach, Florida, wurde in 2005 gebaut und in 2006 fertiggestellt. Es ist eine Wohnanlage mit Eigentumswohnungen direkt an der Intracoastal und gerade ueber vom Gulf of Mexiko Kurz vor Fertigstellung, wurden die Wohnungen auf den Markt gebracht und innerhalb von 3 Tagen war der gesamte Komplex ausverkauft! Kaeufer haben Schlange gestanden, um eine von diesen Eigentumswohnungen am Wasser zu kaufen. Es gab 2 verschiedene Sorten von Kaeufern. Einwohner aus unserer Gegend, die es als Chance gesehen haben, in einem der neuesten und schoensten Komplexen hier in St Pete Beach zu wohnen. Die andere Gruppe der Kaeufer waren die Investoren, die sofort nach der Fertigstellung, die Wohnungen sofort wieder verkauft...
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By Anne Hensel Deutsche Immobilien Makler in Florida, Deutschsprachige Immobilien Maklerin in Florida
(South Beaches Real Estate Professionals)
St. Pete Beach Yacht and Tennis Club in Florida hat Immobilie | Wohnungen am Wasser zu verkaufen.  St Pete Beach Yacht und Tennis Club. Schnaeppchen, Schnaeppchen, Schnaeppchen! 2 Schlafzimmer, 2 Baeder Eigentumswohnung mit direktem, traumhaften Blick auf die Intracoastal mit Balkon und modernisierter Kueche. Ca. 1145 Quadrat Fuss Wohnflaeche Die Wohnung ist im Zwangsverkauf durch die Bank fuer einen super Preis von $179,900!!! St Pete Yacht und Tennis Club ist eine Wohnanlage, die nur Minuten vom Strand entfernt ist und bietet fuer die Eigentuemer einen beheizten Pool, Fitness Studio, Tennis Platz, Klubhaus und vieles mehr! Diese Wohnung wird nicht lange auf dem Makt sein. Wenn Sie nach einem Schnaeppchen gesucht haben, warten Sie nicht zu lange! Wir verbleiben mit sonnigen Gruessen un...
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By Anne Hensel, Realtor - Broker - St. Pete Beach, Treasure Island
(South Beaches Real Estate Professionals)
A few days ago, we wrote about Boca Sands condos, it’s location, amenities, luxurious interior. We wanted to share with you, that a few days ago, a bank owned unit was listed for $624,900!!! The unit is a 3 bedroom, 3 bath, 2,460 sq ft unit on the 4th floor, with breathtaking views on to Boca Ciega Bay, a large balcony and a 2 car garage. Elevator opens up into a private foyer. A must see. Please call or e-mail us, for detailed information on the listing. St. Pete beach, waterfront Condo Boca Sands Bank owned for sale
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By Anne Hensel, Realtor - Broker - St. Pete Beach, Treasure Island
(South Beaches Real Estate Professionals)
   St. Pete Beach, FL:  The St. Pete Beach Community Center announces the return of its Tutoring and Sport Technique program for the 2011-2012 school year.  The program offers youth in grades 1st through 5th safe transportation to an afterschool program that combines homework help with socializing and active play.  The program runs each school day with Tutoring and homework help from 3:00 to 4:30pm and Sport Technique from 4:30 to 6:00pm.  The program picks up students from Azalea and Pasadena Fundamental Elementary Schools but students from any other school are welcome to be dropped off.  Each program is $20/week for St. Pete Beach residents and $25/week for non-residents; children can enroll in one or both programs weekly.   Registration is going on now, come by the Recreation office ...
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By Anne Hensel, Realtor - Broker - St. Pete Beach, Treasure Island
(South Beaches Real Estate Professionals)
St. Pete Beach, Boca Sands waterfront condos. This beautiful newer gated waterfront condo complex in St. Pete Beach sits right on Boca Ciega Bay. Construction on Boca Sands started in 2005 and it was finish in 2006 Within 3 days of taking reservations, there was not one condo left. There was a real rush on these waterfront condos and people stood in line. We saw two different kinds of buyers, locals who saw a chance to live in a new and big condo right on the Intracoastal Waterway and at the same time, live across the street from the beach. A perfect combination. The other buyer was just in it for investment purposes and they wanted to flip the units as soon as they were finished. Boca Sands has 64 units altogether and it is a gated community on Gulf Blvd in St. Pete Beach. Two small pe...
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By Anne Hensel, Realtor - Broker - St. Pete Beach, Treasure Island
(South Beaches Real Estate Professionals)
St. Pete Beach Yacht and Tennis Club, waterfront condo bank owned Just came on the market today in the St. Pete Beach Yacht and Tennis Club, a waterfront condo on the 4 th floor in the Constellation building 2 bedroom 2 bath with beautiful water views.   This is a bank owned sale and the asking price is $179,900. The unit is nice and already has an updated kitchen. This is a GREAT deal. If you always wanted to buy a waterfront condo in the St. Pete Beach Yacht and Tennis Club, this might be it.
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By Anne Hensel, Realtor - Broker - St. Pete Beach, Treasure Island
(South Beaches Real Estate Professionals)
I took a day off and my girlfriend and I went to St. Pete Beach to spend a day in the sun. It was a perfect beach day, some sun some clouds the water was clear and hardly any waves. As always on the 4th of July weekend, St. Pete Beach was crowed. Hotels had no vacancies and everybody was at the beach but the beach is so wide here that it really doesn't matter and you will always find enough space (not like some beaches in Europe) We had a something to eat and some drinks at my favorite St Pete Beach bar, Sandbar Bills (right behind the Bon Aire hotel) and as always their food is just the best beach food in all of St Pete Beach. Their Burgers are huge and I love their Nachos. Prices are very reasonable and it is a nice setting. Give it a try when you are in St Pete beach, you will love t...
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