• Access to MLS Available to NONrealtors Now anyone can access the MLS on any wireless device ... Who's putting you behind on your home search!? Tell them, "No more!" Now you can access the central Florida Multiple Listing Service (MLS) with almost everything a REALTOR knows. Delivered by a company named Kurio, this little web site offers... • Voter Registration at APV Poinciana residents not registered to vote yet can do so tomorrow, Saturday, September 25th at the Association of Poinciana Villages' Community Center. Event starts at 10 a.m. and end at 3 p.m. • www.PoincianaHome.Net -- Now Wireless-Ready While you're checking out Kurio on your mobile device, route yourself to www.PoincianaHome.Net. Our site is wireless-device-ready! • Osceola/Polk Join for Joint Town Hall Meetings Keith...