Wondering About the Water Guidelines?
By Kathleen West, Flagler County & Palm Coast Realtor
(Trademark Realty Group of Palm Coast)
Many probably know the watering guidelines and the days sometimes change. Here is the latest information on watering and you can always visit The City of Palm Coast Irrigation Information at anytime to get updated information.Water Restrictions: With more and more people moving into our area daily, our water use keeps increasing. Consequently, water conservation practices are a prudent way to help safeguard this valuable resource to ensure there is enough for everyone. Under our normal "Base Level" restrictions the following schedule must be followed: Class II Users (which are homeowners, institutional & commercial businesses) May water only TWO days per week, and not between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.Odd Numbered Addresses: Water only on Wednesday and Saturday. Even Numbere...