
Palm Coast, FL Real Estate News

By Nathan Gilliam
(Resident Real Estate Network)
Palm Coast Real Estate Weekly Market UpdateWeek of 11/11/07 to 11/17/07 We here at Resident Real Estate Network continuously monitor local real estate statistics to keep our clients informed and ahead of the real estate trends.  Below you will find Palm Coast real estate statistic for the week of 11/11/07 to 11/17/07.Total Homes on the Market:  1994Total Number of Homes Pending:  99Number of Homes Sold This Week:  15Avg Days on Market for Homes Sold This Week:  129Number of Homes Expired This Week:  33To find out the value of your home with a FREE Over-the-Net Home Evaluation, please visit  It's EASY and FREE!If you would like a FREE List of Homes For Sale in this area/neighborhood, would like more information about the Palm Coast / Flagler County a...
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By Kathleen West, Flagler County & Palm Coast Realtor
(Trademark Realty Group of Palm Coast)
Current Active Residential Properties for Sale: 8Average List Price: $823,350Lowest List Price: $385,000Highest List Price: $1,299,900Current Active Residential Vacant Homesites for Sale: 79Average List Price: $236,852Lowest List Price: $115,000Highest List Price: $499,900Year-to-Date Resdential Home Sales: 2Average Number of Days on the Market: 170Average Sales Price: $562,500Lowest Sales Price: $500,000Highest Sales Price: $625,000Year-to-Date Resdential Vacant Homesite  Sales: 8Average Number of Days on the Market: 186Average Sales Price: $228,875Lowest Sales Price: $120,000Highest Sales Price: $379,000An overall Palm Coast Market Report can be found on my website at All information provided is take...
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By Kathleen West, Flagler County & Palm Coast Realtor
(Trademark Realty Group of Palm Coast)
Current Active Residential Houses for Sale: 105Average List Price: $253,391Lowest List Price: $149,900Highest List Price: $542,000Current Active Residential Vacant Homesites for Sale: 92Average List Price: $81,667Lowest List Price: $37,000Highest List Price: $219,000Year-to-Date Resdential Home Sales: 37Average Number of Days on the Market: 120Average Sales Price: $220,589Lowest Sales Price: $150,000Highest Sales Price: $364,000August 2007 Residential Home Sales: 1Average Number of Days on the Market: 7Average Sales Price: $150,000Lowest Sales Price: $150,000Highest Sales Price: $150,000For a complete list of homes available for sale in Matanzas Woods, contact me today.An overall Palm Coast Market Report can be found on my website at
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By Kathleen West, Flagler County & Palm Coast Realtor
(Trademark Realty Group of Palm Coast)
My husband shared with me a wonderful site called You can view my bookshelf to the right.  This is wonderful site that allows you to share books with others.  Kind of like the MySpace for Book-lovers.Registration is free and you can even start your own group.  My husband just started a online book club for our town (Palm Coast, FL).  Stop by and check out the Palm Coast Book-lover Club Have fun.   
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By Jon Zolsky, Daytona Beach, FL, Buy Daytona condos for heavenly good prices
(Daytona Condo Realty, 386-405-4408)
Beverly Beach is a small town north of Flagler Beach in FLagler County, Florida. The community was named for the granddaughter of attorney Claude Varn. Population is not easy to define: by one account it was 547 people in 2000, and estimates for 2006 were at 307, which would constitute a 43.9% decline, however, another source estimates for 2003 at 562 people and 45% of the population is over 45 years old. The town is on a narrow stretch of barrier island occupying only 0.35 sq. m. Not New York by any standard but this is a different way of life right by the ocean.  This is for people who are not in a hurry. This is for people who would love to be not in a big city, but be conveniently close to everything: historic St. Augustine, bustling Jacksonville, fast growing Palm coast, fun-filled...
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By Troy Rowan
(Prime Real Estate Company)
Foreclosures in Palm Coast and St. AugustineBank foreclosed homes are also call real estate owned (REO) foreclosures. Bad things, such as divorce, death or loss of job, happen to good people and make them unable to make their mortgage payments. After a few months, the bank forecloses on the property and it becomes a bank foreclosure home. Experienced investors know that during the time that the bank foreclosure is being processed, known as the pre-foreclosure period, the owners may sell their homes and avoid foreclosure. The predicament of these owners makes them willing to negotiate so that they can save their credit and the investor gets a good deal. A win-win situation.After the foreclosure is final, the title of the bank foreclosure home is transferred to the bank. Banks do not like...
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By Kathleen West, Flagler County & Palm Coast Realtor
(Trademark Realty Group of Palm Coast)
  Friends and family that talk to us since we moved here always ask the same thing, "So what's so great about living in Palm Coast, FL."  It's an easy answer . . . it's filled treasures galore for everyone!  Nearby beaches, palm trees, parks, activities galore, friendly people, and even . . . Elvis!  Randy Elvis ( is a local entertainer that has grown famous in the area.  Not only does he show up at weddings, family events, and business events . . . you can find him at local clubs and hotpsots such as the European Village.  A bowling league has even formed aoround him with teams such as The hounddogs and the Blue Suede Shoes.  Check out one of local performances below . . .  
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By Kathleen West, Flagler County & Palm Coast Realtor
(Trademark Realty Group of Palm Coast)
The residential house market in Palm Coast through August of 2007:# Current Active Lisitings: Approximately 1,960Listing Activity: 293 properties were listed in August (14 "2 or less bedrooms", 178 "3 bedrooms", & 101 "4+bedrooms").  The total # listed for the year is 2,811 which 20% lower than last year at this time.  The "3 Bedroom" category is the leads Residential House sale listings at 63% followed by "4+ bedrooms" making up 33%.  Sales Activity:  83 Residential properties sold in August bring the monthly average of "solds" to 103/month with a yearly avaerage of 126 days on the market.  "3 bedrooms" continues to dominate the category with 49 sold in August and 519 YTD.  "4 bedrooms" remians second with 28 sold in August and 253 YTD.  Total number of YTD Residential "solds" is about...
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By Toby Tobin
(Real estate commentator;, Take Action Propertiesi)
Sawmill Creek, approved as a planned residential community of over 1000 acres, is in the final planning and permitting stages. Sawmill Creek is located in the northwestern section of Palm Coast Park, west of US 1 south of I95 and north of Matanzas Woods Pkwy. The Planned Unit Development (PUD) agreement for Sawmill Creek allows for 1,469 residential units (single family and town homes, 50,000 square feet of neighborhood retail and office space, a 10-acre park and space for a school. A Jim Furyk designed golf course will be included in the first phase of the development. Michael Beebe is co-designer of the course. Construction may begin as early as mid-2007. The golf course is expected to be completed by the end of 2008.The developer is Lowe Destination Development Palm Coast North, LLC,...
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By Toby Tobin
(Real estate commentator;, Take Action Propertiesi)
Palm Coast Park is a 4,700 acre multi-use development stretching along a 6 mile segment of US Rt 1 in the City of Palm Coast, with development tracts available for commercial, including big box retail; light industrial; business park and various types of residential, including single-family and multi-family. The site extends from Palm Coast Parkway to Old Kings Rd along US Rt 1.Development approvals are in place for the following land use entitlements: Residential - 3,600 units Commercial/Retail - 800,000 sf Office - 800,000 sf Industrial - 800,000 sf Institutional - 100,000 sf The first residential homes within the project area will be started in late 2006. The developer, Palm Coast Holdings, projects a 15 year build-out for Palm Coast Park. Bisected by US Rt 1, Palm Coast Park boasts ...
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By Toby Tobin
(Real estate commentator;, Take Action Propertiesi)
September 6, 2007, Palm Coast City Council unanimously approved an agreement to accept Centex's contingent donation of the Palm Harbor golf course. As disclosed in earlier articles, Centex desires to amend the existing Development Orders (DO) for the Harborside Inn and Marina to enhance the property's marketability. The requested changes were not detailed at last night's council meeting but previous information meetings disclosed that Centex was looking for the following changes to the Development Orders to gain additional flexibility:Downsize the two remaining condominium buildings Optionally allow the condo/hotel to be a standard hotel Extend the DO by a period of two yearsThe requested DO changes have been submitted to the city for review and processing according to existing procedur...
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Sunday, September, 9th, the Red Knights, Palm Coast Chapt 11 sponsored a "911 Memorial Ride" for All Fallen Hero's. Steve and I arrived about 930 and there was a good turn out already. Everything was very well organized and water was available to us as it was already very warm at 9:30.   I had never even heard of Hero's Park before let alone been there and was very impressed with it. The design had been very well thought out, each stone dedicated to Firefighters,                     Law Enforcement,           & Military    were thoughtfully placed across from the final stone dedicated...     to each person who died 6 years ago today.           In the middle of this circle of stones, 3 flag poles, two outer poles flying the POW/MIA flag at half mast, our State Flag at half mast and the c...
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August 27, 2007 - Palm Coast, Florida -Flagler County's the residential real estate market flounders but the commercial side shows strength. A few projects, such as the CVS on SR100 at John Anderson, have been put on hold. Epic's much anticipated multiplex movie theater/retail complex is apparently being set back. Informal discussions have taken place, but formal plans have yet to be submitted to city planners. Meanwhile, progress on the Town Center front is becoming apparent.The final site plan for Golden Gate was approved. Golden Gate is a "boutique" hotel, with 80 plush guest rooms, meeting rooms, a fine dining restaurant, and shops. It will be located on Central Avenue, across from Central Park within Town Center's urban core. City Center, a mixed-use complex with offices, retail sp...
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By Kathleen West, Flagler County & Palm Coast Realtor
(Trademark Realty Group of Palm Coast)
The internet is obviously becoming more and more a part of everyday life.  Website addresses are becoming just as important as physical street addresses.  Email as important as a phone number.  There is no doubt that the technology has added many convenient benefits in regards to communication, storage, services, so forth and so on.  The one thing we tend to forget is that computers and the internet are  an extension of the things we normally do (i.e. visit a bank website rather than the teller, send an email with pictures rather than mail through the post office, etc.).  Therefore, computers are no different in regards to protecting ourselves.As "Social Networking" websites (i.e. Myspace, blogs, Facebook, etc.) increase in popularity (especially amongst our children), people have somet...
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By Kathleen West, Flagler County & Palm Coast Realtor
(Trademark Realty Group of Palm Coast)
Current Active Residential Properties for Sale: 14Average List Price: $780,148Lowest List Price: $375,000Highest List Price: $1,149,990Current Active Residential Vacant Homesites for Sale: 115Average List Price: $242,703Lowest List Price: $115,000Highest List Price: $529,900Year-to-Date Resdential Home Sales: 2Average Number of Days on the Market: 170Average Sales Price: $562,500Lowest Sales Price: $500,000Highest Sales Price: $625,000Year-to-Date Resdential Vacant Homesite  Sales: 8Average Number of Days on the Market: 186Average Sales Price: $228,875Lowest Sales Price: $120,000Highest Sales Price: $379,000August saw no sales for Palm Coast Plantation.An overall Palm Coast Market Report can be found on my website at
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By Kathleen West, Flagler County & Palm Coast Realtor
(Trademark Realty Group of Palm Coast)
Current Active Residential Houses for Sale: 71Average List Price: $253,883Lowest List Price: $147,000Highest List Price: $469,000Current Active Residential Vacant Homesites for Sale: 103Average List Price: $85,779Lowest List Price: $32,900Highest List Price: $219,000Year-to-Date Resdential Home Sales: 21Average Number of Days on the Market: 130Average Sales Price: $214,480Lowest Sales Price: $165,000Highest Sales Price: $355,000August 2007 Residential Home Sales: 4Average Number of Days on the Market: 56Average Sales Price: $203,725Lowest Sales Price: $168,000Highest Sales Price: $220,000An overall Palm Coast Market Report can be found on my website at All information provided is taken from the Flagler...
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By Lysa Napolitano
 SEPTEMBER 11TH, WE WILL NEVER FORGET! On September 9th, 2007 the Palm Coast Chapter of the Red Knights Motorcycle Club is hosting a FREE Memorial Run to remember those who sacraficed their lives along with those who to this day keep us safe. The ride begins at Hero's Memorial Park on Palm Coast Parkway, registration is at 9AM with a Memorial Service at 10AM. Following the service will be a police escorted ride on Palm Coast Pkwy to US-1 North to SR 206 across to A1A south to SR 100 and end at Hijackers Restaurant at the Flagler County Airport. For addtional information, please contact Joe Vece, President, Red Knights MC FL Chapt. 11 @ 386-446-2410This is a beautiful ride, I've done it many times and Steve and I will be part of this ride next week. I have 2 brothers that are firefighter...
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By Kathleen West, Flagler County & Palm Coast Realtor
(Trademark Realty Group of Palm Coast)
Road Notices from Flagler County Emergency Services Traffic These are road closures as of Augusr 31st, 2007  Belle Terre TrafficOn Friday, August 31, 2007, Welch Tennis Courts will conduct the construction of the entrance to the Palm Coast Tennis Facility. This will impact the area 1.4 miles north on Belle Terre from SR 100. This includes the installation of the stabilizer material and base.Welch Tennis Courts apologizes for any inconvenience or delays that this construction may cause the residents in the area. If required by the inspector, a flagger will be provided for maintaining proper traffic control.Your patience, understanding, and cooperation during this construction process are appreciated. Please observe a lower speed while traveling in this area and be vigilant in watching fo...
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By Kathleen West, Flagler County & Palm Coast Realtor
(Trademark Realty Group of Palm Coast)
On January 29th, 2008 Florida voters will have the opportunity to vote on a Homestead Exemption amendment which would provide them with a one-time option.  Here's is the description from the Flagler County Property Appraiser's site.If the amendment passes, all property owners who have a homestead exemption as of January 1, 2008 must choose to do one of the following: a) Keep their existing homestead exemption and their current Save Our Homes cap.The homestead amount is $25,000 and the cap limits any annual assessed value increases on that homestead to the lesser of 3 percent or the change in the Consumer Price Index, as long as they maintain it as their homestead. - or - b) Convert to the Super Homestead Exemption and give up Save Our Homes.The new Super Exemption will exempt 75% of the...
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By Kathleen West, Flagler County & Palm Coast Realtor
(Trademark Realty Group of Palm Coast)
I was checking a For Sale By Owner website today, and I am not sure that sellers are truly aware of the respresentation they are getting.  Nor are they really being made aware of how the internet works in regards to advertising listings.  So let me take you a through things:A rule of success on the web is "Don't close your site to the visitor".  Ever wonder why most of the time when you click on something it either opens a new window?  It's because the original site window stays up in the background.  On the site I visited, there is a link to "foreclosures in the area" right under the photos of the sellers property.  When you click it, you now have been taken away from the sellers page in the same window.  Guess what?  That viewer is now gone and submerged in the list of new properties ...
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