Does Your House Have What Buyers Want?
By Charles Stallions, 850-476-4494 - Pensacola, Pace or Gulf Breeze, Fl.
(Charles Stallions Real Estate Services )
2.2KSHARES 2.0K 64 17 138 The rise in remote work is changing what many Americans want in their homes. Many companies are choosing to delay reopening or go remote full-time, and today’s buyers are looking for homes with more space to support their work needs. As a seller, if you no longer need the extra room you have in your home, rest assured there are buyers who do. Remote Work Is Here To Stay Remote work remains a reality for many Americans. A recent poll from Garter, Inc. shows many organizations have not yet returned their offices: “. . . 66% of organizations are delaying reopening their offices due to new COVID-19 variants.” And it’s not just companies that are choosing to remain remote for the time being – workers are seeking more flexibility. According to research from Pricewa...