Gulfview Market Update - February 2007
By Colleen Irwin, Creative Real Estate Solutions...
Back in September I wrote about why there haven't been sales in this building and I shared the following:So why so few sales? If I can see the numbers, and it is simple statistics you would think that the sellers would understand that their list prices are over what the market will bear. 2004 and 2005 saw tremendous rises in prices and was an unusual increase. When coming to your List price you really need to disregard (I know I am not going to be popular here BUT...) the tremendous appreciation. If I take the Average Sales price of 2003 of $444,700 and give it a 15% appreciation each year I come up with $676,332. The Average sale price for 2006 is $680,000. The year ended with average sales price of $684,000 with a total of 5 closed sales, 14 less than the prior year. Sales ...