Villa Medici builder inventory close out. Prices from $84,900 Call Pavel Martynenko (904)859-5002
By Pavel Martynenko, Realtor Listing Specialist, Buy or Sell call Pavel! (904)859-5002
(Florida Homes Realty & Mortgage (904)859-5002)
Villa Medici is a great condominium community Conveniently located in Jacksonville's Southside. Close to entertainment (Tinseltown), fine dining, spectacular shopping( St Johns Town Center), schools and great medical facilities. Easy access to downtown, I-95 and South Side Boulevard. Price list: 1 BEDROOMS CHIANTI $84,900 ROME $95,900 To view virtual tour click: 2 BEDROOMS SORRENTO WITH ATTACHED GARAGE - ONLY 1 LEFT - $117,900 To view virtual tour click: 3 BEDROOMS BOLOGNA $140,900 To view virtual tour: To learn more about Villa Medici you can see this video: http://v...