Oh My! Dirty Tenants! How to Remedy the Situation
By Dulcey Schuster, Property Management Software
(Rentec Direct Property Management Software Tenant Screening)
Having dirty tenants can be a landlord or property managers worst nightmare, they are not only expensive they also bring down the value of the rental property by giving a bad perception. Nobody wants to live next to a smelly dirty home or apartment. Living conditions that are dirty can cause damage to the property, provide insect and rodent inducing conditions, reduce property value of your house and potentially the neighborhood. One of the simplest ways to determine if a tenant is going to be a slob is by taking a peak inside the prospective tenant’s car. If the prospect is generally unkempt themselves this also may be a bad sign. If while doing a routine inspection, or if an issue was brought to your attention by a concerned (or disgusted) neighbor, you find that you have a dirty tena...