Is there a BEST day to start the home buying process?
By Karen Butler, Eglin AFB/ Fort Walton Beach /Destin Relocation
(RE/MAX Coastal Properties)
Realtors might generally agree that TUESDAY’s are the best day of the week to begin the buying process. Why Tuesday? Think about the other days for a moment, and what you are normally doing... As everyone is settling back into their work-week routine, they are better able to focus once their weeks schedule is in place. Additionally, making the offer on a Tuesday allows for several days of negotiating before people get into weekend mode, and then you are faced with the anguish of waiting for an answer to your offer over the weekend and into the following week. (Which also puts your offer at risk by allowing other offers to come in over the weekend). Can you feel the knot in your stomach?So I look forward to hearing from you on Tuesday!