
Fort Myers Beach, FL Real Estate News

By LLoyd Nichols, Southwest Florida Homes By The Sea
(Premier Florida Realty)
As anywhere else in Southwest Florida, there are foreclosures and foreclosures in Fort Myers Beach. My highest pick would be this pilling home on Bahia Via, around mid island, at an asking price of $483,000. It has direct gulf access canal frontage and has been recently remodelled with granite counter tops and luxurious 20" tiles. You will see from the pictures on the link below the attractive brick drive way and on the first floor you may have a bonus 2 bedrooms and 1 baths which is great for visitors or get some extra cash in season for example.         View Listings                                 The simlicity and beauty of the overall architectural design is also what makes it stand out. This property was listed not so long ago at $699,000.  Below is the link for these other forecl...
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By Sean Allen, International Financing Solutions
(International Financing Solutions )
    Hello Folks,                                                                               November 14, 2008 This morning in Southwest Florida was another beautiful morning to walk the beach. The tide this morning was at it's lowest since about 6+ months ago. The gulf was calm and the marine life was quite plentiful along the beach. Although the Shelling wasn't great, but that was expected. We won't have any "good" shelling until anothe storm comes ashore. We don;t have to have a hurricane or tropic storm to wash up fresh shells, but just a strong winter storm that has strong winds. It is the winds that stir up the gulf's floor and pushes the shells up on the beach. Here are some of the critters I came across today...... This first picture is of a Starfish which I've never seen alo...
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By Bill Gillhespy, Fort Myers Beach Realtor, Fort Myers Beach Agent - Homes & Condos
(16 Sunview Blvd)
This past week marked the 22nd annual Fort Myers Beach Sand Castle Championship event.  I was honored to be invited to be the " Site Manager " for the Holiday Inn portion of the competition !  As site manager one of my responsibilities was to make sure the carvers had the tools and materials needed to actually build one of these incredible sand structures ! Each participant is provided a pile of beach sand inside their plot.  The sand on Fort Myers Beach is considered by many carvers as the best in the world.  Work starts by shoveling several inches of sand into the form followed by buckets of water.  This is heavy, brutal grunt work as they are not allowed to use helpers. Men and women compete equally in the " Masters " and State divisions.  Time is carefully monitored and the initial ...
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By LLoyd Nichols, Southwest Florida Homes By The Sea
(Premier Florida Realty)
Dozen of Master Sculptors competed this last week end in Fort Myers Beach. The competition was stiff. Following is a bio of these amazing artists: This time I came back with a camera and was eager to take a closer look at this ephemeral and mercurial art form. One sculptor told me that she uses elmer glue mixed with water and sprays the sculpture bit by bit. That is why they look pretty strong and can withstand some premature erosion. They can take your breath away.    Windows Live Spaces       On November 8-9th 2008 The American Sand Sculpting  Championship Festival  took place on the shores of the Outrigger and the Holiday Inn and attracted thousands of visitors to our island.A well needed event during a compromised national economy,we could...
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By Karen Nichols, Beach Realtor - Ft. Myers
(Premier Florida Realty of SWFL)
November Novel Writing Month has been taking place for years.  Run by, you may go to that website for more information.  It's a little late to sign up now, but there's always next year. The point is to write a 50,000 word novel in one month.  I decided to try it this year.  I write in different places, at home, at the library, at a coffee place on Estero Blvd., here on Fort Myers Beach, but write I must if I hope to complete this project.  The first week ends tonight.  I am up nearly 11,000 words.  Three weeks and another 39,000 words to go.  An Exerpt from my novel: (Did I mention that my main characater is a Realtor and that the setting is Fort Myers Beach, Florida) When introduced to Patti Harrison at the first Happy Hour convention by their broker, Sal, Patti shook...
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By LLoyd Nichols, Southwest Florida Homes By The Sea
(Premier Florida Realty)
I actually found the election so compelling that I took a break from Activerain.  Many folks are overjoyed that Obama won. There are others who are not so happy.  In any event, everyone should at least give him a chance.  That's only fair. It's a beautiful day outside on Fort Myers Beach.  I believe that the high was 80 degrees or so.  I was out biking around today, enjoying life on this gem of an Island.  We all need a break from real estate and our other endeavors and obligations once in awhile.  Biking around today was truly invigorating.
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By LLoyd Nichols, Southwest Florida Homes By The Sea
(Premier Florida Realty)
The American Sandsculpting Championship Festival is one of the most popular events on Fort Myers Beach, Florida This weekend, I notice a very crowded Island, most of whom have traveled here to witness the beautiful works of art that are created in our white sand.  Every year, world famous sand artist gather to participate and create.   You would think that it would be an easy matter for my wife and I to run down and see the progress all throughout the weekend, but in fact, the contest is held on the south side of the Island, near the Holiday Inn, about four miles from our home.  So, we, too, have to brave the crowds, although four miles on a bike isn't a big deal. sand sculptor Michel LePire    
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By Sean Allen, International Financing Solutions
(International Financing Solutions )
    Hello Folks, Below is Part III of the pictures from the 2008 Fort Myers Beach Sand Sculpting Championship. If you missed parts I & II, please click below to take you to them...   Sincerely,Sean AllenPresidentInternational Financing Solutionsa division of Sean Allen, Inc.Skype: sean.allen5www.InternationalFinancingSolutions.comSpecializing in Development Financing Around the World***The best way to reach me is via e-mail*** Get personalized, professional email like this.    
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By Sean Allen, International Financing Solutions
(International Financing Solutions )
    Hello Folks, Below is "Part II" of the Photos from the 2008 Fort Myers Beach Sand Sculpting Championship held behind the Holiday Inn and Outrigger Hotels. If you missed Parts I & III, please click below to be directed to those blogs... Sincerely,Sean AllenPresidentInternational Financing Solutionsa division of Sean Allen, Inc.Skype: sean.allen5www.InternationalFinancingSolutions.comSpecializing in Development Financing Around the World***The best way to reach me is via e-mail*** Get personalized, professional email like this.    
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By Sean Allen, International Financing Solutions
(International Financing Solutions )
    Hello Folks, Well  ...... This morning we went to check out the Sand Sculptures on Fort Myers Beach. All of the artist were working on their artwork today in preparation to the awards ceremony which come after 5pm on Sunday (tomorrow). The variety of artwork was quite amazing. Last year, the Sand Sculpture contest was broker up into two separate areas ... the Professionals on one section of Beach and the Amatures on another section. Well, this year they had the same two areas, but I honestly could not see any difference between the "Pros" and Amatures. Last year it was easy to see the difference in quality. We arrived at 8:30am in an attempt to beat the crown, which we did, BUT by the time we left it was becoming noticably more crowded. Sunday would be the best day to see the finis...
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By Sean Allen, International Financing Solutions
(International Financing Solutions )
    Hello Folks,  The 2008 Ft. Myers Beach Sandsculpting Championship is being held on Ft. Myers Beach this weekend. The contest actually started yesterday (Wednesday November 5) and last through Sunday (November 9).  The contest takes place toward the southern end of Ft. Myers Beach behind the Holiday Inn. If you choose to go on Saturday or Sunday be prepared to park a fair distance away and have to walk to get to the contest. You are able to park in a couple designated areas and take the Trolley for free.  One area for Public parking is the Lover's Key State Park. The park has a huge grassy area for parking your car and then hop on the FREE Trolley to the Sand Sculpture and back.  The other parking area is at Summerlin Square Plaza. Again you can park your car here and then take the ...
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By Bill Gillhespy, Fort Myers Beach Realtor, Fort Myers Beach Agent - Homes & Condos
(16 Sunview Blvd)
As a Fort Myers Beach resident I look forward to the annual Sand Sculpting contest !  This year I was asked to be the Site Manager for the Holiday Inn portion of the contest.  The site managers' job is to make sure things run smoothly, on time and in accordance with the rules.  Over time the sand sculpting community have developed a rather well defined set of rules/guidelines for conducting their events. Many of the artists come from around the country and world.  For some, this is their sole means of income !  Imagine, traveling to fun places, building amazing sand sculptures usually on a beautiful beach ! The first thing I learned was how totally difficult the sculpting really is.  As you will see in the following pictures the contestants must shovel a couple tons of beach sand, build...
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By Bill Gillhespy, Fort Myers Beach Realtor, Fort Myers Beach Agent - Homes & Condos
(16 Sunview Blvd)
I spent many hours studying the issues, watching the debates and listening to the candidates and the analysis offered by experienced talking heads !  Then I learned that I was to be the site manager for the Fort Myers Beach sand sculpting event riunning Nov 4 - 9 !   So, last weekend I decided I would vote early !  The voting place was very well organized, well staffed and efficiently run.  The entire process took just over an hour.  It was interesting to watch all of the other early voters. As I waited my turn I really felt like this was democracy at its' finest !  Ordinary citizens gathered to exercise their most cherished right !  Voting their conscience ! Voting for McCain or Obama to lead this great country through some very difficult times ahead of us.  I felt very honored to be ...
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By Karen Nichols, Beach Realtor - Ft. Myers
(Premier Florida Realty of SWFL)
This poem was inspired by the fact that I no longer know or care that I don't know the latest music.   The Last Rock Stars  Firstly, there was Bob a folk artist going astray Neil from the north country strumming and strunged out Eric making love to his guitar and George's alluring wife Jethro hypnotizing his flute no longer too young to die Brazen belting Bruce and his Jersey beach town Freddie being positive Kurt taking his own life due to Georgia's son, Michael Lars riding that freight train. Lastly, Steven Patrick Smiths And Paul David Hewson The voices of these two Remaining with me in tune, No other appears Over these many years.     - written by Karen Nichols, Fort Myers Beach, Florida  
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By LLoyd Nichols, Southwest Florida Homes By The Sea
(Premier Florida Realty)
This one stands out.  It's a single family.  950 square feet, 2 bedrooms/1 bathroom with an additional bedroom and bath on the lower level.  Mid-Island.  $170,000 Listing Price.  Short Sale. I know these deals won't last forever and this one won't last long, but it's amazing that there is actually a single family home on Fort Myers Beach,  Florida under $200,000. LLoyd NicholsRight Choice Realty LLC6360 Presidential Court, Suite 4Fort Myers, FL 33919Realtorlloydn@aol.comcell: 239-810-2980Fax: 239-463-4826home office: 239-463-5217Active Rain Blog: Website: home is in good condition, too, with central AC.
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By LLoyd Nichols, Southwest Florida Homes By The Sea
(Premier Florida Realty)
If your dog is easily agitated or does not get along with children, put your pet in a quiet room on Halloween, away from the front door and trick-or-treaters.  Even if your pooch enjoys such festivities, make sure the dog doesn't get out the door when the kids come calling. Make sure any candles or carved pumpkins with candles are up out of reach. Keep candy away from the pooch.  Chocolate can be extremely toxic to some dogs.  If you put a costume on your pooch, make sure it doesn't restrain movement or ability to breathe.  This can be a lot of fun, but  make it short term, as most dogs don't like clothing on them. Don't let the family dog accompany the kids on their trick-or-treat outing. Children may have a difficult time handling a pet during the outing and may become districted and...
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By Bill Gillhespy, Fort Myers Beach Realtor, Fort Myers Beach Agent - Homes & Condos
(16 Sunview Blvd)
Please mark your event calandars for Saturday, Oct 25th , 2008.  On that date the Fort Myers Beach Holiday Inn will host the Benefit for Hope Hospice !      Start time is 10 AM  -  8 PM with live music, hotel and dinner raffle prizes.  It’s a ropical beach party so dress your tropical/island best to win great prizes !  Live entertainment during the day.  For additional details:  Buying or selling?  Bill Gillhespy  239  699-7128  
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By Karen Nichols, Beach Realtor - Ft. Myers
(Premier Florida Realty of SWFL)
The Long Hot Florida Summer is finally over. As I sit in the office at the computer here on this little island, Fort Myers Beach, windows open, I feel the longed for cool breeze on my shoulders(to northerners, this would, most likely, feel like a warm, summer breeze). Below are memories from Summer, 2008, from June at doggie beach with Mimi through Fourth of July to my husband's birthday in September.
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By LLoyd Nichols, Southwest Florida Homes By The Sea
(Premier Florida Realty)
If you are looking for a place to kick back, listen to some live music and enjoy some straight forward but fresh food then, Bonita Bill's Waterfront Cafe is the place for you. It is located at 702 Fisherman's Warf, San Carlos Island which is part of the Fort Myers Beach community, part of it under the Sky Bridge.     You may enjoy lots of fresh gulf shrimp, gumbo, cheese sticks,soup of the day soups, breakfasts, tasty chicken fingers and french fries with sweet and sour sauce all sorts of beers and wines for very reasonable prices.All this with a view of an old fashion marina where boaters may just dock their boats while refreshing themselves at Bonita Bill's.If you have any questions regarding Fort Myers Beach waterfront homes or just properties give me a shout.       There is nothing ...
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By Bill Gillhespy, Fort Myers Beach Realtor, Fort Myers Beach Agent - Homes & Condos
(16 Sunview Blvd)
Calling all Fort Myers & Fort Myers Beach area golfers !    Please mark your calendars for Nov 29, 2008 to take part in the annual Fort Myers Beach " Relay For Life " fight against cancer.  The cost is $50/person and includes all course fees, cart, lunch and drinks.  Tee off time is 8 AM at the Bay BEach Golf CLub.  This is a great event for a terrific cause!   For additional details and to support the cause call Bob Bunting at 239  850-9293.  See you there !
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