Fort Myers Beach Elementary FCAT scores are tops !
By Bill Gillhespy, Fort Myers Beach Realtor, Fort Myers Beach Agent - Homes & Condos
(16 Sunview Blvd)
The latest FCAT ( Florida Comprehensive Assessment Tests ) scores for third graders show outstanding results for the Fort Myers Beach Elementary School ! The tests are given state wide and results provide a glimps into the effectiveness of local schools. "We work very hard and sometimes it shows, as it has this year," said Fort Myers Beach Principal Larry Wood, who saw 100 percent of his school's third-graders score at grade level or higher in math and 95 percent of the class do so in reading. "We've got a great staff and tremendous support from our community and parents," Wood said. "We're very proud of our kids." The local elementary is supported by a great staff and parent support groups. Congratulations to all of the kids and staff !