
Coral Springs, FL Real Estate News

By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
I have started going around and taking pictures of the surrounding areas. One place I thought about taking pictures of a place I love to go and relax. Most people don't go here. Why? Not sure. Maybe they don't know much of this area. I kind of don't want to give my secret away, but at the same time how could I not. Its so relaxing. Its Pompano Beach, straight down Atlantic Blvd to the end. Leads you right to it. You park right up(meter parking) and walk down the path. Just looking at the path shows how relaxing this beach can be.            I took the ride there the other day with my boys to take some of these pictures and also a video. They didn't want to leave. So we went down by the water and collected sea shells and watch how the waves came up to the sand. They had a blast. We then...
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
Shoppers, mark your calendars: Florida's weeklong back-to-school sales tax holiday will be Aug. 2-8 under a legislative compromise nearing final approval. Exempted from the state's 6 percent sales tax will be clothing, shoes and backpacks priced at $50 or less, as well as school supplies less than $10. This is the best time to purchase your supplies and clothing. Plus it will kick start the economy again. Its a win win situation. As many of you know this is a yearly event. I not only look forward to purchase my kids stuff for school, but take the chance to buy for myself. So mark your calendars! I will see you in the stores!! Jeannette Neerpat 9000 Sheridan Street Suite 90 Pembroke Pines, Fl 33024 Would you like a Free Market Anaylsis? Visit or click on the picture below.
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
      Here are your Stats for March and Febuary for 2008 and 2007 for single family residenance. Median Sales price for March 2008 is $290,000 Median Sales price for march 2007 is $330,000 Median Sales price for Febuary 2008 is $275,000 Median Sales price for Febuary 2007 is $315,000                           Here are your Stats for March and Febuary 2008 and 2007 for Condominiums Median Sales price for March 2008 is $167,500 Median Sales price for march 2007 is $199,900 Median Sales price for Febuary 2008 is $175,000 Median Sales price for Febuary 2007 is $210,000                           Jeannette Neerpat 9000 Sheridan Street  Suite 90 Pembroke Pines, Fl 33024   Would you like a Free Market Anaylsis? Visit or Click on the picture below!  
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
Lowest Gas Prices in Broward County Price    Station    Address    City    Time 3.63    RaceTrac    Pembroke Rd & SW 40th Ave    Hollywood    May 10, 8:41 PM 3.63    RaceTrac    Pembroke Rd & SW 40 Ave    Pembroke Pines    May 10, 9:40 AM 3.65    Shell    13605 W Sunrise Blvd & NW 136th Ave    Sunrise    May 10, 10:45 PM 3.66    Costco    1800 W Sample Rd near N Powerline Rd    Pompano Beach    May 10, 1:30 PM 3.67    Mobil    100 N FL-7 & Hollywood Blvd    Hollywood    May 10, 9:45 AM 3.69    RaceTrac    2855 SW 64th Ave & Nova Dr    Davie    May 12, 12:00 PM 3.69    Hess    2860 SW 64th Ave & Palm Trace Landings Dr    Davie    May 11, 10:30 PM 3.69    Shell    501 E Atlantic Blvd & NE 5th Ave    Pompano Beach    May 11, 8:30 PM 3.69    Hess    4695 N University Dr & NW 47th St    Lau...
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
The other day I posted my day with my daugher at her school. I have been trying to upload the video of her class singing to all the moms. I have finally got it uploaded and wanted to share it with you. This song is meant for all mom's. Happy Mother's Day!
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
Yesterday I was headed to see the Doctor for an issue I had been having with my hand. As I was going there my car started making a funny noise. At the same time someone was honking his horn to let me know I had a flat tire. So I pulled over to the nearest parking lot. It was complete flat! I got the van up on the jack and was trying to loosed the lug nuts. But with my hand issues I couldn't. I gave my husband a call and he said he would meet me at the parking lot. I didn't want to miss my appointment, so I ran, I walked, I speed walked. Got there in ten minutes. Left the van up on the jack. My Doctor drove me back to the van. It was so hot outside. My husband was still a few minutes out. So I tried again. This time I was jumping on the tire iron. There was a couple driving by and pulled...
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
I was reading the paper yesterday when I cam across an article about a State Officials are asking that the State of Florida be divided into two States- North Florida and South Florida. The dividing line would be at the start of Palm Beach County. When most of us speak about Florida we already divide ourselves as from South Florida if we are from Fort Lauderdale, Miami- Dade or Palm Beach, and North Florida anywhere north of Palm Beach. Apparently the spending habits between the two are quite different and Officials feel that by dividing the state would be beneficial to the citzens. It seems we are not the only State looking into this, Wisconsin and Hiawaii are in the talks as well.   Would this change how we see Florida? Will it change how spending is done by our government? Would this...
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
Mother's Day Tea Party So today was the Mother's Day Tea Party and as you all knew, when she started to sing she made me cry. When all the moms got there we had to wait in line and each one of us was given a pin that they made and walked over to our seat. We sat down and waited to everyone was in. Then the teacher went on to explain how much work our children put into todays Tea Party. They cleaned the room and prepared the tables with mats they made with flowers. Each table had a box of tissues on them. I laughed and asked what is this for? My daughter replied, " For Happy Tears". They walked to the circle and started to sing. I made it half way through and started to cry. I was holding the camera and trying not to drop it. She did just beautiful. She made sure that she pointed to me ...
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
Mother's Day Tea Party with my Daughter. I have been invited by my daughter and her school for a Mother's Day Tea party tommorrow at 10 am. She has been talking about this party for days now. How she has been practicing her special song for me. That she is going to make me cry. I am scheduled to work this day and had to rearrange my schedule not to break my daughters heart or mine. As you saw yesterday, my daughter Anissa is 5 years old and this is a first of many special things to come. I am looking forward to tommorrows breakfast and to see what she has in stored for me. I even got a written invitation from her yesterday. As you can see below. So tommorrow after our breakfast I will post the video and pictures of our lovely day!! Jeannette Neerpat 9000 Sheridan Street Suite 90 Pembro...
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
This past friday was early registration for Kindergarden. So my daughter and I went to go register. We got there early and she watched how all the kids were getting to school. They were coming by bus, walking, bikes and parents dropping off. She was amazed and excited. All I could think was I can't believe my daughter is starting school. Fear and excitment all at the same time, who would have thought!So while we were on line I noticed many parents being turned away. It turned out that many of the kids were missing a second Varicella Shot. Including my daughter. So luckily her doctor's office was in the building next door and were able to go and get her shot and come right back to register before it was over. She was not happy with. But she got her pride shirt and made up for it.Looking ...
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
So this weekend I spent the day at home doing some spring cleaning. First was the garage then it was the garden. Now I don't have a green thumb so I try to stay away from flowers or any pretty plants. But my fathter in law insisted I get something to bring it some color. We went to home depot together and went looking. I don't know the difference between Perinals vs. Annuals. He went to explain Perinals bloom all year round, where annuals are sesonal. Here are some of the flowers we went with.                     I plan on putting in  some more, but for now we will stay with this. If anyone has any other suggestions that are low maintance. Please feel free to leave them in the comment section with a picture of what the flower looks like! I would love to plant them. Once my flowers star...
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
Demographics for Pompano Beach, Florida Educational Achievement: Marital Status: (among people 25 years or older) (among people 15 years or older) Less than 9th grade: 5% Never married: 28.3% 9th-12th grade (nongrad): 11.2% Married: 50.8% High school graduate: 29.6% Separated: 2.6% Some college: 23.3% Widowed: 6.5% Associate degree: 8.3% Divorced: 11.7% Bachelors degree: 15.5% Stability/Newcomer Appeal: Graduate/Professional: 7.3% Same home 5+ years:  39.1% High school or higher: 83.9% Social and economic indicators based on 2000 Census sample data. Bachelors or higher: 22.8% Green = Above U.S. Avg Red = Below U.S. Avg  Red bkg. = Above U.S. Avg   Green bkg. = Below U.S. Avg  Economic Indicators Household Income   Occupation <$10,000  7.9% (among employed persons over 16) $10,000-$14,9...
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
Demographic Information (education, marital status, median income, occupation, racial diversity, age) for ZIP Code 33065 in POMPANO BEACH, FL Demographics for Pompano Beach Florida Jeannette Neerpat 9000 Sheridan Street Suite 90 Pembroke Pines, Fl 33024 Would you like a Free Market Anaylsis? Visit Or click on the picture below
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
Hazardous Waste Drop-off Events                                    Slated for Tamarac, Weston Broward County residents are encouraged to take advantage of two free hazardous waste and electronics drop-off events in May: Sunday, May 4, Public Works Complex, 6011 Nob Hill Rd., Tamarac. Sunday, May 18, Public Works Complex, 2599 South Post Rd., Weston Proof of Broward County residency is required. Residents can dispose of household hazardous waste including paint, solvents, motor oil, pesticides, household chemicals, lawn and pool chemicals, mercury thermometers, propane tanks and fire extinguishers.  Acceptable used electronics include televisions, computers, monitors, keyboards, printers, fax machines, cell phones and rechargeable batteries. Jeannette Neerpat 9000 Sheridan Street Suite ...
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
County Plans Hurricane Expo                                            On May 31 in Plantation Broward County will host the third annual Hurricane Expo on Saturday, May 31, 2008, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., at the Broward County Emergency Operations Center (EOC), 201 N.W. 84th Ave., Plantation.  The event is free and open to the public. The expo traditionally features exhibitors, including businesses, governments and other agencies, who will provide valuable hurricane preparedness information. There will be public tours of Broward’s EOC and the Mobile Command Center. In addition to the exhibitors, there will be displays, giveaways and light refreshments. A new feature this year will be scheduled demonstrations every hour throughout the expo. As part of this year’s educational and outreach efforts,...
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
I met with a buyer last night at a listing. We had talked on the phone several times, but it was our first meeting. The home was lovely, but not what he was looking for. I got to talking with him trying to learn more of what he wanted now that I had a rough idea from the home we just looked at. he sold his home last month and is renting back till June when his daughter finishes school. He sold in Plantation, Fl and now is looking in t. I asked Why not use the agent who sold your home since you are staying in the area? You know what he told me, because my agent told me up front, I only work with sellers!!! Never buyers. OK i know we have listing agents and buyers agents. A few years ago this was fine, business was so busy that you needed agents who worked that way. But NOW, its not like...
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By Lynn Pineda, Real Estate Promises delivered in SE Florida
(eXp Realty)
Want to sell your home as a Short Sale in Coral Springs and the surrounding Broward County?First and foremost, stay away from those who promise to sell your home for you as a Short Sale for a fee. RUN!!!Some Service companies, Attorneys and/or Agents are seeking out the distressed homeowner facing foreclosure, knowing they're distraught and that they might do just about anything to save their home from foreclosure. Yes, these homeowners quite often think that if they scrape up enough money to pay for their services up front that it must really work; well, there is no guarantee that negotiating a short sale can work for any price. The only way to be guaranteed relief from your foreclosure is to have a buyer for your home, have your lender accept the buyer's offer and your home gets sold ...
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
Are you looking for a program to teach your child how to swim? Florida is the number one state for drownings. There are four parks that are offering swimming lessons. I will be the first to say that none of my kids no how to swim and will be taking some lessons this summer. I hope that you will do the same! Here is the information! Four Broward County parks are offering swimming lessons during the summer, geared for children as young as two years of age, through adult. The “Learn to Swim” programs will meet for a total of eight lessons, Mondays through Thursdays. Classes are 30 minutes long (rained-out classes will be on Fridays). Six different courses are offered. Schedules and courses vary, depending on the park. The first of four sessions start on June 9. Pre-registration is encoura...
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
I am currently working with two buyers right now. Both called me with the intentions of only looking and buying forclosures. They were both under the assumption that it was the only way they could purchase a property in the price range they were looking in. You see one is in the price range on 150k to 160k looking in Hollywood, Fl, and the other is under 250k in Tamarac and Coral Springs, Fl.   Now don't get me wrong there are a good amount of  deals with foreclosures. But I believe there are more motivated sellers out there with great deals. Some are giving seller's concessions, for those of you who don't know what that is, it means sellers are willing to help with either your down payment or with closing cost! The foreslosed properties won't or can't give you that kind of  option. On...
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By Lynn Pineda, Real Estate Promises delivered in SE Florida
(eXp Realty)
. . . starts by having a Real Estate Agent list your home who's in the know when it comes to short sales. You'll hear time and time again from others how short sales are full of problems and take forever. Well if you want to ease your pain and lessen the time frame, make sure your Real Estate Agent knows the process.I had a call today from an Agent who wanted to show one of my short sale listings. She asked me if anything has been submitted to the bank yet and I responded "...No, as I haven't had any offers yet..." And she abruptly told me that I could have submitted to the bank because she has before and she said, "...oh, I just need showing instructions..." However, I took her back to her statement and asked her on it - I said to her," you've submitted what to the bank and they'v...
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Explore Coral Springs, FL