Keep Your Stinkin' Prada Pur$e!
By Chris Griffith, Bonita Springs Listing Specialist - Agent
(Downing-Frye Realty, Bonita Springs, FL)
One of my "kids" is sick. It has been a long couple of weeks around here. He's been under the weather for a while and it was with great apprehension that I took him to the doctor. Jack's and old man in both dog and people years. I love him so!The team at White Sands Clinic in Bonita Springs is just awesome. They've always been awesome. They've litterally saved Jack a half dozen times so far. I am counting on them to do it again. He'$ the Prada pur$e I've alway$ wanted. I think he's pushed on to belt, $hoes and he'$ working through acce$$orie$, now.The battery of tests revealed he is, for the most part, healthy. I was dreading liver or kidney disease since he's been pukey and he's a geezer. His blood and heart are normal. When they did the X-ray it was discovered that there is...