Best Buy - Triumph and Tragedy.
By Chris Griffith, Bonita Springs Listing Specialist - Agent
(Downing-Frye Realty, Bonita Springs, FL)
Triumph for some, tragedy for me. I hate shopping and I especially hate shopping in the electronics sort of stores. Best Buy is a bottomless pit for me. It may as well be an auto parts store. I know that every time I step foot through that door, I'm kissing a minimum of one hour of my life good bye. If Al Gorithm is with me, I immediately walk through the door, hang a right and end up on the sofa pit group in the entertainment center room. It's not necessary for me to stand on my feet and suffer through this entire event is it?Well, horror of all horrors, last night I got dragged kicking and screaming into Best Buy and the sofa is GONE! There are only two chairs in front of a kick butt plasma tv. I patiently waited for the occupants to vacate and I snagged my spot. Friday nigh...