
Sharon, CT Real Estate News

By Lesley Burton-Dallas, Environmental Consultant
(Turtle Clan Global)
Being a transplant from Southern California to New England around 8 years ago, I still haven't gotten used to the beauty of my new surroundings...I live in a little town named Sharon, Connecticut which is where we run our Mold Testing company, Turtle Clan Environment Testing, Inc. Today on this unbelievably beautiful day and feeling particularly like a little girl again,, I'm putting on some shorts and walking around the corner to Ellsworth Farm and picking some blueberries and raspberries and counting my blessings that I live in one of the most gorgeous places in the world...Litchfield Hills, Connecticut! I wish all of my AR family a peaceful joyous weekend and... Luv2uall!  
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By Lesley Burton-Dallas, Environmental Consultant
(Turtle Clan Global)
For all of you seeking solutions to high power bills, check this out...  A series of Harmonic Mitigating Transformers will significantly save money as well as extend the life of electrical equipment by eliminating harmonic disturbance. They are LEED certifiable and reduce the heat within computers, monitors, servers, A/C loading and all the circuits and transformers that supply them. They also reduce voltage and current distortion as well as transformer losses. We have helped hospitals, airports, Casinos, Universities, retail, restaurants, banks save thousands and create more efficient systems. So definitely check this out if you get a chance! Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend! Lesley       TURTLE CLAN ENVIRONMENT TESTING INC. is comprised of a team of EXPERTS with over 10...
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By Lesley Burton-Dallas, Environmental Consultant
(Turtle Clan Global)
I had to share this with you because I am so excited about it I can barely stand it! Was in Boston a few weeks back and had a meeting with a young Doctor who has a proprietary way of growing any kind of fish or shell fish in closed loop systems that are completely free from all the horrifying stories of current methods of fish farming which is almost as bad as eating antibiotic filled beef. We are bringing this technology to First Nations Peoples around the world providing communities with a sustainable crop, an organic wholesome fish to eat,  and economic development! I'm really excited about this project, so wish us luck! I just can't wait to eat fish that won't make me feel guilty for eating endangered species or scared about all the chemicals, mercury, antibiotics etc...            ...
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By Lesley Burton-Dallas, Environmental Consultant
(Turtle Clan Global)
 Building a new home provides the opportunity for preventing indoor air problems. However, it can result in exposure to higher levels of indoor air contaminants if careful attention is not given to potential pollution sources and the air exchange rate. Express your concerns about indoor air quality to your LEED architect or builder and enlist his or her cooperation in taking measures to provide good indoor air quality. Talk both about purchasing environmentally friendly building materials and furnishings that are low-emitting and about providing an adequate amount of ventilation. The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) recommends a ventilation rate of 0.35 ach (air changes per hour) for new homes, and some new homes are built to even tight...
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By Lesley Burton-Dallas, Environmental Consultant
(Turtle Clan Global)
 In recent years, a number of our clients have associated a variety of symptoms with the installation of new carpet. When hired to sample, we found high numbers of formaldehyde and many other harmful VOC's( Volotile Organic Compounds) Scientists have not been able to determine whether the chemicals emitted by new carpets are responsible. Seems like kind of a DUH! So while I'm obviously not a huge fan of carpets, if you MUST have them in your home, here are some helpful hints.  If you are installing new carpet, you may wish to take the following steps: Talk to your carpet retailer. Ask for information on emissions from carpet. Ask the retailer to unroll and air out the carpet in a well-ventilated area before installation. Ask for low-emitting adhesives if adhesives are needed. Consider l...
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