
Branford, CT Real Estate News

Understanding the general direction of the current Branford CT real estate market conditions is of vital importance to both buyers and sellers in order to help you make a more informed decision when buying or selling a home in Branford. There are currently 113 homes for sale in Branford ranging in price from $167,500 to $7,775,000.  In January four homes sold in Branford and there are ten homes currently under deposit. Here is a summary of the Branford CT real estate market that provides a more in depth view of market conditions over the past twelve months. This data shows that we're now seeing a substantial increase in the the months supply of homes on the market from a year ago.  While the median sales price has remained relatively the same in the past year, there has been an almost 2...
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By Jamie Dumaine-Russell
(RE/MAX Alliance)
 Stony Creek Branford CT Waterfront Community Along the very scenic Route 146 you will find the Stony Creek Branford CT Waterfront Community, a very desirable shoreline neighborhood located in the southeast corner of town.  It was the first shoreline community settled in the late 18th century,Stony Creek will fill your senses with its New England charm and ambiance.  Driving through the narrow streets in the village, you'll see lobster pots, fishing boats and buoys in all shapes and sizes.You'll find tourists and residents alike strolling through the village where you can shop for clothing, antiques, jewelry and tackle, grab a bite to eat and if you're fortunate enough hear the Stony Creek Fife and Drum Corps with its long tradition of performing patriotic music for over 120 years. The ...
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In today's current market, more and more Connecticut homeowners are experiencing financial distress and finding themselves in danger of losing their home to foreclosure. Sensing the overwhelming urgency and need to help these homeowners, it was just as important to acquire the training, education and specialized knowledge necessary to assist these families in finding better solutions for their future. I am very proud to be the first and only agent in Branford CT to earn the Certified Distressed Property Expert (CDPE) designation joining less than 1,000 nationwide (out of 1.2 million Realtors in the U.S.) who have completed this extensive training course in foreclosure avoidance and short sales. This expertise will be invaluable to offer at a time when the New Haven County area is ravage...
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First Time Homebuyers-Branford Condos-Great Buys For Under $250,000   In today's real estate market, many first time home buyers are in search of a Branford condo. With interest rates remaining at low levels there is no better time than now for a first time homebuyer who is looking to purchase a condo in Branford.   There are a number of one and two bedroom condos currently available that are priced under $150,000.  The majority of the Branford condos in this price range are ranch style units but you can also occasionally find a townhouse in this price range.       In the$150,000 to $200,000 price range there are 20+ townhouses available in a wide range of complexes.  Many have a garage, full basement and may include the amenities of a pool, tennis court and clubhouse.       There is a ...
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By Jamie Dumaine-Russell
(RE/MAX Alliance)
In today's real estate market you are not alone if you are experiencing periods of financial instability and facing numerous hardships in trying to keep up with your mortgage payments and paying your monthly bills. Each day can be a struggle trying to cope with the unbearable stress and heartache knowing there is a possibiity that you might lose your home to foreclosure or may have to file for bankruptcy. Do you know that foreclosure is not the only option? Don't let his happen to you because you didn't know what they are.  An alternative to foreclosure is pursuing the option of a short sale.  A short sale is the sale of your home negotiated with a bank or mortgage compnay to accept less than what is owed on the property Did you know that banks prefer to do a short sale over a foreclosu...
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Short Sales in Branford Connecticut and New Haven County - This is a series of articles for buyers and sellers to better understand what a short sale is and how to decide what to offer on a short sale, myths and truths about offer prices on short sales.Here are the links to the Short Sales In Branford Connecticut and New Haven County Series: An Alternative to ForeclosureDo you qualify to do a short sale in New Haven County Connecticut? What you need to have in your Short Sale Package.The process of the Short Sale; what happens next.  There is quite a bit of misinformation about how much you can buy a short sale for. There are those that are watching late night TV shows about buying real estate at 50 cents on the dollar and with no money down. MYTH #1- The lenders are so desperate they w...
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Last Wednesday, I wrote the following post Thank You Active Rain!  My First Listing From Blogging! This condo had been on the market previously with another agent for 6 months without selling.  When I met with the seller last week we discussed the market in great detail and how important it was for her to position her unit with the best possible price for a quick sale as she is very anxious to relocate to Las Vegas, Nevada.  We put it on the market last Wednesday, had our first and only showing on Sunday, an offer on Tuesday and a signed contract today!  My seller is ecstastic, the agent who referred this client to me from Las Vegas is thrilled and I'm so thankful to Active Rain for making it all possible!!! *******************************************************************************...
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By Jamie Dumaine-Russell
(RE/MAX Alliance)
I am so thrilled to get my first listing from blogging on Active Rain!  About ten days ago I received an email from a Realtor in Las Vegas Nevada looking for an energetic agent to list and sell a condo for a client she had from Branford CT who is relocating to the Las Vegas area. When I spoke to the agent and asked how she happened to choose me, she told me she did a search online and came across one of my Active Rain posts about the Branford CT Condo market. I couldn't believe how far reaching the power of blogging truly is!  After receiving all of the necessary contact information, I contacted her client on Monday, met with her yesterday and listed the condo today!  Thank you Active Rain for letting me share the first of what I hope are many more stories of success! Active Rain Rocks!...
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Yesterday on the front page of our local newspaper was an article about a grandmother who had fallen prey to a phone scam that is taking place across the United States and Canada. One of my clients had just told me the story of how he had just been a victim of this scam a few days earlier. The targets of this scam are the elderly who receive a phone call from a person identifying themself to be their grandson, granddaughter or other family member claiming they need emergency cash for bail or an automobile accident. Please be very cautious and do not  give any personal or monetary information or wire money to anyone who calls you on the telephone.  Wire transfers are very hard to trace and a red flag should go up immediately if someone asks you to wire money. If you have a family member ...
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This series about Short Sales in Branford Connecticut and New Haven County continues as we further explore what happens when an offer has been made on a short sale listing.  This article is of important interest to buyers who are considering making offers on short sales.  As a buyer you should know what is included and your agent should understand and be able to follow the process of making a short sale offer. To fully understand and be up to date about short sales in Branford Connecticut and New Haven County you may want to consider reading the other 3 parts of this series: Short Sales In Branford Connecticut and New Haven County - An Alternative to Foreclosure - Part 1 Short Sales in Branford Connecticut and New Haven County - Do You Qualify? - Part 2 Short Sales in Branford Connectic...
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By Jamie Dumaine-Russell
(RE/MAX Alliance)
There are currently 135 Branford CT condos for sale rangining in price from $89,900 to $894,500. Understanding the general direction of the current Branford CT condo real estate market is of vital importance to both sellers and buyers.  In analyzing these trends, property absorption rates provide a good indication of whether the current real estate cycle is a buyer's market, a seller's market or a balanced market. Below is the  most up-to-date absorption rate analysis: Featured below are the Branford CT Condo Real Estate sales in the past 3 months. Statistics are broken down by price range for a better view of the current market Overall, the Branford CT condo real estate market has seen about a 8.3% decrease in the average price of condominium sales in the past twelve months.  If you a...
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By Jamie Dumaine-Russell
(RE/MAX Alliance)
Jefferson Woods Branford Connecticut Market Report October 2008   There are currently ten condominium units for sale in the Jefferson Woods complex ranging in price from $131,000 to $204,500. They include s a one bedroom ranch style unit and nine two bedroom townhouse units In the month of October two townhouse units sold in the complex. One unit sold for $170,500 and the second sold for $197,000. The average list price was 194,250 with an average sales price of $183,750.   The average market time for these two units was143 days with an average sale price to list price ratio of 94%. From January to October of this year a total of 15 condos have sold in the Jefferson Woods Branford Connecticut condo complex compared to a total of 19 condos that sold during this same period in 2007. The a...
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By Jamie Dumaine-Russell
(RE/MAX Alliance)
Branford CT Waterfront Real Estate Market Report October 2008There are currently 29 homes listed as Branford CT Waterfront Real Estate.  The description of these homes can vary from a small cottage with ocean views to an exquisite waterfront estate or your very own private island.  In addition Branford CT is a great location if you're looking for a home overlooking a lake, brook, pond or river.  The list price for these homes start in the $280,000 range up to over $7,000,000 offering a very broad range of home styles for any buyer looking to move into the Branford area.Understanding the general direction of the current Branford CT waterfront real estate market is of vital importance to both sellers and buyers.  In analyzing these trends, property absorption rates provide a good indicati...
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By Jamie Dumaine-Russell
(RE/MAX Alliance)
So far the weather this first weekend of November has been picture perfect to get out and snap a few photos of the colors as the fall season nears its end in Branford Connecticut.  Living in New England and near the Branford Connecticut waterfront really gives you the opportunity to capture both the transormation of the foliage and scenery along the water. Here are some additional facts about the month of November you may not have known: November is the eleventh month year and was the ninth month of the year in the early Roman calendar.  November kept its name which was taken from "novem" the Latin word for nine when the Romans added January and February to the Roman calendar. The birthstone for November is the yellow topaz and the flower for the month of November is the chrysanthemum. ...
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By Jamie Dumaine-Russell
(RE/MAX Alliance)
Branford Connecticut Real Estate Market Report Q3 2008 Understanding the general direction of the current Branford Connecticut real estate market is of vital importance to both sellers and buyers.  In analyzing these trends, property absorption rates provide a good indication of whether the current real estate cycle is a buyer's market, a seller's market or a balanced market. There are currently 135 Branford Connecticut homes for sale (single family).Below is the  most up-to-date absorption rate analysis:  :    Featured below are Branford Connecticut Real Estate Sales for third quarter. Statistics are broken down into sales price ranges for a better view of the current market with the greatest number of sales between the price range of $250,000 to $500,000. Overall, the Branford real es...
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Short Sales in Branford Connecticut and New Haven County – What You Need To Know – Part 3   The Short Sales in Branford Connecticut and New Haven County is a series of articles for buyers and sellers to gain a better understanding of what a short sale is and how to move forward with closing on a short sale. In order to be thoroughly familiar where we are in the series, please read Part 1 and Part 2.Short Sales In Branford Connecticut and New Haven County - An Alternative to Foreclosure - Part 1 Short Sales in Branford Connecticut and New Haven County - Do You Qualify? - Part 2You now know what a short sale is and you have passed the qualifying test outlined in the previous posts. Now here is what you need to do to put your short sale package together for your lender and your agent.Your ...
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By Jamie Dumaine-Russell
(RE/MAX Alliance)
Branford CT Waterfront-A Picture Perfect Day At Branford Point There are advantages to working in an office so close the Branford CT waterfront. It was such a gorgeous sun shiny day today I decided rather than having lunch in the office I'd go down to a small local deli, grab a sandwich and take a drive down to Branford Point to enjoy my lunch. During the summer months I would very often enjoy lunch at Branford Point so I could take in the views of the marina and Branford Harbor.  Today it was exceptionally beautiful with the colors of autumn falling upon us and the relaxing calm of the water.  It literally took my mind off the stress of the day and filled me with such a feeling of peace and serenity I took off the rest of the afternoon!     Donna Bigda REALTOR®RE/MAX Alliance203-645-74...
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This is Part 2 of our short sale series, "Short Sales In Branford Connecticut and New Haven County - Do You Qualify?  In our first article of this series Short Sales In Branford Connecticut and New Haven County - An Alternative to Foreclosure - Part 1 we learned what a short sale is. If you own a home in Branford Connecticut and New Haven County, are behind on your mortgage payments or have found out that you owe more money to your lender than what a buyer is willing to pay for your home does not automatically mean you will be able to just sell your home for less than what is owed to your lender. To qualify as a short sale, you must pass the Hardship Test and show just and provable reasons why you cannot keep your home any longer.     The Hardship Test - As you go through each of these ...
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  If you are considering selling your Jefferson Woods condo there is a great deal of information you will need to prepare your condo for sale before putting it on the market. In today's marketplace, your condo will be in competition with other units not only in your individual complex but in the surrounding area as well.  Here are some tips that will help you to give you a big advantage over your competition:Tip #1 - Make It AttractiveBuyers today are looking at many properties and their selection is very often based on emotion so you need to make your condo inviting and appealing since you may be competing with other condos that have no pets, no children, are tastefully decorated and Mr. & Mrs. Clean as owners.Tip #2 - Start with the insideThe principal #1 rule you need to understand i...
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By Jamie Dumaine-Russell
(RE/MAX Alliance)
 Jefferson Woods Branford Connecticut Schools are all located less than 5 miles from the complex.  The three public schools for the children of Jefferson Woods are:     Mary T. Murphy Elementary SchoolPrincipal :  Anthony BuonoAddress:  14 Brushy Plain RoadBranford, CT  06405Phone :  203-483-1832Fax:  203-483-5189 The Mary Murphy School was originally known as Brushy Plain School and received  its name from being located on Brushy Plain Road. Built  on 7.27 acres of land in December 1960  the original school was built to hold 252 students and contained a kindergarten, eight classrooms, a health room, faculty room, conference room, and office space for a principal and secretary.   In 1989 the name of ths school was changed to Mary T. Murphy.   Renovations in 1990 included a new wing to t...
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